Week 4: Green Growth Flashcards
harmonize econ growth with env. sustainability => create win win strategy between env + econ
Green growth: critical aspects
- demand-side management => consumption pattern change
- eco tax reform, other econ. + institutional aspects
- increasing incomes with reduced env. impact
decouple econ growth with env pollution => continue growth but without growing env impact
GG: Concept changes
- env protection: from barrier to econ growth to a driver => environmental industries
- production and consumption: designed based on life cycle concepts
GG: System changes
- eco- efficiency of production and consumption
- more effective decision making required
- Green GDP, green accounting, green tax budget reform
Brown Growth
1) quantitative (GDP, economy-focused)
2) resource intensive (more input more output)
3) production factor-intensive (labor capital natural asset)
4) energy dependency (fossil fuel driven)
5) climate vulnerable (high risk, low adaptive capacity)
6) unsus growth
Green growth
1) Qualitative (holistic-economy, env, society)
2) resource-efficient (less input more outpu)
3) innovation based tech )value-added knowledge)
4) energy-self-sufficiency (renewable)
5) climate-resilient (low risk, high adaptive capacity)
6) SD
GG: Policy instruments
- eco-tax reform
- green tax
- green tax & budget reform
Korea GG
- strict recycling, volume based food waste fee system june 2013
China GG
resource-efficient economy, conservation-minded society and green GDP (retarding econ growth, abandoned)
Japan GG
reduce, reuse, recycle (3Rs)
GG Korea more
- switch energy sources to renewable sources
- increase energy efficiency
- develop tech and industries in energy supply and env protection
- integrate approaches into conventional industries
Korea GG Policy Vision and Direction: Strategies
1) Climate change adaptation and energy self-sufficiency
2) Development of new growth engines
3) good quality of life and leading country of GG
GG Policy Korea: 1) Climate change adaptation and energy self-sufficiency
- effective reduction of GHGs
- Non-fossil fuel-based energy supply
- higher capacity for CC adaptation
GG policy Korea: 2) Development of new growth engines
- Dev and commercialization of green tech
- greening of industries and dev of green industries
- upgrade of industrial structure
- foundation of green economy