Business exposure to risks ( in terms of technology/it development ) leading to control failure
- more IS means info available to more people
- decentralized / distributed networks - makes it difficult to implement central controls
- wide area networks compromising confidentiality
inherent idiosyncratic material risks of the currency ( crypto )
- business risk:
( value is strictly determined by the value that market participants place on them through their transactions, which means that loss of confidence may bring about a collapse of trading activities and an abrupt drop in value) - not backed:
- cyber/fraud risk :
( cryptocurrency is highly reliant upon unregulated companies, including some that may lack appropriate internal controls & , If the keys are stolen to a user’s wallet, the thief can fully impersonate the original owner of the account and has the same access to the monies in the wallet that the original owner has)
> associated risks also include
- operational risks
- regulatory/ compliance risk
- market risks
challenges in accounting for cryptocurrencies
- not backed & not cash
- volatile
- not financial instrument - no right to something
- how do we classify then?
why do we need controls - this links to “what is internal control”
- assurance in terms of business processes
- mitigate risk
- assurance in terms of laws
4 Internal control objectives ( similar to GAA )
- to safeguard assets
- to check the accuracy and reliability of accounting data
- to promote operational efficiency
- to encourage adherence to prescribed managerial policies
Primary objective of AIS
- control the organization so it can achieve objectives
- includes people - people who use frequently should be able to detect and correct/ minimize system threats, systems can be complex so this is essential
Types of internal controls
- Preventive controls
- Detective controls
- Corrective controls
General and application controls
important general:
1. Information systems management controls
- Security management controls
- Information technology infrastructure controls
- Software acquisition, development, and maintenance controls
Application controls - IOI of data
Five interrelated components of internal control
- control environment
- risk assessment
- control activities
- information &communication
- monitoring
The Sarbanes-Oxley and Foreign Corrupt Practices Acts 1977
- The primary purpose of this Act was to prevent the bribery of foreign officials in order to obtain business
- Applies to publicly held companies and their auditors and was intended to prevent financial statement fraud, make financial reports more transparent, provide protection to investors, strengthen the internal controls at public companies, and punish executives who perpetrate fraud.
New rules for auditors CPA
Audit committee members must be on the company’s board of directors and be independent of the company ( committee )
Requires the CEO and CFO to certify that financial statements and disclosures are fairly presented, were reviewed by management, and are not misleading.
Management can be imprisoned up to 20 years and fined up to $5,000,000.
Requires publicly held companies to issue a report accompanying the financial statements that states management is responsible for establishing and maintaining an adequate internal control structure and appropriate control procedures.
aftermath Barbanes-Oxley Act
- evaluations must be based on recognized control frameworks ( COSO)
- disclose any and all material internal control weaknesses
- conclude that a company does not have effective internal controls over financial reporting is there are any material weaknesses.
IT governance involves
- Value delivery :
- strategic IT alignment
- Risk management
- Resource management
- performance management
Risk IT
providing a framework for enterprises to identify, govern and manage IT risk
Allows an enterprise to make appropriate risk-aware decisions
Enables the creation of business value from IT-enabled investments
Integrates governance principles, processes, practices and supporting guidelines that help boards, the executive and other enterprise leaders to optimise the realisation of value from IT investments
how COBIT addresses the issue of control from five key principles
- meeting stakeholder needs
- covering the enterprise end-to-end
- applying a single integrated framework
- enabling holistic approach
- separating governance from management
COSO 5 components
basically components of internal control
- control ( internal) environment
- risk assessment
- control activities
- information and communication
- monitoring
COSO-ERM, ERM basic principles
Companies are formed to create value for their owners
Management must decide how much uncertainty it will accept as it creates value
Uncertainty results in risk, which is the possibility that something negatively affects the company’s ability to create or preserve value
Uncertainty results in opportunity, which is the possibility that something positively affects the company’s ability to create or preserve value
The ERM framework can manage uncertainty as well as create and preserve value
COSO ERM objectives
COSO ERM : internal environment
- management philosophy, operating and risk appetite
- commitment to integrity, ethical values and competence
- internal control oversight by board of directors
- organizational structure
- methods of assigning authority and responsibility
COSO: objective setting
strategic objectives
operational objectives
reporting objectives
compliance objectives
> this is the cube in the slides
types of risk
Risk response
- reduce
- accept
- share
- avoid
COSO: Control activities
Proper authorization of transactions and activities
Segregation of duties
Project development and acquisition controls]
Change management controls
Design and use of documents and records
Safeguarding assets, records, and data
Independent checks on performance
Updates COSO ERM Framework - 2017
- governance and culture
- strategy and objective setting
- performance
- review and revision
- information, communication and reporting
(NB, this is all in relation to the risk based approach)
risk governance components
- risk appetite & tolerance
- responsibility and accountability for IT risk management
- awareness and communication
- risk culture
risk capacity
amount of risk an organization is able to support in pursuit of its objectives
risk appetite
amount of risk an organization is willing to accept
risk tolerance
Trust services framework: foundation principles
security, confidentiality,
processing integrity,
security life cycle
- asses the threats&select risk response
- development and communicate policy
- Aquire& implement solutions
- monitor performance
security approacches
- defense in depth
- time-based model
( P > D+C), where
P: is time it takes an attacker to break through preventive controls
D: is time it takes to detect an attack is in progress
C: is time it takes to respond to the attack and take corrective action