Week 4 Flashcards
4 joints at the shoulder
What stabilises the AC joint
superior and inferior AC joint capsular ligaments
coracoclavicular ligament
Articular disc
Deltoid and upper trap muscles
What makes shoulders difficult to diagnose
complex joint interplay complex co-operative muscular control Special tests often don't have high specificity & sensitivity regularly painful >90degrees mechanical vs non-mechanical pain pain can be referred from other regions
3 types of impingement
external - encroachment of subacroial space form superior strcutures
spurs may be seen on x ray
External- inadequate muscle stabilisation of scapula
Internal - overhead sports - undersurface of RC against posterosuperior of glenoid during late stage cocking
What stabilises the GH joint
joint capsule and capsular ligaments coracohumeral ligament glenoid labrum rotator cuff muscles LH of biceps brachii
Scapulothroacic Movements
elevation depression adduction adduction upward rotation downward rotation
Overall ratio of GH:ST movement
Abduction of the arm
Clavicle retracts & posteriorly rotates
scapula tilts and ER
supraspinatus contracts - taut superior capsule and depression of HOH
Auxillary pouch stretches - inferior sling for HOH
Role of supraspinatus
superior role of HOH
compression into fossa
restricts superior translation
Infraspinatus, Teres minor, subscap role
depression force on HOH
Infraspinatus and teres minor role
external rotation of humerus
list elevators of the scapulothorcic joint
upper traps
levator scap
list depressors of the scapulothoracic joint
lower traps
lat dorsi
pec minor
list protractors of the scapulothoracic joint
serratus anterior
List retractors of the scapulothoracic joint
mid traps
lower traps
List upward rotators of the scapulothoracic joint
serratus anterior
upper and lower traps
Downward rotators of the scapulothoracic joint
pec minor
6 categories of shoulder pain
rotator cuff labral injury instability stiffness ac joint pathology referred pain -Cx -Tx -visceral
Common disorder of the shoulder
rotator cuff strain and tendinopathy GH dislocation GH instability glenoid labrum tear AC joint sprain Muscle tear - pec minor Referred pain
Viscera referred pain
cardiac dysfunction
diaphragm dysfunction, lung disease
disease of the oesophagus
referred pain is commonly felt in
Cx spine
Tx spine
associated musculature
Shoulder dysfunction can result in
traps pain and fatigue pain rediates into -neck -post scap upper arm forearm wrist and hand
painful arc for shoulder dysfunction
70-120 degrees
What causes a labral lesion
excess traction on labrum through LHB