Week 4 Flashcards
Anxiety Disorders
What are the biological, emotional and cognitive, and behaviour affects on anxiety ?
- Biological - Limbic, HPA axis, hormones, neurotransmitters, inheritance (?)
- Emotiona & cognitive - seeing a situation as dangerous; CBT
- Behavioural - operant and classical operating at the same time
What is anxiety ?
- a state
- label thoughts as feeling
- unease, exhaustion, restless
What are the vulnerabilities to anxiety disorders ?
- Biological vulnerability - stress is activator, diathesis-stress model, irritable, tension
- Specific psychological vulnerability - physical sensations are potentially dangerous, somatic preoccupation, panic symptoms
- General psychological vulnerability - low confidencem self-esteem, self-efficacy , inability to cope, helplessness
What are the common comobidities w/ physical disorders
- Thyroid disease - Hyperthyroid -> increased anxiety
- Respiratory disease - Asthma -> symtptoms cause you to panic; inhaler can cause anxiety
- Gastrointestinal disease
- Arthritis
- Migraine
- Headaches
- Allergies
What is the DSM-5 criteria for GAD ?
A. excessive anxiety and worry occuring constantly for at least 6 months, about a # of events or activities
B. Difficult to control worry
C. Associated w/ 3 of the 6 symptoms
* restlessness, easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating or mind going blank, irritability, muscle tention, sleep disturbance
D. Cause some sort of problem
E. Not attributable to the direct physiological effects of a substance
F. Not better explained by another mental disorder
What is Barlow’s model of GAD ?
GPV (world is unpredictable and dangerous) and GBV (tension and anxiety) -> stress (from life events) -> anxious apprehension ( increases muscle tensions and vigilance) -> worry process (failed attempt to cope and problem solve) -> 4 factors -> GAD
What is used to treat GAD ?
- Benzodiasepines
- SSRI’s (antidepressants)
What is CBT-G ?
- Use cognitive techniques to consdier alternative thoughts and thinking styles
- Provide a model of intolerance of uncertainty, unhelpful thoughts and avoidance
What is the model of therapy ?
sitaution -> “what if..?”, “wouldn’t it be terrifble if…” -> worry -> anxiety -> demoralization/exhaustion (burnt out)
What is the DSM-5 criteria for Panic Disorder ?
A.Reaccurent unexpected panic attacks
B. At least one of the attacks has been followed by 1 month (or more) of one of both of the following: concern or worry about additional panic attacks or a significant maladaptive change in behaviour related the attacks (i.e: avoidanace)
C. Disturbance is not attributable to the psysiological effects of a substance or another medical condition
D. Not better explained by another mental disorder
What are the treatments used for PD ?
- Benzodiapines
What is the structure of CBT for PD ?
- Introduction to panic and axiety
- Psychoeducation about panic
- Breathing retraining
- Cognitive recontructioning
What is the panic mechanism ?
Sensation (physical) -> sensitivity (very stong sensitivity to sensations) -> fear (fear of sensations of arousal) = panic
What are the behavioural elements for PD ?
- Identification of feared/avoided activities
- Cease safety behaviour/avoidance
- Interoceptive exposure - exposure to symptoms
What is involved in nocturnal panic ?
- Sleep loss lowers panic thresholds
- Insomnia