Week 3 Flashcards
What are the kinds of asessment methods of psychological disorders ?
- Clinical Interviewing - Mental Status Exam, Semi-Structured clinical interviews
- Physical Examination
- Behavioural Assessment - ABC’s, Self-monitoring
- Psychological Testing - Projective tests, IQ tests, Personality Inventories
- Neuropsychological testing
- Neuroimaging
- Psychological testing
What are the 3 things involved in measurement ?
- Validity - it measures what you think (frequency - time frame;bias built)
- Reliability - it measures something consistently across people, time, setting (test-retest reliability)
- Standardization - standards for using consistently
What is involved in construct validity ?
- Predictive validity - genetics predict on set of behaviour; risk factors
- Content validity - measuring what the construction is
- Divergent validity - measure correlates w/ something it shouldn’t
- Concurrent vaidity - Correlates with eachother
- Face validity - knowing what is being measured (construct narrowness)
What is the purpose of observations during interviews ?
Gather information on activity level, attetion span, impulsivity, groomingm speech abnormalitites or difficulties, unusual physical movements
What is the purpose of naturalistic observations ?
purpose is to gather information that coudln’t be obtained ohtersie in an office setting
What are the 5 categories in the mental status exam ?
- Appearance and behaviour
- Thought process
- Mood and affect: what they say or feeling match w/ their face
- Intellectual functioning
- Sensorium
What is a semi-structured clinical interview ?
Carefully phrased standard questions to increase reliability and arrive at a diagnosis
What is the Kappa coefficient ?
- overall % agreement
- this person agrees with this person
What is included in the current WAIS ?
- Full-scale IQ = Verbal IQ + Performance IQ
- Reliability - Good for all 3
- Good interater variability and test-retest
What is the Minnesotia Myultiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) ?
- Designed to asses and diagnose mental disorders in UoM (1953)
- Objective - answering specific questions ( T or F)
What is the Emperical Criterions Keying Approach ?
items for each scale were chosen based on ability to statistically discriminate b/w clinical subgroups and control groups
* True - hypochondriacal
* False - control person
What is involved in the MMPI2 ?
- Contains 10 scales yielding complex profile analyses the integrate the following clinical dimension of pathology and personality
- Built-in lie scales - L, K ,F
- Dimensional scale
- Good test-retest reliability and good validity but poor face validity
What is the thematic appreciation test ?
- Projective: project your subconscious onto the telling of the story
- Tell a story about the scence; cards
- Test of imagination
- Compare multiple answers
What do neuropsychological assessments involves ?
- Assesing behaviour on tests to infer brain processes
- complimented by imaging - CT, MRI, PET, fMRI, EEG
What is included in the importance of diagnosis ?
- Communication: “short hand”” tells us a lot
- Promotes research in psychopathology
- Promotes research into etiology
- Treatment utility ? - MMPI, Categories, Cause
What are monothetic and polythetic disorders ?
- monothetic: all criteria are met in the same manner with the diagnoses
- polythetic: people are diagnosed with this disorder may exhibit markedly different patterns of symptoms