Week 4 Flashcards
Defining Fungi
Mycologists believe there may be as many as 1.5 million fungal species
Single-celled or multicellular
Sexual or asexual
Exhibit an unusual form of mitosis
Specialized to extract and absorb nutrients from surroundings
Animal and fungi last shared a common ancestor 460 M Y A
Mycologists agreed on 6 major monophyletic phyla
(1 paraphyletic phylum
Microsporidia are sometimes included)
Aquatic, flagellated fungi that produce haploid gametes by sexual reproduction or diploid zoospores by asexual reproduction.
Multinucleate hyphae lack septa, except for reproductive structures; fusion of hyphae leads directly to formation of a zygote in zygosporangium, in which meiosis occurs just before it germinates; asexual reproduction is most common.
Form arbuscular mycorrhizae. Multinucleate hyphae lack septa. Reproduce asexually.
In sexual reproduction, ascospores are formed inside a sac called an ascus; asexual reproduction is also common.
In sexual reproduction, basidiospores are borne on club-shaped structures called basidia; asexual reproduction occurs occasionally.
Fungi lacking mitochondria that use anaerobic metabolism to grow in the guts of herbivores. Possess the ability to degrade cellulose.
Exhibit alternation of generations as seen in plant reproduction. Possess characteristic nuclear cap composed of membrane-bound ribosomes.
General features of the Fungi
Multicellular fungi consist of long, slender filaments called hyphae
Some hyphae are continuous.
Others are divided by septa.
Cytoplasm flows throughout hyphae
Allows rapid growth under good conditions.
Mycelia and Cell Walls
Mycelium – mass of connected hyphae
Grows through and digests its substrate.
Fungal cell walls include chitin
Also found in the hard shells (exoskeletons) of arthropods.
Hyphae may have more than one nucleus
Hyphae may have more than one nucleus
Monokaryotic – 1 nucleus.
Dikaryotic – 2 nuclei.
Both genomes transcribed.
Heterokaryotic and Homokaryotic
Heterokaryotic – nuclei from genetically distinct individuals.
Homokaryotic – nuclei are genetically similar to one another.
Fungi have an unusual mitosis
Cell is not relevant unit of reproduction – nucleus is.
Nuclear envelope does not break down and re-form.
Instead, the spindle apparatus is formed within it.
With the exception of the chytrids, fungi lack centrioles
Spindle plaques regulate microtubule formation during mitosis.
Capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction
Fusion of two haploid hyphae of compatible mating types.
In some fungi, fusion immediately results in a diploid (2n) cell.
Others, have a dikaryotic stage (n + n) before parental nuclei form diploid nucleus.
May form mushrooms or puffballs.
Spores are the most common means of reproduction among fungi
May form from sexual or asexual processes.
Most are dispersed by wind.
Obtain food by secreting digestive enzymes into surroundings
Then absorb the organic molecules produced by this external digestion
Great surface area-to-volume ratio.
Fungi can break down cellulose and lignin
Decompose wood.
Some fungi are carnivorous.
Fungal Ecology
Fungi, together with bacteria, are the principal decomposers in the biosphere
Many are difficult or impossible to culture in the lab—difficult to assess the diversity of species
Can study environmental D N A, which reveals organisms prevent without having to culture them.
Make materials available to other organisms
Break down cellulose and lignin from wood.
Release carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus.
Fungi symbioses
Obligate symbiosis – essential for fungus survival.
Facultative symbiosis – nonessential.
Interactions w/ Pathogens and Parasites
Pathogens harm host by causing disease.
Parasites harm host, but do not cause disease.
Commensal relationships benefit one partner but do not harm the other.
Mutualistic relationships benefit both partners.
Endophytic fungi
Live in the intercellular spaces inside plants
Some parasites, some commensals or mutualists
Some fungi protect their hosts from herbivores by producing toxins.
Perennial rye grass is more resistant to aphid feeding in the presence of endophytes.
Symbiotic associations between a fungus and a photosynthetic partner
Cyanobacteria, green algae, or sometimes both.
Most are mutualistic (but some are parasites on the photosynthesizer)
Ascomycetes are found in all but about 20 of the 15,000 lichen species
Lichen Biology
Fungi in lichens are unable to grow normally without their photosynthetic partners
Fungi protect their partners from strong light and desiccation
Lichens have invaded the harshest habitats
Striking colors play a role in protecting photosynthetic partner
Sensitive to pollutants
Mutualistic relationships between fungi and plants
Found on the roots of about 90% of all known vascular plant species
Function as extensions of root system
Increase soil contact and absorption.
Two principal types
Arbuscular mycorrhizae.
Arbuscular mycorrhizae
By far the most common – on 80% of plant species
Fungal partners are glomeromycetes
No aboveground fruiting structures
Potentially capable of increasing crop yields with lower phosphate and energy inputs
Hyphae penetrate the root cell wall but not cell membranes
Most hosts are forest trees (pines, oaks)
Hosts are important carbon sinks
Fungal partners are mostly basidiomycetes
At least 5000 species of fungi are involved in ectomycorrhizal relationships
Hyphae surround but do not penetrate the root cells
Extract nitrogen and other nutrients from soil and pass them to the host
Animal mutual symbioses
Ruminant animals host neocallimastigomycete fungi in their gut
Leaf-cutter ants have domesticated basidiomycete fungi which they keep in underground gardens
Ants provide fungi with leaves.
Fungi are food for the ants.
Fungal Parasites and Pathogens
Cause health issues in humans:
Allergens trigger immune responses.
Fungal spores cause allergic reactions but also can cause illness when in high numbers.
Mycoses, direct infections (skin and nails).
Ingested toxins produced by fungi.
Fungal toxins
Fungi may secrete mycotoxins making food unpalatable, carcinogenic, or poisonous
Aspergillus flavus – aflatoxin.
Ustilago maydis – corn smut, harms plants but not animals that eat the plants.
Diseases Caused by Fungi
Fungal diseases are difficult to treat because of the close phylogenetic relationship between fungi and animals
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis causes chytridiomycosis
Associated with the worldwide decline in amphibian populations
Basidiomycetes are some of the most familiar fungi
Include mushrooms, toadstools, puffballs, shelf fungi, etc.
Also important plant pathogens like rusts and smuts.
“Club fungi” named for basidium – club-shaped sexual reproductive structure
Basidiomycota Reproduction
Karyogamy occurs within basidia
Only diploid cell in life cycle.
Meiosis follows
The four haploid products are incorporated into basidiospores
Basidiomycota Development
Spore germination leads to the production of monokaryotic hyphae
Results in a monokaryotic mycelium, or primary mycelium.
Different mating types of monokaryotic hyphae may fuse
Results in a dikaryotic mycelium, or secondary mycelium.
Heterokaryotic mycelium.
Basidiocarps (mushrooms) are formed entirely of secondary mycelium.
Contain about 75% of the known fungi
Includes bread yeasts, common molds, cup fungi, truffles, and morels
Serious plant pathogens – cause of chestnut blight and Dutch elm disease
Penicillin-producing fungi are in the genus Penicillium
“Sac fungi”, named for ascus – microscopic, saclike reproductive structure
Reproduction in the Ascomycota
Karyogamy occurs within asci
Only diploid nucleus of life cycle.
Asci differentiate in ascocarp
Meiosis and mitosis follow, producing 8 haploid nuclei that become walled ascospores
Asexual Reproduction in the Ascomycota
Asexual reproduction is very common
Conidia formed at the ends of modified hyphae called conidiophores.
Easily dispersed, so allow for the rapid colonization of a new food source.
Hyphae are divided by perforated septa.
Allows cytoplasm to flow along the length of the hypha.
Later perforations may become blocked.
Single-celled ascomycetes
Most reproduce asexually by cell fission or budding
Yeasts can ferment carbohydrates
Break down glucose into ethanol and CO2.
Used to make bread, beer, and wine.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Yeast as a Model in Genetic Research
Yeast is a long-standing model system for genetic research
First eukaryotes to be genetically engineered extensively.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae first eukaryote to have genome sequenced in 1996.
Coccidioides species can cause disease
Endemic in soil of S W U S A.
Cause coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever).
Glomeromycetes are a tiny group of fungi
Form intracellular associations with plant roots called arbuscular mycorrhizae
Cannot survive in absence of host plant.
Probably key for plant colonization of land
No evidence of sexual reproduction
Zygomycetes are incredibly diverse
Not monophyletic – still under research
Include the common bread molds
A few human pathogens
Zygomycota Reproduction
Sexual reproduction
Fusion of gametangia – plasmogamy.
Haploid nuclei fuse to form diploid zygote nuclei – karyogamy.
Develops into zygosporangium in which zygospore develops.
Meiosis occurs during germination of zygospore.
Releases haploid spores.
Asexual reproduction more common
Sporangiophores have sporangia that release spores.
Chytridiomycetes or chytrids
Aquatic, flagellated fungi
Closely related to ancestral fungi
Have motile zoospores
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has been implicated in amphibian die-offs
Aquatic and terrestrial
Parasites of plants, animals, algae and fungi
Uniflagellated zoospores
Allomyces example
Water mold.
Haplodiplontic life cycle – Alternation of haploid and diploid generations in multicellular forms
Digest plant biomass in mammalian herbivore rumens
Sheep, cows, kangaroos, elephants
Mammal depends on fungi for sufficient calories.
Greatly reduced mitochondria lack cristae
Zoospores have multiple flagella
Horizontal gene transfer brought cellulase gene from bacteria into Neocallimastix genome
Might be useful for biofuel production
Unclear how they should be classified
Tiny, obligate, intracellular, animal parasites
Tiny genomes too
Long thought to be protists
Lack mitochondria
Do not undergo aerobic respiration.
Need their host for A T P
Encephalitozoon cuniculi
Commonly cause disease in immunosuppressed patients
Infect hosts with their spores, which contain a polar tube
Infects intestinal and neuronal cells, leading to diarrhea and neurodegenerative disease
obtain energy and organic molecules by ingesting other organisms
Active movement
Move more rapidly and in more complex ways
Diversity of form
Vary greatly in form, ranging in size from organisms too small to see with the unaided eye to enormous
Diversity of habitat
Grouped into 35 to 40 phyla, most that occur only in the sea but many occur in fresh water and on land
Sexual reproduction
Most animals reproduce sexually. Animal eggs, which are nonmobile
Embryonic development
Zygote first undergoes a series of mitotic divisions that produces a ball of cells
Cells of most animals are organized into structural and functional units called tissues
No cell walls
They lack rigid cell walls and are usually flexible
Five key innovations can be noted in animal evolution
Body cavity
Various patterns of embryonic development
Segmentation, or repeated body units
Evolution of symmetry
Sponges also lack any definite symmetry.
Virtually all other animals have a symmetry defined along an imaginary axis drawn through the animal’s body.
There are two main types of symmetry
There are two main types of symmetry
Radial symmetry
Body parts arranged around central axis.
Can be divided into two equal halves by any plane that passes through the center.
Bilateral symmetry
Body has right and left halves that are mirror images.
Only the sagittal plane bisects the animal into two equal halves.
Bilaterally symmetrical animals have two main advantages over radially symmetrical ones
Evolution of a definite brain area.
Directional movement
Evolution of tissues
Zygotes (fertilized eggs) are totipotent.
Can give rise to all other body cells.
As the embryo develops, cells specialize.
This process is irreversible, except in sponges.
In sponges – the simplest animals– defined tissues and organs are not present.
Have the ability to disaggregate and aggregate their cells.
All other animals have distinct and well-defined tissues.
Have irreversible differentiation for most cell types.
Evolution of a body cavity
Most animals have embryos that produce three germ layers, which makes them triploblastic.
Outer ectoderm (body coverings and nervous system).
Middle mesoderm (skeleton and muscles).
Inner endoderm (digestive organs and intestines).
All triploblastic animals have bilateral symmetry.
Cnidarians are diploblastic.
Have an endoderm and an ectoderm.
Sponges lack germ layers.
Body cavity
Space surrounded by mesoderm tissue that is formed during development
Three basic kinds of body plans
Acoelomates = No body cavity.
Pseudocoelomates = Body cavity between mesoderm and endoderm.
Called the pseudocoelom.
Coelomates = Body cavity entirely within the mesoderm.
Called the coelom.
Circulatory Systems
The body cavity made possible the development of advanced organ systems
Coelomates developed a circulatory system to flow nutrients and remove wastes
Open circulatory system: blood passes from vessels into sinuses, mixes with body fluids, and reenters the vessels
Closed circulatory system: blood moves continuously through vessels that are separated from body fluids
Evolution of different patterns of development
The basic Bilaterian pattern of development:
Mitotic cell divisions (called cleavage) of the egg form a hollow ball of cells, called the blastula.
Blastula indents to form a two-layer- thick ball with:
Blastopore = Opening to outside.
Archenteron = Primitive body cavity.
Bilaterians can be divided into two groups:
Protostomes develop the mouth first from or near the blastopore.
Anus (if present) develops either from blastopore or another region of embryo.
Deuterostomes develop the anus first from the blastopore.
Mouth develops later from another region of the embryo.
Cleavage pattern of embryonic cells
Protostomes = Spiral cleavage.
New cells form to the right or left of previous cells.
Deuterostomes = Radial cleavage.
New cells form on top of previous cells.
Developmental fate of cells
Protostomes = Determinate development.
Cell fate is determined early.
Deuterostomes = Indeterminate development.
Cell fate is not determined until after several divisions.
Formation of the coelom
Protostomes—cells move apart to form coelom.
Deuterostomes—groups of cells pouch off to form coelom.
Evolution of segmentation
Segmentation provides two advantages.
Allows redundant organ systems in adults such as occurs in the annelids
Allows for more efficient and flexible movement because each segment can move independently
Segmentation appeared several times in the evolution of animals
Anatomy and embryology have been used previously to infer phylogeny
In the past 30 years, sequence data have accumulated
May suggest different phylogenetic relationships.
Has resolved some problematic issues with previous phylogeny.
Although they do have differences, traditional animal phylogeny shares common ground with new phylogenies
Traditional animal phylogeny was developed from morphological, molecular, life history, and other types of relevant data.
New phylogenies are constructed from molecular data.
Some parts of this phylogeny are not firmly established.
New studies are constantly appearing, often with somewhat different conclusions.
Animals are divided into two main branches:
Sponges: monophyletic.
Eumetazoa = Animals other than sponges.
Cnidaria—branch off evolutionary tree before bilateria.
Phylogeny of deuterostomes has not changed much.
Phylogeny of protostomes has changed due to molecular data.
Chitinous exoskeleton covers segmented, coelomate body. With paired, jointed appendages; many types of insects have wings. Occupy marine, terrestrial, and freshwater habitats. Most arthropods are insects (as are most animals!).
Coelomate body of many mollusks is covered by one or more shells secreted by a part of the body termed the mantle. Many kinds possess a unique rasping tongue, a radula. Members occupy marine, terrestrial, and freshwater habitats.
Each coelomate individual possesses a notochord, a dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, and a postanal tail at some stage of life. In vertebrates, the notochord is replaced during development by the spinal column. Members occupy marine, terrestrial, and freshwater habitats.
Unsegmented, acoelomate, bilaterally symmetrical worms. Digestive cavity has only one opening; tapeworms lack a gut. Many species are parasites of medical and veterinary importance. Members occupy marine, terrestrial, and freshwater habitats (as well as the bodies of other animals).
Nematoda (roundworms)
Pseudocoelomate, unsegmented, bilaterally symmetrical worms; tubular digestive tract has mouth and anus. Members occupy marine, terrestrial, and freshwater habitats; some are important parasites of plants and animals, including humans.
(segmented worms)
Segmented, bilaterally symmetrical, coelomate worms with a complete digestive tract; most have bristles (chaetae) on each segment that anchor them in tubes or aid in crawling. Occupy marine, terrestrial, and freshwater habitats.
Bodies of most asymmetrical: defining “an individual” is difficult. Lacking tissues or organs, the body is a meshwork of cells surrounding channels that open to the outside through pores and expand into internal cavities lined with food-filtering flagellated cells (choanocytes). Most species are marine (150 species live in freshwater).
Adult body pentaradial (fivefold) in symmetry. Water-vascular system
is a coelomic space; endoskeleton of calcium carbonate plates. Many can regenerate lost body parts. Fossils are more diverse in body plan than extant species. Exclusively marine.
Radially symmetrical, acoelomate body has tissues but no organs. Mouth opens into a simple digestive sac and is surrounded by tentacles armed with stinging capsules (nematocysts). In some groups, individuals are joined into colonies; some can secrete a hard exoskeleton. The very few nonmarine species live in freshwater.
Radially symmetrical, acoelomate body has tissues but no organs. Mouth opens into a simple digestive sac and is surrounded by tentacles armed with stinging capsules (nematocysts). In some groups, individuals are joined into colonies; some can secrete a hard exoskeleton. The very few nonmarine species live in freshwater.
Bryozoa (moss animals) (also called Polyzoa and Ectoprocta)
The only exclusively colonial phylum; each colony comprises numerous small, coelomate individuals (zooids) connected by an exoskeleton (calcareous in marine species, organic in most freshwater ones). A ring of ciliated tentacles (lophophore) surrounds the mouth of each zooid; the anus lies beyond the lophophore.
Rotifera (wheel animals)
Small pseudocoelomates with a complete digestive tract including a set of complex jaws. Cilia at the anterior end beat so they resemble a revolving wheel. Some are very important in marine and freshwater habitats as food for predators such as fishes.
Nemertea (ribbon worms) (also called Rhynchocoela)
Protostome worms notable for their fragility—when disturbed, they fragment into pieces. Long, extensible proboscis occupies their coelom; that of some tipped by a spearlike stylet. Most marine, but some live in freshwater, and a few are terrestrial.
Tardigrada (water bears)
Microscopic protostomes with five body segments and four pairs of clawed legs. An individual lives a week or less but can enter a state of suspended animation (“cryptobiosis”) in which it can survive for many decades. Occupy marine, freshwater, and terrestrial habitats.
(lamp shells)
Protostomous animals encased in two shells that are oriented with respect to the body differently than in bivalved mollusks. A ring of ciliated tentacles (lophophore) surrounds the mouth. More than 30,000 fossil species are known.
(sea walnuts)
Gelatinous, almost transparent, often bioluminescent marine animals; eight bands of cilia; largest animals that use cilia for locomotion; complete digestive tract with anal pore.
(arrow worms)
Small, bilaterally symmetrical, transparent marine worms with a fin along each side, powerful bristly jaws, and lateral nerve cords. Some inject toxin into prey and some have large eyes. It is uncertain if they are coelomates, and, if so, whether protostomes or deuterostomes.
(velvet worms)
Segmented protostomous worms with a chitinous soft exoskeleton and unsegmented appendages. Related to arthropods. The only exclusively terrestrial phylum, but what are interpreted as their Cambrian ancestors were marine.
Tiny marine pseudocoelomates that live in spaces between grains of sand. The mouth is borne on the tip of a flexible tube. Discovered in 1983.
Cycliophora (cycliophorans)
Microscopic animals that live on mouthparts of claw lobsters. Discovered in 1995.
Simple animals with only a few cell types and a few thousand cells. Flat with irregular body outline; these marine animals are only 1 mm in diameter. Their biology is not well-known.
Micrognathozoa (micrognathozoans)
Microscopic animals with complicated jaws. Discovered in 2000 in Greenland.
Protostomes are divided into
Grow by gradual addition to the body mass.
Have spiral cleavage.
Animals that molt.
Includes the arthropods and many other phyla.
Deuterostomes include chordates and echinoderms
They consist of fewer phyla and species than protostomes.
They are more uniform in many ways, despite great differences.
Kingdom Animalia (the Metazoa) is divided into two branches:
Parazoa: Animals lacking tissues (and therefore organs) and a definite symmetry
Phylum Porifera.
Eumetazoa: Animals with a definite shape and symmetry, tissues, and possibly organs and organ systems
Phylum Porifera
26,000 marine species; 150 freshwater species
Among the most abundant animals in the deep ocean
Sponge Characteristics
Most members lack symmetry
Various growth forms
Larval sponges free-swimming.
Adults remain attached – sessile.
Cell types
Truly multicellular.
3 functional layers in vase-shaped body.
Functional Layers of the Body Wall
Outer epithelium
Made up of flattened cells.
Water comes in ostia, exits through osculum.
Middle layer – gelatinous matrix.
Spicules – needles of calcium carbonate.
Spongin – reinforcing tough protein fibers.
Lining of the internal cavity
Collar cells.
Flagellated – contributes to water circulation.
Face internal cavity.
Engulf and digest food from passing water.
Sponge Reproduction
Choanocytes transform into sperm.
Sperm captured and passed to egg cell in mesohyl.
Development may occur within mother or in open water.
Larva is planktonic; will settle and transform into adult.
Animals with true tissues
Embryos have distinct layers
Inner endoderm forms the gastrodermis (digestive tissue).
Outer ectoderm forms the epidermis and nervous system.
Middle mesoderm (only in bilateral animals) forms the muscles.
True body symmetry
Radial symmetry.
Bilateral symmetry.
Phylum Ctenophora
Known as comb jellies, sea walnuts, or sea gooseberries
8 rows of comblike plates of fused cilia that beat in a coordinated fashion
Many bioluminescent
2 tentacles covered with colloblasts
Discharge strong adhesive used to capture prey.
Phylogenetic position unclear
Phylum Cnidaria
Most marine, few fresh water species
Bodies have distinct tissues but no organs
No reproductive, circulatory, or excretory systems.
No concentrated nervous system
Latticework of nerve cells.
Touch, gravity, light receptors.
Capture prey with nematocysts
Unique to this phylum.
2 Basic Body Forms
Polyps – cylindrical and sessile
Medusa – umbrella-shaped and free-living
Body plan has single opening leading to gastrovascular cavity
Site of digestion.
Most gas exchange.
Waste discharge.
Formation of gametes in many.
2 layers to body wall
Mesoglea occurs between layers.
Gastrovascular space also serves as hydrostatic skeleton
Provides a rigid structure against which muscles can operate.
Gives the animal shape.
Many polyp species build an exoskeleton of chitin or calcium carbonate around themselves
Some build an internal skeleton.
Cnidarian Life Cycle
Some cnidarians occur only as polyps, and others exist only as medusae, but many alternate between these two phases
Both phases consist of diploid individuals.
In general, in species having both polyp and medusa in the life cycle, the medusa forms gametes
Sexes separate.
Gonochorism – individual is either male or female.
Zygote develops into planktonic planula.
Metamorphosis into polyp.
Polyp produces medusae or other polyps asexually.
Major evolutionary innovation in cnidarians is extracellular digestion of food inside the animal
Digestion takes place partly in gastrovascular cavity.
Cells then engulf fragments by phagocytosis.
Cnidarians use nematocysts to capture prey
Secreted within nematocyte.
Mechanism of discharge unknown.
Some carry venom.
5 Cnidarian Classes
The Bilaterian Acoelomates
Characterized by bilateral symmetry
Allowed for high levels of specialization
Divided into 2 clades
Protostomes and Deuterostomes.
Acoel flatworms.
Phylum Acoela
Acoel flatworms were once considered basal members of the phylum Platyhelminthes
Have a primitive nervous system and lack a digestive cavity
Based on molecular evidence, similarities are convergent
Embryos develop using spiral cleavage
Most live in water
Move using cilia or contractions of the body musculature
Defining Characteristics of the Lophotrochozoa
Two characteristics define members of this group
Trochophore—a free-living larva.
Lophophore—a horseshoe-shaped crown of ciliated tentacles surrounds the mouth used in filter-feeding.
Contains animals that molt
Hard external skeleton.
Two large groups
Flatworms (Platyhelminthes)
Simple bodies with no circulatory or respiratory systems, but complex reproductive system
Includes marine and freshwater planarians and parasitic flukes and tapeworms
Flatworms are ciliated, soft-bodied animals
Bodies are solid aside from an incomplete digestive cavity
Many species are parasitic
Others are free-living
Marine, freshwater, moist terrestrial
Only one opening to digestive cavity
Lack circulatory system
Excretion and Osmoregulation
Have an excretory and osmoregulatory system
Network of fine tubules runs through body.
Flame cells located on the side branches.
Flagella move water and excretory substances into the tubules and then to pores located between the epidermal cells through which the liquid is expelled.
Metabolic wastes are excreted into the gut and eliminated through the mouth.
Nervous System and Reproduction
Simple nervous system
Anterior cerebral ganglion and nerve cords.
Eyespot can distinguish light from dark.
Most are hermaphroditic.
Undergo sexual reproduction.
Also have capacity for asexual regeneration.
Major Groups of Flatworms
Subphylum Neodermata.
Includes the parasitic flatworms
Two subgroups
Trematoda – flukes.
Attach within host body by suckers, anchors, or hooks.
Life cycle may have 2 or more hosts.
Includes the miracidium, sporocyst, redia, and cercaria stages.
Clonorchis sinensis, oriental liver fluke.
One of most important trematodes to human health are blood flukes Schistosoma
Afflict 200 million people in tropical Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.
About 200,000 people die each year from schistosomiasis or bilharzia.
Fertilized egg must break through the wall of the blood vessels in intestine or the urinary bladder to get out.
Most of tapeworm body is proglottids
Complete hermaphroditic unit, containing both male and female reproductive organs.
Formed continuously.
Beef tapeworm, Taenia saginata
Frequent human parasite.
From eating uninspected rare beef.
Phylum Rotifera
Bilaterally symmetrical, unsegmented pseudocoelomates
Highly developed internal organs
Corona – “wheel animals”
Conspicuous ring of cilia at anterior end.
Used for locomotion and sweeping food into the mouth.
Phylum Mollusca
Second in diversity only to arthropods
Include snails, slugs, clams, octopuses and others
Some have a shell, some do not
Features of the Phylum Mollusca
Range in size from microscopic to huge
Giant clams may weigh 270 kg.
Evolved in the oceans, and most groups have remained there
Important source of human food
Economically significant in other ways
Pearls are produced in oysters.
Mother-of-pearl is produced in the shells of abalone.
Pests – Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha).
Mollusk Body Plan: Mantle and Foot
Thick epidermal sheet.
Bounds mantle cavity.
Secrete shell (if there is one).
Primary means of locomotion for many.
Divided into arms or tentacles in cephalopods.
Mollusk Body Plan: Internal Organs
Internal organs
Coelom is highly reduced.
Limited to small spaces around the excretory organs, heart, and part of the intestine.
Digestive, excretory, and reproductive organs are concentrated in a visceral mass.
Ctenidia – gills in aquatic mollusks.
Also filter food in most bivalves.
Mollusk Body Plan: Shell
Protects against predators and adverse environments.
Secreted by outer surface of mantle.
Clearly not essential – repeated loss or reduction.
Typical shell has 2 layers of calcium carbonate.
Internal layer may be mother-of-pearl or nacre.
Pearls are formed by coating foreign object with nacre to reduce irritation.
Mollusk Body Plan: Radula
Characteristic of most mollusks.
Rasping, tonguelike structure used in feeding.
Used to scrape up algae.
In predatory gastropods, modified to drill through clam shells.
In Conus snails, modifies into harpoon with venom gland.
Bivalves do not have a radula.
Gills used in filter feeding.
Waste Removal and Circulatory System
Nitrogenous waste removal – nephridia
Consist of cilia-lined openings called nephrostomes.
Tube to excretory pore to mantle cavity.
Circulatory system
Open circulatory system.
Hemolymph sloshes around hemocoel.
3-chambered heart.
Cephalopods have a closed circulatory system.
Mollusk Reproduction
Most mollusks are gonochoric (individuals are either male or female)
A few are hermaphroditic.
Some oysters change sex.
Most engage in external fertilization
Gastropods have internal fertilization.
Mollusk zygote undergoes spiral cleavage
Mollusk Life Stages
Free-swimming larval stage.
Second free-swimming larval stage.
Only in bivalves and most marine snails.
Both forms drift widely in the ocean