Week 4 Flashcards
a child’s view of the world is…
highly egocentric
adolescent decisions are..
power struggles
driven by insecurity & desire for recognition
early adult decisions are..
more independent but still like adolescence
decisions that undermine or harm other’s well-being
unethical decisions
decisions that undermine or harm one’s well-being
irrational decisions
bad habit
pattern of irrational decision-making
3 types of decisions
- obvious
- not obvious
- spontaneous
obvious vs. not obvious decisions
both are long term impacting
obvious are ones that are aware of (career, spouse)
not obvious are ones that are not on purpose
4 keys to sound decision making
- recognize the important decision
- identify alternatives
- evaluate alternatives
- choose the best alternatives
failure to recognize alternatives may lead to..
falsely believing alternatives exist
failing to recognize an alternative
two-fold rule
there’s always a way and there’s always another way
it is not possible to be a good thinker and a…
bad questioner
3 types of answers
- one right answer
- may be better or worse answers
- could be several answers based on opinion
types of questions
- analytical
- evaluative
- ethical
- scientific
dogmatic absolutists
believe every question has only one answer