WEEK #3 WEEK OF 4/14/14 PART I – AUC'S #149, 159, 200, 205 & 225 PART II – TB - MANAGEMENT PART III – PAIDS #1-77, 6-78, 1-84, 1-11, 1-13 & 2-13 PART IV – FIRE PREVENTION INSTRUCTOR: CAPT KEN RUGGIERO Flashcards


PART I – AUC’S #149, 159, 200, 205 & 225:
AUC 149
1. The Buckeye pipeline is comprised of two 12” steel pipes. One carries gasoline and the other
carries kerosene base aviation fuel. Which point is incorrect regarding the pipeline description and
sectioning? (1.3, 2.1, 2.3.2, 3.1)
A. The main line operates at 1200 psig while terminal and delivery lines to shippers from the Long
Island City terminal is 200 psig. All piping is externally coated to prevent corrosion and is catholically
B. The pipeline has 3 types of pressure limiting controls. Control valves limit pressure build up to
1440 psig on the main line, pressure switches shut down the pumps if the control valves fail, and relief
valves relieve excessive pressure only if the control valves fail.
C. Within NYC the Buckeye Pipeline is divided into 13 sections, section 8 is further divided into 5
sections. The subdivision of the pipeline, while designed to assist in fire and leak suppression also
allows the fire department to devise operational plans for each section.
D. Manual shut off valves are generally located below ground in a valve housing under a hinged
cover. These valves require 42 clockwise turns (84 half turns) to shut the valve. Valves located on the
shippers lines extending from the Long Island City terminal require 24 clockwise turns (48 half turns)
to close.

  1. B

2.1 Pressure Limiting Controls
2.1.1 Control valves automatically limit pressure buildup to 1200 psig maximum in the
main line.
2.1.2 Pressure switches shut down the pumps if the control valves fail.
2.1.3 Relief valves relieve excessive pressure if both pressure switches and the control
valves fail.

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  1. Captains of assigned and alternate units who respond to the Buckeye Pipeline would expect to
    find which of the following items listed below at or near the housewatch desk? (More than one
    correct). (4.3, 4.4)
    A. One set of Unit Alarm Assignment Cards
    B. One set of Instruction Cards
    C. A pipeline map
    D. A set of wrenches
    E. Cans of foam concentrate
  1. All
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  1. Captain Mitchell is operating with his unit, E-99, at a leak from the Buckeye Pipe Line. Captain
    Mitchell should know the only correct point listed below can be found in which choice?
    (6.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.5, 6.2.6)
    A. Valves should always be closed as per the duties required by the instruction cards, except when a
    unit is required to protect life in a serious life threatening emergency or in the event of an immediate
    threat to property.
    B. When units have the responsibility of closing a manual valve and patrolling to the adjacent
    valve(s), the valves must be closed first and then the patrol function carried out.
    C. Units performing isolation duties will announce 10-84 at the valve locations, and inform the
    dispatcher of valve closures as well as completion of patrol duties.
    D. Units other than those assigned to isolation duties will respond to the staging area. Upon
    completion of assigned duties, the unit shall report to the Command post or other assignment as
    directed by the IC.
  1. C
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  1. If a strong wind is blowing which action listed below should be taken first? Solid hose streams
    held horizontally a few _____ above the ground and moved rapidly from side to side will wash burning
    gasoline or aviation fuel aside to provide a path for rescue. Department apparatus should not be
    brought closer than _____ feet to a leak. (6.5.3, 6.5.5B, 6.5.7)
    A. All ignition sources in the path of the drifting vapors must be extinguished / Inches / 600’.
    B. All ignition sources in the area must be extinguished / Feet / 1000’.
    C. All ignition sources in the path of the drifting vapors must be extinguished / Feet / 600’.
    D. All ignition sources in the area must be extinguished / Inches / 1000’.
  1. A
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  1. Company Commanders of units having pipeline control valves in their administrative district
    shall not follow which item listed below regarding pipeline valve inspection procedures? (9.1,
    9.2, 9.2.1)
    A. Pipeline control valves shall be inspected during the semiannual hydrant inspection and during
    familiarization drills.
    B. Needed repairs or recommendations should be the subject of a letterhead report to the Buckeye
    Pipeline Coordinator at Division 8.
    C. Only reports of critical repairs will require an immediate telephone notification to the Buckeye
    Pipeline Coordinator at Division 8.
    D. Valve pits subject to flooding must be inspected during sub-freezing weather. Hydrants cards
    may be modified for use as an inspection control for the valves.
  1. C
    9.1 Company Commanders of units having pipeline control valves in their administrative
    district shall have them inspected during the semi-annual hydrants inspections. Valves
    should also be inspected during the familiarization drills. Needed repairs or
    recommendations should be the subject of a letterhead report to the Buckeye Pipeline
    Coordinator at Division 8. Reports of critical repairs should be the subject of an
    immediate telephone notification.
    9.2 Valve pits subject to flooding must be inspected during subfreezing weather. Flooded
    pits require an immediate telephone notification to the Buckeye Pipeline Coordinator at
    Division 8.
    9.2.1 Hydrant record cards may be modified for use as an inspection control for valves,
    valves covers, post marker, security fences, locks, etc. Cards should indicate if
    the valve pit is subject to flooding
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  1. Which is the only Buckeye Pipeline Drill where members will actually shut down the valves?
    (10.5.10, 10.5.11)
    A. Multi-Unit Drill
    B. Division Drills
    C. Familiarization Drills
    D. Borough Drills
  1. D
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7. Hurricanes and other severe storms can seriously disrupt normal fire operations with the
accompanying flooding, winds, and storm surge. Company Commanders have many responsibilities
to ensure their units are prepared for these storms. Which Company Commander responsibility is not
correctly listed? (4.3.1, 4.4.3, 4.8.1, 4.8.2)
A. Company Commanders shall designate a storm operations coordinator who shall institute
controls and maintain records as necessary for the accomplishment of the objectives of AUC 159.
B. Company storm operations coordinators shall initiate surveys to determine locations of
institutional occupancies such as hospitals and nursing homes that may require special operating
procedures during storm emergencies.
C. Company Commanders shall determine special needs for storm preparation and requisition or
obtain such supplies and equipment in advance of the start of the hurricane season. Requisitioning
shall begin on July 1st; any supplies not received by October 1st shall be called to the attention of the
Battalion Coordinator.
D. Evacuated companies will be relocated to host companies or dispersal sites. Company
Commanders of host companies are to ensure that necessary preparations are made to accommodate
relocated companies.

  1. C

 Determine special needs for storm preparation and obtain such supplies and
equipment in advance of the start of hurricane season (June 1st).
Requisitioning shall commence March 1st to permit sufficient time for the
various bureaus to obtain and deliver materials. Items on requisition not
received by May 1st shall be called to the attention of the Division Storm
Operations Coordinator

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  1. A group of Lieutenants studying for the upcoming Captain’s test were discussing AUC 159.
    These Lieutenants should reread this bulletin because the only correct point they discussed can be
    found in which choice below? (5.4.2)
    A. Communications with the dispatcher may be interrupted due to wind or flood damage. Units
    shall consider land and cell phones, 400 megahertz radios, the post radio, and 2 or 5 watt handie talkie
    B. Gridlock can become a serious problem in fringe areas of the flood zone. Officers must weigh
    the risk vs reward benefit when committing a vehicle to a flooded area. The depth of the water to be
    crossed shall not exceed 24”.
    C. Manhole covers displaced by flood waters may be concealed. Members walking in flooded areas
    should stay away from the building line and use a tool to probe for hazards.
    D. Fleet maintenance shall be notified of any apparatus that operated in an area flooded with salt
    water for an extended period of time. Salt water has a detrimental effect on all apparatus electrical
    systems, brakes, and seals.
  1. D

5.4.2 Communications
 Unit communications with dispatchers and commands may be disrupted due
to wind damage or flooding. Units may need to implement other than
“normal” methods to remain in contact. Units shall consider land and cell
phones, 800 MHZ radio, Post Radio use, DARS radio, and 5-watt handietalkie

The depth of the water to be crossed should not exceed 18” for first line
apparatus, and 50” for FDNY Hi-Axle vehicles.

 Manhole covers displaced by flood waters may be concealed. Members
walking in flooded areas should stay close to the building line and use a tool
to probe for hazards.

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9. AUC 200 has many different dates listed throughout the bulletin which are used to prompt certain
actions. Which date listed below is incorrect? (3, 3.3.4D, E)
A. Except where otherwise specifically noted, the activities outlined herein shall commence on
November 1st of each year.
B. Drill and training schedules concerning winter operations shall be initiated during the month of
October each year.
C. Company Commanders shall determine special needs for winter supplies and requisition them
beginning on July 1st.
D. Items requisitioned and not received by October 1st shall be called to the attention of Division

  1. A
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  1. Captains shall ensure that the following equipment is assembled and placed on the apparatus:
    • 6 extra lengths of 2 ½” hose rolled or folded on each Engine and Truck.
    • 2 shovels.
    • Salt and/or sand.
    • Vehicle recovery strap with shackle.
    • Tire chains, spare links and the link tool.
    • Specialized hydrant connection set up.
    The above equipment should be placed on the apparatus during which choice(s) listed below? (More
    than one correct).
    A. When a snow or ice emergency is imminent.
    B. When Phase A is established.
    C. When Phase B is established.
    D. The above equipment shall also be placed on reserve apparatus.
  1. All
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  1. Which is the only correct choice listed below regarding Company Commanders responsibilities
    during winter operations? (3.3.4 A, 3.3.3 D, 3.3.8 C and Winter Checklist, 5.4.3 A)
    A. Names of members trained in the use of the thawing apparatus will be maintained by the unit
    commander of the unit housing the thawing apparatus.
    B. Captains shall carry specialized hydrant set up connections on their apparatus as determined by
    the Division Winter Operations Coordinator, a Deputy Chief.
    C. Company Commanders shall maintain a minimum of 6 shovels in quarters with an additional 2
    shovels for use on the apparatus for a total of 8 shovels.
    D. A Captain may approve a last minute variation to a mutual (for a firefighter) during Phase A or
    B. The Captain does not need approval from the Battalion Chief however, proper written application
    shall follow.
  1. D

5.4.3 Mutual Exchange of Tours
A. Regulations regarding mutual exchange of tours are modified during that
period when Phase A or B are implemented or when special instructions
are broadcast by signal 65-2; the special procedure shall be as follows:
1. The level of command above that of the requesting member may
verbally approve mutual exchange of tours applications and
variations of previously approved mutual exchanges of tours, after
proper evaluation of the circumstances and conditions of the
2. Proper written applications shall follow.

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Answer questions #13 and 14 based on the information listed below:
Hydrant 1 – This hydrant is located on Monitor Street between Nassau and Norman Avenues.
Hydrant 2 – This hydrant is located on Monitor Street between Nassau and Norman Avenues.
Hydrant 3 – This hydrant is located on Nassau Ave. between McGuiness Blvd and Leonard St. The
hydrant is near the entrance for the NYC Subway’s “G” line.
Hydrant 4 – This Hydrant is the only hydrant located on North Henry Street between Driggs and
Engert Avenues.
Hydrant 5 – This hydrant is located on Greenpoint Avenue between Kingsland Avenue and Monitor
Street near the Greenpoint Avenue Bridge.

  1. Which hydrant(s) listed above should a Captain classify as a priority hydrant? (7.3)
    A. Hydrants 3, 4, & 5
    B. Hydrants 2, 4, & 5
    C. Hydrants 1, 2, & 3
    D. Hydrants 2, 3, & 5
    E. All of them.
  1. A

7.3 A Priority Hydrant is:
A. a hydrant that is the only hydrant in a block; or
B. a hydrant(s) which is (are) vital to the protection of high profile locations or
critical infrastructure locations e.g., bridges, tunnels, mass transit systems, etc.
Marking “PRIORITY HYDRANT” in red on the top of the BF-47A shall identify priority
hydrants. (See also Section 9 - “Priority Repairs”).

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  1. Which hydrant(s) listed above would be considered priority repairs if they were out of service?
    A. All of them if either hydrants 1 and 2 were out of service.
    B. All of them if both hydrants 1 and 2 were out of service.
    C. None of them.
    D. Hydrants 1, 4, & 5
    E. Hydrants 2, 3, & 5
  1. B
    9.1 The Department deems the repair of certain out of service hydrants to be a priority. In
    such instances a priority repair designation must be communicated to DEP.

9.2 Companies shall adhere to the following criteria in designating hydrants that require
priority repair. Only hydrants satisfying one of these criteria shall be identified to DEP
as requiring priority repair:
9.2.1 “Priority Hydrants” which are Out-of-Service. (See Section 7.3).
9.2.2 Two adjacent hydrants in a block that are both Out-of-Service (report both
hydrants as requiring priority repair).
9.3 The priority repair designation for such hydrants shall be noted on the CD-63 by marking
“PR” in the column under the “HYDRANT TYPE CODE” heading.

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  1. Hydrants located on parkways and expressways are shut down at the curb valve year round and
    are painted yellow. Which point below regarding these hydrants is correct? (Addendum 2)
    A. The valves require 17 turns to the right to open fully. This valve should be opened fully before
    opening the hydrant.
    B. These are the only hydrants found in NYC that are painted yellow.
    C. Captains of Engine Companies with these hydrants in their 1st alarm response area shall obtain a
    second key for use of relocated companies.
    D. Companies with these hydrants in their district shall inspect these separately from their usual
    hydrant inspection program.
  1. C

2.4 Valve boxes are cleaned by Department of Environmental Protection before the closing of
valves. The valves require 18 turns to the right (clockwise) to open fully. This valve should
be fully opened before opening hydrant. Do not force valve as major damage may result.

2.5 Companies with such hydrants in their districts shall include them in the usual Hydrant
Inspection Program.

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16. Low water procedures consist of general procedures, phase 1 water alert procedures, and phase 2
water pressure emergency procedures. Which statement below is incorrect regarding these
procedures? (2.1)
A. During general procedures Engine and Ladder Companies shall obtain pressure readings on the
hydrants nearest their quarters during the first full week of May each year.
B. During phase 1 water alert procedures, each unit shall take and record the pressure on the hydrant
nearest to quarters, every hour until 2200 hours.
C. During phase 2 water alert procedures units shall patrol in their district as per schedules
established by Deputy Chiefs. Every attempt shall be made to shut down hydrants or place spray caps
unless a serious confrontation may result.
D. Officers on duty upon completing their assigned patrol duties during phase 2 shall fax the
following information to their battalion: the number of illegally opened hydrants, the number shut
down, the number of spray caps placed, and any areas experiencing dangerously low water pressure
that could adversely affect firefighting operations.

  1. A

2.1 The first full week in May each year, deputy chiefs shall cause all engine and squad
companies to obtain pressure readings on the hydrants nearest their quarters. Readings
for each calendar day, Sunday to Saturday inclusive, will be taken at approximately 1000
hours, 1300 hours, 1600 hours, 1900 hours and 2200 hours, and shall be recorded on the
“Hydrant Pressure Chart” (form CD-65, see addendum 1).

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  1. Captain McMeister is working a day tour in E-289 and has just returned from an all hands fire in
    a private dwelling. The home was unoccupied at the time of the fire. The fire was on the second floor
    in a front bedroom. After lunch the house watchman calls Capt. McMeister down to the housewatch
    because there is a civilian there to see him. The civilian is the home owner of the PD where the all
    hands fire just occurred. The civilian is irate because the windows to the bedroom on the 2nd floor
    were broken and the ceiling was pulled down in the bedroom on the 2nd floor. Which choice below is
    an incorrect action when dealing with a complaint from a civilian? (4.9)
    A. Capt. McMeister should give his name to the civilian making the complaint.
    B. Capt. McMeister should get the name of the civilian making the compliant.
    C. The person’s name should be used repeatedly when speaking with the person.
    D. If the complaint is especially serious and the person is very excited, avoid taking notes as this can
    further upset the person.
  1. D
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  1. When conflicts occur between supervisors and subordinates and the conflicts are work related,
    the supervisor should observe certain rules. Which rule is incorrectly listed? (4.7)
    A. Deal with people in private, one by one. A problem between the supervisor and the subordinate
    should not be aired in front of others.
    B. Stress uniform standards and rules for all members of the unit.
    C. A cooling off period is often unnecessary as it is easier to deal with the problem when it occurs
    and avoid putting it off.
    D. Deal with only one problem (or problem person) at a time. A supervisor can seldom win if
    fighting two battles at once.
  1. C
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  1. Which tasks listed below are considered only tasks that supervisors should do themselves?
  2. Check and sign reports
  3. Getting data for reports
  4. Making out assignments
  5. Some training of subordinates
  6. Check on work being done
  7. Give a tour of the firehouse
  8. Handle complaints
  9. Make a schedule for inspections
    A. 1, 2, 4, 6
    B. 1, 3, 5, 7
    C. 2, 5, 7, 8
    D. 3, 5, 7, 8
  1. B
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  1. Captain Duffelli is working the 9x6 tour in E-99 when he is presented with the following:
  2. FF Smith, a member of E-99 called and said he needs to swap a RSOT tour.
  3. The Proby tells the Captain that there are bricks falling from the front of the firehouse.
  4. A firefighter tells the Captain that the steam boiler is cherry red and there is no heat in the
  5. The Deputy Chief called and wants to know why its takes E-99 40 seconds longer to get to their
    EMS runs than their structural fire runs.
  6. A civilian called and is upset because E-99 hit her car a broke the mirror.
  7. The supervisor from the sanitation garage called to see if E-99 needs salt for the upcoming snow
    The Captain should address the above in which order listed below?
    A. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1
    B. 2, 4, 3, 6, 1, 5
    C. 5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 1
    D. 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6
  1. A
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  1. To _______ means to deliberately take some action to put off resolving a problem. To ______
    means to take no action at all for now. (2.4)
    A. Delay / Defer
    B. Defer / Delay
  1. B
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  1. Abraham Maslow describes the common hierarchy of motives, which are a sequence of
    motivations which people go through, starting with the first motivation and going on to others. Listed
    below you will find these motives listed, please place them in the correct order according to Maslow.
    1 Social Needs (good coworkers)
    2 Biological needs, survival needs (salary)
    3 Ego or self-esteem needs (status, responsibility)
    4 Security needs (pension)
    5 Self fulfillment needs (self-direction)
    A. 3, 1, 2, 4, 5
    B. 2, 4, 1, 3, 5
    C. 5, 2, 4, 3, 1
    D. 1, 2, 4, 5, 3
  1. B
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  1. Strong individual personality conflicts are often only solved by transfers. This is an
    inappropriate and ineffective way to deal with conflicts based on categories of people (e.g.
    women in the workplace), but may be appropriate for conflicts between particular individuals
    which are based on particular personality traits. Do you agree or disagree with the above
    statement. (4.8 Sec 9)
    A. Agree or D. Disagree
  1. A
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  1. Captain Smith has a firefighter who is becoming a problem in his company. This firefighter does
    not seem to care about the job and it shows in his performance on the fireground. This firefighter is
    very good at square rooting but that is it. Captain Smith has decided to build a disciplinary case
    against this firefighter. Which point below is incorrect regarding building a disciplinary case?
    A. Records must be kept with the details of poor performance, warnings and interviews by the
    supervisors, efforts to provide training or whatever else might be necessary to improve performance.
    B. The supervisor must do more than document a case of poor performance. It is the supervisor’s
    job to correct poor performance, not simply to document it.
    C. Before taking serious discipline action against a subordinate, the supervisor must get permission
    and make sure the higher supervisor will support the disciplinary action. The supervisor must also
    consult with the union steward.
    D. Copies of written warnings stating that formal disciplinary action will be taken if performance
    does not improve must be kept by the supervisor who is building the disciplinary case.
  1. C

Before taking serious disciplinary action against a subordinate, the supervisor should make sure
that the next higher superior will support the disciplinary action in this case. The supervisor
should not pass the buck to the next higher superior, but should inform the next higher superior
of the history of the problem and of the disciplinary actions which the supervisor is going to
take. If the next higher superior will not give support for these actions, the supervisor should
reconsider the actions. It is very risky for a supervisor to initiate a serious disciplinary action
without first being assured of support from higher superiors. If a higher superior is trying to duck
a really serious problem, turn it into the higher superior’s problem by forwarding written
documentation of the problem to the superior and asking in writing for the higher superior’s

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PART III – PAIDS #1-77, 6-78, 1-84, 1-11, 1-13 & 2-13:
1. Captain Smith is working a day tour in E-99 and has just finished lunch when a member of E-99
enters his office and states that he feels he was the victim of harassment because of his age and would
like to make a complaint. Captain Smith is SA for the day. Which point below would be incorrect for
Captain Smith to follow? (Section 6)
A. Captain Smith should inform the member of the available filing options and notify the Fire
Departments EEO office by phone or email.
B. The member is not required to give Capt. Smith any information about the complaint. If the
member elects to give Capt. Smith information about the complaint then Capt. Smith must complete a
confidential EEO incident report.
C. Capt. Smith shall initiate an investigation of the complaint and interrogate both the complainant
and the respondent before calling the EEO office and forwarding the EEO report to the EEO office.
D. Company journal entries shall not be entered with regard to EEO complaints, no copies shall be
retained by the officer, the chain of command is bypassed, and no intermediate endorsements shall be

  1. C
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2. Captain McDowell is working a day tour in E-99 and has just finished lunch when FF Baker comes into the office and tells Capt. McDowell that he wants to meet with an EEO officer because he feels he has been discriminated against. FF Baker does not give any other information to the Captain except the fact that he wants to meet with the EEO officer. E-99, a single Engine, is already down a firefighter who tapped out earlier from an all hands fire and is awaiting a detail from Ladder 100. Captain McDowell knows that he must allow FF Baker to meet with the EEO officer at the earliest practicable time consistent with the operational needs of E-99. Captain McDowell would be correct to address any concerns about this matter to who? (7.2) A. The Battalion Chief B. The Deputy Chief C. DSCO/OSA D. EEO Office
2. D
3. If a member feels he/she has been the victim of sexual harassment he/she can file a complaint with which of the following agencies/units? (5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4) 1. FDNY EEO Officer 2. City of NY Human Rights Commission 3. NY State Division of Human Rights 4. EEO Commission 5. Department of Labor (Federal Compliance) 6. BITS A. 1,2,4,6 B. ALL C. None D. 2,3,5,6 E. 1,3,4,5
3. B
4. A Complaint must be filed with the Fire Departments EEO Officer within how long from the date of the alleged discrimination or harassment? If an incident occurs during non-office hours the Officer can contact EEO via? (5.5, 6.2.2) A. 1 year / FD Operations Center B. 18 months / FD Operations Center C. 18 months / Call EEO Directly D. 1 years / Call EEO Directly
4. A 6.2.2 For incidents that effect operations, the Officer/Supervisor shall contact the EEO Officer during office hours at (718) 999-1447 between 0800 to 1800 hours, Monday to Friday. During non-office hours, the EEO Officer can be reached through the Fire Department Operations Center (FDOC) at (718) 999-7900.
6-78 5. Company Commanders shall establish and monitor the evaluation program for 1st through 5th grade firefighters in their units. The purpose of this program is to evaluate and record the performance, skills, and capabilities of firefighters who have completed their probationary period. Which point below in not correct regarding this evaluation program? (Section 2 and 4) A. An evaluation report shall be forwarded for each fireman 1st through 5th grade, on May 1st of each year. The report shall be forwarded to the administrative battalion; reports with unsatisfactory ratings will be forwarded to the administrative division. B. Where a member is on a long term detail, the evaluation report shall not be initiated at the company level. The unit where the member is currently detailed is responsible for the evaluation. This evaluation is then forwarded to the evaluation unit at the Bureau of Personnel. C. If an evaluating officer is transferred to another unit, the Commanding Officer shall require an evaluation by such officer of all members they were responsible to evaluate at the time of their transfer, forwarding the reports to the Battalion at that time. D. When a member is transferred or promoted, their Commanding Officer shall require an Evaluation Report for the portion of the evaluation year in which they served in the unit. The report will be forwarded to the Battalion in the usual manner.
5. B A. Where a member carried on a payroll is on a long term detail, the following procedure is to be followed: 1. Evaluation report initiated, no ratings required. 2. Forward to the Evaluation Unit, Personnel Division, for follow-up indicating on the form the nature of the detail, date commenced, duty status, etc.
6. True or False? A member must sign his/her evaluation report. Lack of a signature will affect the validity of the rating and means the member objected to the rating. (Section 3)
6. F
1-84 7. Captain Wright has noticed that one of his firefighters has been acting unusual and does not seem to be himself. Captain Wright has decided to report this unusual behavior. In which choice below did Captain Wright not follow the protocol for reporting unusual behavior? (Addendum 1) A. The notification was in the form of a request to the Chief Medical Officer for a complete medical examination and placed in a sealed envelope and marked confidential. B. Captain Wright listed a telephone number by which a medical officer can reach him to discuss the reason for the referral. This request shall include a brief description of the alleged unusual behavior. C. If in the opinion of the officer, the behavior of the member is such as to present a danger to the member or anyone else, an immediate telephone call shall be made to BHS during office hours or FDOC at other times requesting the presence of a medical officer. D. Captain Wright must also make an immediate telephone notification to the next higher level of command for relay as required.
7. B 4. The referring officer will list a telephone number by which a medical officer can reach him to discuss the reason (s) for the referral. The request shall not give any description of the alleged unusual behavior.
1-11 8. Every supervisor who has received a workplace violence report (written or verbal) shall ensure that it is forwarded via the chain of command to _______. The supervisor shall affirmatively seek the guidance of ________ on matters that are very likely to lead to incidents of workplace violence. (11.1.1, 11.1.2) A. Workplace violence prevention coordinator / EEO B. EEO / BITS C. EEO / Workplace violence prevention coordinator D. Workplace violence prevention coordinator for both
8. D
9. FF Davis has been a victim of stalking and has taken out an order of protection against the stalker. The stalker has attempted to contact FF Davis at his firehouse at different times over the past week. FF Davis may request an accommodation from whom? (9.3) A. EEO B. BITS C. Workplace violence prevention coordinator D. Chief of Personnel
9. A
1-13 10. Hazing is any conduct that involves an employee who causes another employee to suffer or be exposed to any activity that is cruel, abusive, humiliating, intimidating, oppressive, demeaning, or harmful. Which point below is correct regarding hazing? (2.3, 2.4) A. Hazing may occur between peers or, under certain circumstances, may involve actions by junior personnel toward those more senior in rank. Hazing is limited to superior-subordinate relationships. B. Hazing does include authorized activities such as required operational or training exercises, including probationary firefighting training or remedial training. C. BITs will investigate hazing incidents as necessary. Any employee found to have been involved in hazing, or to have witnessed or become aware of an act of hazing and fails to report, will be subject to discipline. D. Hazing usually involves physical contact between or among members. Hazing is not verbal in nature.
10. C
11. A Captain is working overtime in L-100 when he becomes aware that hazing has occurred between the members of L-100 and their new proby. The Captain should know that he must report this act of hazing in writing thru the chain of command to? (3.2) A. Chief of Department B. BITs C. EEO D. Fire Commissioner
11. D
12. Any FDNY employee who has been hazed, or whom a supervisor or officer believes may have been subjected to hazing, will be considered a victim who is entitled to the assistance of which two units listed below? (3.5) A. BHS/EEO B. EEO/CSU C. BHS/CSU D. BHS/OSHA
12. C
2-13 13. Captain Carter is working the 6x9 tour in L-100. After exchanging information with the officer going off duty Capt. Carter goes into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. When he enters the kitchen he sees all the members on their smart phones and all thumbs are operating. Capt. Carter decides to conduct a drill on the FDNY’s social media policy. Capt. Carter was correct in which statement he made? (1.2) A. Social media includes proprietary sites or applications such as facebook, Instagram, or youtube. All employees are reminded that they are accountable only for their actions/conduct when they are on duty. B. Activities and statements made on social media sites are done in an online domain where users have a reasonable expectation of privacy, especially if the member has created private or limited access accounts. C. Employees should be mindful about disclosing or alluding to their status as a member of the FDNY. Employees are prohibited from revealing Department affiliations of other individuals (e.g. coworkers) without the express consent of that individual.
13. C
14. FF Ojeda has decided to change his profile picture on his facebook page. FF Ojeda has two pictures that he likes and is deciding on which one to use. Which picture would be in accord with the FDNY social media policy? (5.2.4) A. Picture 1: A picture of FF Ojeda in his uniform after a court appearance not involving city business. B. Picture 2: A picture of FF Ojeda in his uniform after medal day where he was awarded a Class B medal. C. Both are acceptable D. Neither is acceptable
14. B 5.2.4 FDNY personnel shall not post photographs of themselves in uniform, unless the uniform was worn during an event for which a uniform is required. FDNY personnel are prohibited from posting a photograph of themselves if, at the time, the wearing of a uniform is prohibited.
15. Which FDNY employee listed below is in compliance with the FDNY’s social media policy? (5.2.5, 5.2.6, 5.2.7, 5.2.8) A. FF Costanza, who is off duty, is sitting on his porch videotaping the all hands fire going on across the street from his house. After the fire he uploads the video to youtube. B. FF Benes, the ECC of the 1st due Engine at an all hands fire takes a few photos of the fire and posts them on his company’s website for other members to view and drill on. C. After a fire the OV from L-100 is approached by the female civilian he helped down the fire escape and she asks him to be friends with her on facebook. The OV firefighter later accepts her friendship request. D. FF Kramer is member of the FDNY’s incident management team and has a city email to conduct his IMT business. FF Kramer has just opened a twitter account and used his city email address since this is his only email account.
15. A 5.2.5 Employees are prohibited from posting on the Internet nonpublic items (e.g., information about, or photos or videos of, patients or fire scenes) that were obtained as a result of their position with the Department. Members of the Department are prohibited from taking photographs, videotaping or recording audio while working unless authorized to do so by OPI. 5.2.6 Employees are prohibited from engaging in any type of social media contact with patients, fire victims or any members of the public with whom they interact in their capacity as FDNY employees, to the same extent contact is prohibited by other means of communication. Such communications may be deemed inappropriate, a breach of confidentiality or an invasion of privacy. 5.2.7 Employees are prohibited from engaging in any type of social media contact (e.g., "friending,” or "following") with minors with whom they interact in the course of their FDNY employment, unless specifically authorized by a Department Assistant Commissioner (or higher rank) or Deputy Chief (or higher rank). Such unauthorized communications may be deemed inappropriate and create an appearance of impropriety. 5.2.8 Employees should never use their City e-mail addresses when participating in social media. Inasmuch as the FDNY monitors employee Internet use, employees have no right to privacy with respect to any information transmitted, received, created, accessed, obtained, viewed, stored or otherwise found at any time on the FDNY’s computer system.
16. Employees are encouraged to seek guidance from the _____ or _____ if they have any questions regarding compliance with the FDNY’s social media policy. (6.1) A. EEO Office B. Office of Public Information C. Bureau of Legal Affairs D. Bureau of Technology and Development
16. B, C
PART IV – FIRE PREVENTION: In the following scenario you will be Captain Carter and you are working a day tour in E-99. It is Monday November 24, 2014 and E-99 has afternoon BISP and will perform various inspections and respond to runs where fire prevention matters may “pop up”. Please answer the questions according to proper fire department procedures and use the reference material provided as required. 1. It is 0800 and you have just reported for work. You relieved the covering Lieutenant who left a few things on the desk. Since you are a sharp Captain, Deputy Chief McMeister sent over a memo on the requirements for smoke detectors installed under the 2008 building code for you to review before he sends it out to the units in his Division. In which point should you respectfully correct the Deputy Chief? A. Smoke detectors in groups R2 and R3 regardless of the occupant load shall be installed and maintained on the ceiling or wall outside of each room used for sleeping purposes within 15’ from the door to such room. B. In R2 and R3 occupancies smoke detectors shall be installed and maintained in each room used for sleeping purposes, in each story within a dwelling unit, including below grade stories and penthouses of any area, including crawl spaces and uninhabitable attics. C. Required smoke alarms shall receive their primary power from a dedicated branch circuit or the unswitched portion of a branch circuit also used for power and lighting, and shall be equipped with a battery backup. D. Smoke detectors in R1 dwelling units are required in sleeping areas, in every room in the path of the means of egress from the sleeping area to the door leading from the dwelling unit, and in each story within the unit, including below grade stories.
1. B
2. While you are reviewing the memo you get a run for a Class 3 in a private dwelling that was built 2013 under the 2008 code. E-99 and L-100 (commanded by Lt. Hernandez) are the only units assigned. The PD is 2 stories with a basement. There are 4 bedrooms on the 2nd floor which are connected by a small hallway; all of the rooms are within 15’ from the center of the hallway. The basement is not occupied and only used for storage. You would know that this PD should have how many smoke detectors in the house? A. 3 B. 5 C. 7 D. 9
2. C
3. While you are in the process of taking up from the class 3 a neighbor on the block approaches you and says that the private dwelling across the street was built last year and that there are no smoke detectors in the home. Which action below would be correct for you to take as the IC at this box? A. Prepare and forward an A8B (Fire Department Referral Report smoke detector) in duplicate and forward to the Field Public Communications Unit. B. Enter the private dwelling in question to perform an inspection and take action based on the results of the inspection. C. Refer the complainant to the Department of Housing Preservation and Development by dialing 311. D. Do not take any action since it is a private dwelling and the FDNY does not have jurisdiction in private dwellings.
3. C
4. On the way back to quarters E-99 is stopped at a red light. Capt. Carter glances at a building on the corner. Capt. Carter had a run in this building the last time he worked in E-99. The building is 50 stories, was built in 2006, is isolated, is steam heated, does not have natural gas service, and does not have enclosed parking. All the stoves, clothes dryers, and other appliances are all powered by electricity and none of the apartments have fireplaces. Are CO detectors required in this building? A. Yes or B. No
4. No
5. After E-99 returns to quarters members were discussing a carbon monoxide run that they had at 0200 hours. The run was in apartment 2C of a 5 story multiple dwelling built in 1986. You (Capt. Carter) should correct all but which statement made by the members of E-99? A. Since the required carbon monoxide detector was disabled a summons was issued. B. A summons was issued for the failure to provide the required posting for carbon monoxide detecting devices in the common area of the building. C. The carbon monoxide detector is required to be marked UL-2034 and the carbon monoxide detectors are required to be installed on the ceiling. D. Carbon monoxide detectors may not be combined with smoke detecting devices.
5. A
6. Combination smoke and carbon monoxide detectors must be installed on or near the ceiling. If installed on the ceiling the closest edge of the detector shall be a minimum of _____” from any wall. If wall mounted the closest edge of the detector shall be a minimum of ______” and a maximum of ______” from the ceiling. A. 6 / 6 / 12 B. 4 / 4 / 12 C. 4 / 4 / 8 D. 6 / 6 / 8
6. B
7. It is now 1000 hours and Captain Carter sits down at his desk and logs into E-99’s email and sees a complaint from fire prevention in the inbox. The complaint is in regards to propane. Capt. Carter decides to review LPG codes and rules before continuing any further. Which point is incorrect regarding propane rules and codes? A. When utilizing a non-commercial barbeque not more than 2 containers may be stored and/or used on the premises of a group R3 occupancy. Each container shall have a maximum capacity of 20 pounds except that on a balcony each container shall have a maximum capacity of 16.4 oz. B. Connecting and disconnecting LPG cylinders greater than 16.4 ounces and torch operations using LPG cylinders greater than 16.4 ounces shall be performed by a person holding a certificate of fitness. C. LPG containers at all times shall be moved under the general supervision of a certificate of fitness holder. LPG containers with a capacity of greater than 20 pounds may be moved in the building’s stairwells if such stairwells are unoccupied. D. LPG storage and use on forklifts, tractors, and similar industrial trucks shall be limited to one (1) LPG container with a capacity of not greater than 40 pounds. Storage and use of such powered industrial trucks below grade, including in a basement or cellar, is prohibited.
7. C
8. After reviewing the LPG codes and rules Captain Carter glances up at the computer and sees 3 complaints in his inbox now. He reads through each complaint to determine their merit. In which complaint or complaints will Capt. Carter have to take action due to a violation of the LPG codes/rules? Complaint 1: states that workers are on the roof of a 4 story brownstone type rowframe using a propane torch to make repairs to the roof. Complaint 2 states that there are workers at a movie theater making repairs using LPG. The workers in the basement are using a 20 pound LPG cylinder and the workers on the 1st floor are using two 20 pound LPG cylinders. The theater is unoccupied. Complaint 3 states that there is a street fair on their block where LPG is being used at the sausage and pepper stand. There are two 20 pound cylinders separated by 5’. Only 1 cylinder is in use by the cook at the grill. The other cylinder is 5’ away and not being used at this time. A. Complaints 1 and 2 B. All of them C. None of them D. Complaints 2 and 3 E. Complaints 1 and 3 F. Complaint 1 only
8. A
9. After handling these complaints E-99 stops at a building under construction. The standpipe, sprinkler, and interior alarms have been installed and are operable. A temporary certificate of occupancy has been issued for the Chase Bank located on the 1st floor which is open for business and occupied with customers. All the other floors are nearing completion except the top 2 floors which are still being finished. All the floors except the 1st floor are unoccupied. The building is 25 stories tall. Workers are using an LPG fired heater to help cure the last of the plaster on the top floor. Is it legal to use this LPG heater in this building? A. Yes or B. No
9. A
10. While enroute back to the firehouse a civilian flags down E-99 and tells them that there are two 20 pound LPG cylinders in the grocery store across the street. Upon inspection Capt. Carter finds the cylinders (two 20 pound cylinders) in the rear of the grocery store. One of the cylinders is damaged and the other cylinder is in good condition. The store manager says they are his cylinders and that he was using them to cook sausage and peppers since it is customer appreciation week at the grocery store. The manager also states that he has an FDNY certificate of fitness for LPG and that he will go borrow his brother’s personal car and remove the cylinders. In this situation Capt. Carter should take which action listed below? A. Capt. Carter should let the store manager remove the cylinders since they are his and he has a certificate of fitness and let him remove them with his brother’s personal car. B. Capt. Carter should order his members to remove the cylinders from the store and then let the store manager remove the cylinders using his brother’s personal car. C. Capt. Carter should order his members to remove the cylinders from the store and have FDNY fleet maintenance vehicle come and remove the cylinders. D. Capt. Carter must call the administrative Battalion Chief and wait for the Chief’s orders before taking action.
10. C It's no longer fleet maintenance it Haz_Mat
11. Capt. Carter and his men just sat down for lunch when they get a class 3 in a 20 story high rise fireproof multiple dwelling. E-99 and L-100 arrive and enter the lobby where building super tells them that the alarm panel is showing a smoke detector in the HVAC system on the roof. Lt. Hernandez and his members proceed to the roof to investigate and find no condition and report everything appears to be normal. Lt. Hernandez also tells Capt. Carter that there are yellow and red pipes running across the roof. Capt. Carter should know that these color coded pipes represent? A. Yellow = Low voltage wiring / Red = Natural Gas B. Yellow = Natural gas / Red = High voltage wiring C. Yellow = Fuel oil / Red = Low voltage wiring D. Yellow = High voltage wiring / Red = Fuel oil
11. B
12. Under the 1968 building code parapets shall be provided on all exterior walls of buildings of construction class IIA, IIB, or IIC that have roof construction of combustible materials except that a parapet need not be provided on the exterior wall of any building that is less than ______ feet high. Under the 2008 code the following miscellaneous roof structures may be constructed of combustible material if less than 12’ high above the roof; such as antenna supports, flagpoles, clothes drying frames, duckboarding, decking or platforms that do not cover more than ______ percent of the contiguous roof area at that level. A. 20 / 25 B. 25 / 20 C. 22/ 20 D. 20 / 22
12. C
13. The main purpose for the inspection of solar installations is to verify the presence of any solar panels at the given address and creation of a CIDS card to identify potential hazards. Which point about solar (photovoltaic, PV) installations is incorrect? A. Solar panels vary in size but are usually about 3’ x 5’ and are usually not visible from the street and can often only be identified from below by a label located near the main electrical panel or a sign near the electrical meter. B. If the main power circuit to the building is shut, some of the wiring in the building may still have a charge from the panels on the roof or batteries. The only time a solar panel is not energized is when its light source is removed or the panel is covered with a light blocking material. C. Members should be aware that these buildings can have 3 sources of power: Con Ed, solar, and batteries. The fire department will always consider any solar installation energized during daylight hours only. D. A CIDS card for should have the following items included in the transmitted data section: The existence of a solar array, limited roof operations, location of the DC disconnect, and if a battery storage system exists and its location.
13. C
14. Capt. Carter is preparing for BISP and realizes that it is the time of year for the holiday inspection program to begin. Which is the only correct point regarding the holiday inspection program? A. Holiday inspections shall be conducted between the hours 1000 and 1600 beginning on the Monday after Thanksgiving to December 31st of each year. B. Deputy Chiefs may exempt stores in which customers are accompanied by sales personnel during the duration of the customers visit and such stores are of the type that the amount of stock and customers are not greatly increased during the holiday season. C. For a store to be considered for and exemption, the company officer must submit a written request. Request must be approved by a Deputy Chief who has personally conducted and inspection of the store. D. Department and retail stores shall include department stores such as Sears, retail stores with more than 25 employees, or designed to accommodate more than 250 people, or have more 4000 sq/ft on all floors, or any retail store where combustible stock is greatly increased during the holiday season.
14. B 1.2 Inspections shall be conducted between the hours of 1000 and 1600 beginning on the Monday before Thanksgiving to December 31st of each year. 1.7 For this program, department and retail stores shall include: A. Department stores such as Macys, Sears, and similar types. B. Retail Stores: 1. With more than 25 employees, or 2. Designed to accommodate more than 300 persons, or 3. Which are more than 4,000 Sq. Ft. on any one floor, or 4. Any retail store where combustible stock is greatly increased during the holiday season, even if none of the requirements of 1, 2 or 3 above are met. (Examples: Toy, discount, appliance, and similar stores.) 1.8 Deputy chiefs may exempt stores in which customers are accompanied by sales personnel during the duration of the customer's visit and such stores are of a type that the amount of stock and the number of customers are not greatly increased during the holiday season. (e.g. furniture sales and showrooms). 1.10 For a store to be considered for an exemption, the company commander must submit a written request. Request must be approved by a Battalion Chief who has personally conducted an inspection of the store.
15. After leaving for BISP Capt. Carter decides to inspect the 2 emergency subway exits in E-99’s administrative area since they were never inspected in September. While these inspection are to be done on Saturday and/or Sunday Capt. Carter does them during BISP because they service large hubs and were never inspected. At the 1st emergency exit Capt. Carter finds that the emergency exit lights are burnt out. At the 2nd emergency exit Capt. Carter finds that the emergency exit stairs have some minor rust and need to be scraped and painted but are otherwise in good condition. Which choice below reflects the correct action for Capt. Carter to take? A. Send one A8 listing both emergency exit defects directly to the public transportation unit. B. Call PTSU regarding the 2nd emergency exit followed by an A8 to PTSU and send an A8 to the administrative division regarding the 1st emergency exit. C. Call PTSU regarding both emergency exits as A8 are not used to report emergency exit defects. D. Send an A8 to the administrative division regarding the 2nd emergency exit and call PTSU followed by an A8 to PTSU regarding the 1st emergency exit.
15. D
16. As E-99 is getting ready to leave the 2nd emergency exit a civilian approaches Capt. Carter and tells him that he was just down in the subway at Bundy’s shoe store, where he noticed an excessive amount of rubbish in the rear of the store. Upon inspection Capt. Carter finds excessive rubbish in the rear of the store and in the boiler room. The owner of Bundy’s, Al, tells the Captain that he rents the space from the transit authority. Capt. Carter issues a forthwith violation order to the transit authority for the removal of the rubbish. Do you agree or disagree with Capt. Carter’s actions? A. Agree or D. Disagree
16. B
17. During BISP members of E-99 are discussing emergency action plans for non-fire emergencies in office buildings. Of the four procedures that a FS/EAPD can implement to safeguard occupants in the event of an emergency which is not correctly listed? A. Shelter in place is a precaution where building occupants are directed to remain inside the building, at their work locations, in response to an emergency. B. In-building relocation is the controlled movement of building occupants from an endangered area of a building to an in building relocation area within the same building in response to an emergency. C. Full evacuation is the emptying of a building of all building occupants in response to an emergency. D. Partial relocation is the movement of some, but not all, building occupants in response to an emergency.
17. D
18. Just as they finish their discussion of emergency action plans in office buildings E-99 gets a run for a threat made by an unknown caller, to release a chemical agent in a 40 story office building. E-99 arrives on the scene first and Capt. Carter asks the person staffing the fire command station for the BIC card. Capt. Carter would know he should view side _______ to get detailed information regarding elevators, stairways, water supplies, utilities, fire extinguishing systems and contact information. Capt. Carter should also know that building elevators _______ be used by building personnel during non-fire emergencies. A. 2 / may not B. 1 / may not C. 2 / may D. 1 / may
18. D
19. E-99 is enroute to inspect a group family day care. Regarding these inspections which point below is correct? A. A family day care home is a program providing child care on a regular basis in a family residence for 7 to 12 children for more than 3 hours a day. B. A group family day care home is a program providing child care on a regular basis in a family residence for 3 to 6 children for more than 3 hours in a family residence. C. Units should be aware that this is an annual familiarization visit and will become part of the company’s cyclical inspection. If the day care is no longer in operation or cannot be found the officer shall forward an A8 to FPCU. D. Do not enter any family day care home or group family day care home without first obtaining consent from the day care provider or other adult residing on the premises.
19. D 2.3 A family day care home is a program providing child care on a regular basis in a family residence (other than the children’s own home) for 3 to 6 children for more than 3 hours a day. An additional two children who are of school age may be cared for before or after school hours. The maximum number of children that may be cared for will be specified on the license for the family day care home. 2.4 A group family day care home is a program providing child care on a regular basis in a family residence (other than the children’s own home) for 7 to 12 children for more than 3 hours a day. An additional two children who are of school age may be cared for before or after school hours. The maximum number of children that may be cared for will be specified on the license for the group family day care home. A) If the company has previously visited the family day care facility for familiarization, no further action is required. Note: Units should be aware that this is a one-time familiarization visit. It will not become part of the company's cyclical inspections.
20. E-99 is now conducting a familiarization visit in a group family day care home in a private residence. Capt. Carter observes occupancy and egress violations, these violations are in conflict with the New York State Social Service Law and the fire protection regulations adopted by the New York State Dept. of Social Services. Regarding these violations Capt. Carter should follow which point below? A. Issue a VO (forthwith if necessary) to the person in charge of the day care. B. Prepare an A8 referral form and forward it to FPCU, with a copy of any child day care provider notification form for the facility. C. Call the administrative Battalion Chief and notify the Dept. of Buildings and await their determination as to which cause of action to take. D. Issue only an NOV (VO’s) or issue a summons for a more serious violation and notify the Battalion Chief.
20. B
21. If a day care is located in a 3 story single family dwelling, children _______ be located above the 2nd floor. If a day care is located in a fireproof building that only has one stairway that leads to ground level, Office of Children and Family Services _______ permit day care programs to operate on any floor. A. May not / Will B. May not / Will not C. May / Will D. May / Will not
21. A
22. The school inspection form shall be used to record results of each day care service inspection. The completed form shall be forwarded to the Bureau of Fire Prevention in all but which circumstance listed below? A. The inspection was directed by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. B. Any change has occurred since the last inspection. C. Violations are found.
22. B ♦ A major change has occurred since the last inspection.
23. True or False: An order to discontinue work shall be in writing and shall be issued to the owner or other person authorizing, supervising, or engaging in the work. Upon the issuance of an order to discontinue work, the cited work shall immediately cease. The FDNY can’t order all worked stopped at a work site, but can order specific work not in compliance with the fire code or the rules stopped. Only the Department of Buildings can shut down all work at a construction site.
23. True
24. Capt. Carter and his members are in the process of issuing a violation order. Which point listed below is incorrect regarding violation orders? A. Compliance dates should fall on a scheduled AFID period. Forthwith orders and orders with one other compliance date may be written on the same order, however violations should be grouped to have a common date and/or time for compliance. B. The recommendation is to use separate orders when compliance times are not consistent or multiple violations are cited and additional space is needed on the VO. Only 7 violations are permitted on the violation order. C. If the VO is not corrected within the compliance time the officer may allow and extension if 75% of the required work has been completed, a progress notation shall be made on the back of the reinpection copy. D. When a situation is encountered that creates a condition, which is contrary to life and fire safety and the fire code does not provide a provision to adequately address the condition an order shall be written to correct the problem, FC 102.8 shall be cited in these situations.
24. B
25. An NOV should be issued in which one of the choices listed below? A. If the inspecting member deems the violation to be an immediate hazard. B. If members find workers smoking at a construction site. C. To enforce New York State laws such as NYS Labor Law and NYS Multiple Dwelling law. D. Issued to NYC agencies to report violations of laws.
25. D
26. E-99 has arrived at a taxpayer that is up for inspection. The taxpayer is comprised of 5 individual stores. The building is owned by Sid Fernandez, who lives in Hawaii. After inspecting the middle store, Dunkin Donuts, Capt. Carter finds that there are no fire extinguishers in the store. Capt. Carter is preparing an NOV (VC1). The NOV should be issued to? A. Capt. Carter should check the tenant box where it asks for the respondent and write in Dunkin Donuts on the line above. B. Give the NOV to the owner of Dunkin Donuts who is in the store. Check the owner box where it asks for the respondent and write his name on the line above. C. Give the owner of the building, Sid Fernandez, the NOV. Check the owner box and write in Dunkin Donuts on the line above. D. Give the NOV to the managing agent who manages the building, check the managing agent box, and write in Dunkin Donuts on the line above.
26. A
27. After inspecting the Dunkin Donuts E-99 is now inspecting the Barber shop next to the Dunkin Donuts. As Capt. Carter is looking through the building record folder he sees an NOV that was issued 10/10/ 2013 for electrical hazards throughout the store. As E-99 is inspecting the store there are electrical hazards throughout the store and there are no fire extinguishers in the store. It is apparent that the electrical hazards were never corrected and still exist. The owner has rented this store for the last 10 years and was here when the NOV was issued on 10/10/2013. Capt. Carter should follow which point below? A. Issue a new NOV for electrical hazards (VC25) and lack of fire extinguishers (VC 1) with both violations on the same NOV. Check the repeat violation box on the NOV. B. Issue a new NOV for the lack of fire extinguishers (VC 1) and check the repeat violation box on the NOV. Issue a summons for the electrical hazards since the condition still exists. C. Issue and NOV for the lack of fire extinguishers (VC 1) and issue a separate NOV (VC 25) for the electrical hazards and check the repeat violation box.
27. C
28. After an NOV is written it must be properly affixed. When members are unable to identify any of the persons authorized to accept the NOV within the premises, members shall affix the green and gold copies of the NOV to the premises itself by taping it to a conspicuous place, preferably with the use of masking tape. Which point below is incorrect? A. In a commercial premise, the following locations are recommended for taping the NOV: the door to the office of the buildings manager or any wall in the building’s main lobby, if one exists, preferably near the building’s security desk. B. In a multiple dwellings, the following locations are recommended for taping the NOV: the door to the superintendent’s office or residence, the wall near the building’s mailbox or notice board, or any walls in the building’s main lobby. C. Department personnel are strongly discouraged from affixing the NOV to the outside of the building. This method will be a last resort. Masking tape is the preferred method of taping an NOV to a wall, counter top, or desk top. D. Affixing an NOV to a counter top or desk top is strongly discouraged, as it may raise questions regarding service.
28. C
29. If a respondent is cited for the same violation, at the same premises, more than once in ______ months, this is considered a repeat violation. Not more than ______ violation(s) are to be cited on the NOV. Respondents have _______ days to file a certificate of correction to the Bureau of Fire Prevention’s Enforcement Unit. A. 12 / 1 / 30 B. 12 / 7 / 35 C. 18 / 7 / 35 D. 18 / 1 / 30
29. C