This exam will consist of 41 questions.
The first 40 questions will be answered based on the premise that you are Captain Jeter working
a 24 starting with the night tour in Engine 100. In order to answer these 40 questions you may
use the reference packet, it should be noted that the packet might not provide the answers to
some tactical type questions. (There will be one bonus question.)
It is 1745 hours on New Years Eve night and you have just reported into work in Engine 100,
let’s begin, good luck.
1. You have just relieved one of your senior Lieutenants, he has nothing outstanding to report other
then he has not heard from Firefighter Molina about his status. After wrapping up your conversation a
complaint is sent to you from Fire Prevention via the teleprinter. Engine 100 will need to inspect the
local Home Depot for illegal storage of LPG. You promptly inspect the complaint after you finish the
roll call. After your arrival at the Home Depot you introduce yourself to the store manager. He states
that the only LPG cylinders stored at this Home Depot are n-butane cylinders (normal butane). You
ask him to escort you and your members to that area. The cylinders in question are being stored for
sale / display and they are for use in self contained hand torches and/or similar devices. After
inspecting the area where these cylinders are stored you would know to tell the store manager the
A) Buildings shall be protected by a sprinkler system in storage and display areas when LPG
quantities exceed permit amounts.
B) The quantity of LPG shall not exceed 200 pounds.
C) The LPG cylinders can have a maximum capacity of 16.4 ounces.
D) None of the items above apply to n-butane, n-butane is not considered LPG. Answers 1, 2, and 3
only apply to propane.
Please choose the most correct answer?
A) 2 & 3 only B) 1 & 3 only C) 1, 2, 3 D) 4 only

  1. C
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  1. You return to quarters after investigating the complaint in question one and you are now faced
    with several issues. The first issue on your plate is your ECC, he just came to you and states that he is
    not feeling very well and he wants to go sick. It should be noted that you have a company trained
    chauffeur working a mutual in a nearby firehouse, Engine Company 200. Outside of your ECC who is
    going sick none of the other 3 on duty members are company or school trained. You are about to call
    car 33 when one of your members questions if the company is out of service. You then take the
    following actions, which action(s) is/are correct?
    A) The unit will be temporarily out of service until the company trained chauffeur on a mutual in
    Engine 200 returns, this will happen after you call Engine 200 and request that your firefighter is
    detailed back to you.
    B) You notify DSCO that you will require a school trained ECC, before any other notifications.
    C) All of the above.
    D) None of the above
  1. D
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  1. After placing your unit back in service as per FDNY procedures you receive a phone call from
    your superior, Deputy Chief Steinbrenner. He wants to know if you have read the memo from the
    Borough Command about the investigation of complaints; the report is titled Complaint Investigation.
    You would know after reading the memo that which procedures stated in the memo is correct?
    A) Procedure # 1
    B) Procedure # 2
    C) Procedure # 3
    D) Procedure # 4
    E) Procedure # 5
  1. B
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  1. After speaking with Deputy Chief Steinbrenner in question 3 from Division 75, your
    administrative Division, FireFighter Cano enters your office irate over the fact that Lieutenant
    Cashman told him that you denied his application for a vacation mutual with Firefighter Hughes.
    Firefighter Cano states that he has plans to take his kids to Disney Land and even though you are
    remaining calm he is very upset. He states that Captain Torre never would have done this. You should
    tell Firefighter Cano which one of the following?
    A) I apologize, I believe I made a mistake. I thought Firefighter Hughes was a proby and you are a
    first grade firefighter. I now realize there are only two probies in the company.
    B) The vacation swap was correctly denied based on Regulations 17.7.11n.
  1. B
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  1. Firefighter Cano has just left your office and the house watch firefighter informs you that a
    civilian is at the front door seeking some information on non-damaged sprinkler systems at demolition
    sites. You would know that which one of your answers below is incorrect?
    A) In structures undergoing demolition that have existing sprinkler systems with siamese
    connections such systems shall be maintained as a non-automatic sprinkler system.
    B) When demolition starts and an existing sprinkler system exists with siamese connections, the
    sprinkler risers shall be capped immediately below the floor being demolished to maintain the sprinkler
    system on all lower floors for Fire Department use.
    C) A metal sign must be present at the Siamese connection for the existing sprinkler system reading
    “SPRINKLER SIAMESE CONNECTION” with a red light over the sign. The red light must be lit at
    D) Some sprinkler systems never required siamese connections because the number of heads in any
    given fire area did not exceed 36. These buildings are not required to maintain the sprinkler system
    during demolition of the building, unless the building is greater then 75 feet in height.
  1. D
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  1. You have just finished your discussion with the civilian in question 5 and you are headed back to
    your office when the junior lieutenant in the truck (Ladder 500 - across the floor) asks you a few
    questions about the 2014 vacation schedule. You would be correct to tell the Lieutenant which item(s)
    from list below?
    A) Adjusted tours are included on the Vacation schedule as a night tour in vacation part 2.
    B) A fifth or sixth grade firefighter may exchange vacation only with another fifth or sixth grade
    firefighter. (Ex: fifth for fifth only / sixth for sixth only)
    C) Vacation chart hours for firefighters under first grade does not include the 15 hour adjusted tour.
    D) Members must have been appointed between the 1st and the 16th of the month in order to qualify
    for that particular month’s accrual, if they are under first grade.
  1. D

company commanders shall ensure 15 hours of vacation part 1 is recorded as adjusted tour (as per vacation chart)

17.8.1 To reduce the firefighter’s work week to 40 hours, a 15 hour adjusted tour is
granted annually. To receive an adjusted tour, a firefighter must perform more
than six months service in the current calendar year under the Two-Platoon, 25
Group chart

M. A fifth or sixth grade firefighter may exchange vacation only with
another firefighter of either fifth or sixth grade.

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  1. After handling all of the issues from question 2 to question 6, you are pondering who should have
    been given first response if all of these issues happened at one time. You would know that the correct
    order is found in which answer below?
    A) Question 3, Question 4, Question 5, Question 2, Question 6
    B) Question 2, Question 3, Question 4, Question 5, Question 6
    C) Question 3, Question 2, Question 4, Question 5, Question 6
    D) Question 3, Question 4, Question 2, Question 5, Question 6
  1. B
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  1. You are two hours into your tour when you receive a first due response for a fire in a construction
    site. You know from working in the area that a new 14 story steel office building is being constructed
    at the listed address in the response ticket. The building sticks out in your mind because it is 100 x 100
    facing on one street front. Upon your arrival you are presented with the following image of the office
    building under construction:
    Floor # 10 (100 feet high)
    Floor # 9 (90 feet high)
    Floor # 8 (80 feet high)
    Floor # 7 (70 feet high)
    Floor # 6 (60 feet high)
    Floor # 5 (50 feet high)
    Floor # 4 (40 feet high)
    Floor # 3 (30 feet high)
    Floor # 2 (20 feet high)
    Floor # 1 (10 feet high)
    Visible fire is showing from floor number 10 the last floor to have construction started, the First Due
    Ladder Officer reports that he has a light fire condition on floor number 10 and he is calling for an
    immediate line. He also states that he has concrete floors on 1 thru 8, floor 9 has tacked Q-decking and
    floor number 10 has steel I-beams with a few wood planks. You would know to tell your members to
    hook up to the standpipe outlet on which floor?
    A) Floor number 7
    B) Floor number 8
    C) Floor number 9
    D) Floor number 6
  1. B

Steel Construction: Standpipe maintained and capped on floor below the walking floor. This could be considered tacked Q-Decking.
Note: In concrete construction, the working deck is the floor being formed. In steel construction the working deck is the floor where the metal decking and steel components are being placed before concrete is poured.

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  1. The fire has been extinguished in question 8 and the members did a great job. You are now
    speaking with one of the Ladder Officers and he tells you that the Construction Engineer is on scene
    with an after hours crew and has a variance for after hours work from DOB. You introduce yourself to
    the Construction Engineer as the Fire Officer administratively responsible for the site and ask him who
    the Site Safety Manager or Coordinator is for this construction site. The Construction Engineer states
    that the site does not require a Site Safety Manager or Coordinator because the building will only be 14
    stories tall, 140 feet in height and have less than 100,000 square feet of lot coverage. He also states the
    building work permit was submitted July 2, 2008, however the owner chose to construct under the
    1968 Building Code. You should take which one of the actions listed below?
    A) Take no action about the lack of a Site Safety Manger or Coordinator, because under the 1968
    Building Code the Construction Engineer’s statements are correct. Additionally, the owner had the
    right to choose which building code to construct under, during a one year grace period following the
    enactment of the 2008 Building Code.
    B) Immediate Summons for no Site Safety Manager or Coordinator during the required hours as per
    the 2008 Building Code, VO (FSC-2) and request DOB to the scene.
    C) Take no action because under the 2008 Building Code the Site Safety Manager is required only
    during business hours.
  1. B
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  1. You have just finished speaking with the Construction Engineer in question 9 when the first due
    Battalion Chief states that the fire was started by a torch operation on floor number 10. The
    construction crew was welding steel I-Beams on floor number 10 and the sparks from the welding
    ignited some combustible material located on a few wood planks. The Battalion Chief knows you are
    sharp when it comes to fire prevention and is curious if you can refresh his memory on torch
    requirements. You should have corrected which statement(s) below that you made to the Chief?
    A) There were four torch operators, so you told the Chief there should have been a total of 8
    certificate of fitnesses for the torch operation.
    B) Torches shall not be used within 45 feet of combustibles or floor openings unless a shield has
    been erected around the work area to prevent stray sparks from causing a fire.
    C) After torch operations are completed, the fire guard must make two inspections of the work area.
    The first inspection must be made 30 minutes after the torch was last used. The second inspection must
    be made 1 hour after the completion of the first inspection.
    D) A certificate of fitness for a Fire Safety Manager would also be required for the general
    supervision of the fire guards performing the fire watch.
  1. A, B, C
  2. You have just finished speaking with the Construction Engineer in question 9 when the first due
    Battalion Chief states that the fire was started by a torch operation on floor number 10. The
    construction crew was welding steel I-Beams on floor number 10 and the sparks from the welding
    ignited some combustible material located on a few wood planks. The Battalion Chief knows you are
    sharp when it comes to fire prevention and is curious if you can refresh his memory on torch
    requirements. You should have corrected which statement(s) below that you made to the Chief?
    A) There were four torch operators, so you told the Chief there should have been a total of 8
    certificate of fitnesses for the torch operation.
    B) Torches shall not be used within 45 feet of combustibles or floor openings unless a shield has
    been erected around the work area to prevent stray sparks from causing a fire.
    C) After torch operations are completed, the fire guard must make two inspections of the work area.
    The first inspection must be made 30 minutes after the torch was last used. The second inspection must
    be made 1 hour after the completion of the first inspection.
    D) A certificate of fitness for a Fire Safety Manager would also be required for the general
    supervision of the fire guards performing the fire watch.
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  1. The Chief now thoroughly understands the torch requirements; however he remembers reading
    that Fire Guards will also be on duty when operations are not in progress. Therefore, when
    construction workers quit for the day, fire guards must be present on site from the end of the
    construction workers’ day until 2400 hours. The Chief finishes his statement and requests your opinion.
    It should be noted that there is a substantial fence enclosing the entire construction site plus any
    adjacent areas where the fire just occurred in question 8. You would be correct to state which item or
    items from the list below?
    A) Chief, you are generally correct, however Fire Guards would not be required at this site because
    the site does not exceed 15,000 square feet and the building faces on only one street, remember it has a
    substantial fence.
    B) Chief, you are generally correct; however Fire Guards would not be required at this site because
    the site does not exceed 112.5 feet in height, remember it has a substantial fence.
    C) Chief, you are correct Fire Guards would be required at this site as you explained.
  1. C

• Fire guards are required at sites when construction, alteration or demolition exceeds 10,000 square
feet when fronting on one street, or 20,000 square feet when fronting on more than one street or
whenever the building exceeds 75 feet in height.

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  1. You return to quarters and the Battalion calls you and states that he wants you to detail one of
    your firefighters to Rescue 2 because they had one member go sick from the fire in question 8. He
    states that you have surplus staffing because you are a group 2 company and the city is at level “B”
    staffing. He states that no other units can provide a detail as per FDNY procedures. You should have
    told the Chief which answer from the list below?
    A) Chief, I will provide the detail because I have surplus staffing.
    B) Chief, regardless of my staffing I cannot provide the detail because all of my members have less
    then ten years of service, one seven year member, two four year members and my ECC with nine
    C) Chief, I cannot provide the detail because I do not have surplus staffing; I only have four
    firefighters and one firefighter who is on a mutual in E-200.
    D) Chief, I have surplus staffing, however my members are not SOC trained, I could detail one of
    my members to Ladder 1000 a SOC Support Ladder in the Battalion, and they could detail a member
    from their unit.
  1. C
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  1. You have just finished dinner when you decide to figure out the 2014 vacation hours for one of
    your probationary firefighters. Proby Cabrera has eight months on the job and was appointed on the
    17th day of the month. It should be noted that it is New Years Eve - night 2013. Please choose the
    correct vacation hours for Proby Cabrera?
    A) 53 hours including the adjusted tour.
    B) 57:45 hours including the adjusted tour.
    C) 53 hours not including the adjusted tour.
    D) 48:15 hours including the adjusted tour
    E) 48:15 hours not including the adjusted tour.
  1. ?
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  1. It is now around 10 o’clock when Engine 100 receives a response for a structural fire. You are
    responding with Engine 50, Engine 75, Ladder 500, Ladder 1000, and Battalion 76. You hear both
    ladder companies state they are responding with four firefighters, both trucks operated at the fire in
    question 8 and lost members due to medical leave. You would expect the following to happen?
    A) An immediate 3rd ladder company will be dispatched as an additional truck.
    B) One additional ladder company will be dispatched for each four firefighter ladder company, up to
    four ladder companies on the first alarm.
    C) An additional Ladder Company (above the Fast Truck) will only be assigned to a 7-5 or above
    when both of the two initially assigned Ladder Companies report responding in with 4 firefighters.
    D) None of the above.
  1. D

8.3.3 When notified that a company is responding understaffed the dispatcher shall
special call another unit (Engine for Engine, Ladder for Ladder, etc.) to respond in
addition to the understaffed unit.
Note: Under this response policy, the total First Alarm response shall not exceed
a total response of:
Four Engine Companies and Four Ladder Companies

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  1. After your arrival on scene you realize that Engine 50 is staffed with an officer an two members.
    You would expect that Engine 50 could now perform which tasks below?
    A) Checking the serviceability of a hydrant.
    B) Hooking up to a hydrant.
    C) Charging the pumps.
    D) Stretching a hose-line to outside the IDLH atmosphere.
    E) All tasks listed above, plus normal firefighting.
  1. E
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It is now 11:00 P.M, you have just finished all of your administrative duties when you decide to
review some study group questions that members of your study group wrote for this week’s
session. You were unable to make the group session this week, however they e-mailed you the
questions. You print the questions off the computer, grab a cup of coffee, close the office door
and off you go. The next 10 questions (16 to 25) will be study group questions that you are
reviewing because you are preparing for the upcoming Captain’s exam.
16. Every officer (whether on-duty or while in any Department premises, property or vehicle(s)) who
reasonably suspects or knows that any member has engaged in conduct prohibited by AUC 202 or any
addenda shall immediately:
A) Prohibit on and off-duty members present at the time of discovery of any violation of this policy
from leaving premises without permission of the investigating officer.
B) If any member is permitted to leave premises during an investigation, the investigating officer
shall document the reason for the release in a report to be sent to the Chief of Operations via the chain
of command.
C) Immediately relieve the on-duty member(s) from emergency response duty. Immediately have
the affected unit placed out of service.
D) Notify the next superior officer.
E) Notify the Bureau of Investigations and Trials (“BITs”). Document the incident in the company
After reviewing this question you would know that your study group should have corrected which
answer(s) from the list above? (AUC 202, section 5.5)

  1. B, D

5.5 Every officer (whether on-duty or while in any Department premises, property or
vehicle(s)) who reasonably suspects or knows that any member has engaged in conduct
prohibited by this AUC or any addenda shall immediately:
1. Prohibit on and off-duty members present at the time of discovery of any violation
of this policy from leaving premises without permission of the investigating officer.
If any member is permitted to leave premises during an investigation, the
investigating officer shall document the reason for the release in a report to be sent
to the Chief of Department via the chain of command.
2. Immediately relieve the on-duty member(s) from emergency response duty.
3. Immediately have the affected unit placed out of service.
4. Notify the administrative Battalion Chief or, if appropriate, the next superior officer.
5. Notify the Bureau of Investigations and Trials (“BITs”).
6. Document the incident in the company journal.

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  1. The officer charged with investigating a suspected or known violation of the policy found in
    AUC 202 shall immediately:
    A) Conduct a roll call. All on-duty and off-duty members present in premises shall be part of the roll
    B) Advise all officers and firefighters whom the investigating officer reasonably believes may be
    subject to charges of their right to representation before being questioned.
    C) Following notification, conduct an investigation to ascertain which member(s) may have engaged
    in any conduct prohibited under this policy.
    D) If the officer has reason to believe that any member(s) has violated this policy, the officer shall
    immediately order that such member(s) be tested for alcohol and illegal drugs.
    E) If the officer orders testing, he or she shall document the reasons for the determination in a report
    to the Chief of Department and Fire Commissioner via the Chain of Command.
    F) If the officer determines that there is no reason to believe that this policy has been violated, he or
    she shall not order testing and shall document the reasons for his or her determination in a report to the
    Chief of Department and Fire Commissioner via the Chain of Command.
    After reviewing this question you would know that your study group should have corrected which
    answer(s) from the list above? (AUC 202, section 5.7)
  1. E, F

If the officer orders testing, he or she shall document the reasons for the
determination in a report to the Chief of Department via the Chain of Command.

If the officer determines that there is no reason to believe that this policy has been
violated, he or she shall not order testing and shall document the reasons for his or her
determination in a report to the Chief of Department via the Chain of Command.

  1. Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the below statement in quotes? (AUC
    202, section 6.1.6)
    “The highest ranking officer (or where applicable, the Medical Officer), shall document the
    reasons a chauffeur was tested after being involved in a major accident as defined by Safety
    Bulletin 56 via the chain of command in a written report to the Fire Commissioner and Chief of
    A) Agree or D) Disagree
  1. D

6.1.6 Every member who has operated a Department vehicle that has been involved in a
major accident as defined in Safety Bulletin 56. The highest ranking officer who has
responded to the accident shall ensure that the testing takes place in an expeditious
manner and shall coordinate such testing with the Testing Unit. If any personnel
required to be tested are immediately transported to a hospital, the Medical Officer
on-duty shall ensure that the personnel transported are tested in an expeditious
manner, and shall coordinate such testing with the Testing Unit, BIT or other
required BHS personnel. The highest ranking officer (or where applicable, the
Medical Officer), shall document the reasons for the failure to test a member via the
chain of command in a written report to the Fire Commissioner and Chief of

  1. The following situations require immediate notification to the Bureau of Investigations and
    A) On/off - duty incidents involving possession or use of drugs or alcohol.
    B) Physical altercations among members, serious confrontations with civilians, dangerous misuse of
    Department vehicles.
    C) Arrest of Department employees.
    D) On-duty confrontations between Department members and members of the Police Department, or
    other government agencies which may lead to possible disciplinary action.
    After reviewing this question you would know that your study group should have corrected which
    answer(s) from the list above? (AUC 268, section 3.1)
  1. A

3. 1.1 On-duty incidents involving possession or use of drugs or alcohol.

  1. The following situations require written notification to the Bureau of Investigations and Trials:
    A) Misconduct by a Department employee not falling within the jurisdiction of the Inspector
    B) Follow-up information regarding the arrest of a member.
    C) Any instance of incompetence (i.e., repeated negligent of unsatisfactory performance of duties)
    so serious that the officer believes disciplinary charges are warranted.
    D) Preference of charges against a member.
    E) Misuse or misappropriation of the Department’s time.
    After reviewing this question you would know that your study group was correct in which answer(s)
    from the list above? (AUC 268, section 4.1)
  1. All

4.1 The following situations require written notification to the Bureau of Investigations and
4.1.1 Misconduct by a Department employee not falling within the jurisdiction of the
Inspector General.
4.1.2 Follow-up information regarding the arrest of a member.
4.1.3 Any instance of incompetence (i.e., repeated negligent of unsatisfactory
performance of duties) so serious that the officer believes disciplinary charges are
4.1.4 Preference of charges against a member.
4.1.5 Misuse or misappropriation of the Department’s time.

  1. Please choose the most correct Engine Company procedure(s) from the list below?
    (AUC 287, section 4)
    A) The first and second Engine Companies to arrive at a structural fire shall act in concert to get the
    first line into operation, unless the presence of a confirmed life hazard requires the immediate
    stretching of a second line.
    B) After the first line is stretched, the second to arrive Engine Company shall not detach. Rather, the
    second Engine Company shall remain in readiness to relieve the first Engine Company, unless
    otherwise assigned by the Incident Commander.
    C) In one or two story structures where the amount of hose required is four lengths or less, the need
    to assist on the first hose-line is not as great and Engine Companies are generally capable of stretching
    and operating individually.
    D) All of the above.
  1. Please choose the incorrect staffing terminology from the list below? (AUC 287,
    section 11)
    A) Groups 2, 3, or 4 Engines responding with four Firefighters to a reported incident requiring a
    structural response, shall acknowledge receipt of alarm by transmitting a 10-14 signal.
    B) A Ladder, Rescue, or Squad Company in Group 1 responding with four Firefighters shall notify
    the dispatcher via radio, “We are responding with four Firefighters.”
    C) A Group 1, 2, 3, or 4 unit responding with less than four Firefighters must notify the dispatcher
    via Department radio that they are responding “Under Staffed.”
    D) Group 1 Engine Companies responding with four Firefighters to a reported incident requiring a
    structural response shall notify the dispatcher via radio, “We are responding with four Firefighters.”
  1. D

I don’t know about this one.

  1. Please choose an incorrect staffing procedure from the list below? (AUC 287, add # 1,
    section 2)
    A) Units staffed with an officer and minimum of 2 firefighters, while awaiting ordered detail(s),
    shall respond to all alarms.
    B) Units with only an officer and a chauffeur shall be placed OOS, however this unit, while still
    staffed with only a chauffeur and an officer, shall respond to any verbal alarms received while in
    C) Ladder Companies with 4 firefighters, when first to arrive, shall always operate without the
    OVM. The officer shall inform the Incident Commander and the 2nd to arrive Ladder Company that
    they do not have an OVM.
    D) Ladder Companies in quarters with understaffed Engine Companies shall temporarily detail their
    5th firefighter until arrival of ordered details.
  1. The following Units shall start each tour with at least two (2) school trained chauffeurs:
    A) Satellite Units
    B) Planning Vehicle
    C) Collapse Rescue Units
    D) Decon Units (other than Tractor Trailer apparatus)
    E) Foam Units
    After reviewing this question you would know that your study group was correct in which answer(s)
    from the list above? (AUC 348, section 3.1)
  1. A, B, C, D

School Chuaffeurs Plan to Driving

25. When a designated back-up unit is staffed with one school trained chauffeur and one company trained chauffeur and is assigned to pick up a special unit's second piece, they shall be guided by the following: A) The school trained chauffeur shall drive the assigned apparatus accompanied by the officer. B) The company trained chauffeur shall drive the second piece accompanied by another firefighter. C) The assigned apparatus and the second piece shall travel as a convoy. After reviewing this question you would know that your study group was incorrect in which answer(s) from the list above? (AUC 348, section 3.4)
25. A, B
26. It is now 11:45 P.M, you have just finished reviewing all of your study group questions when you look over at the fax machine and realize that Firefighter Matsui’s self-mutual off tomorrow day has been disapproved by the Battalion. You are frustrated because Matsui is a great guy and one of your senior firefighters. You would be correct to take which action(s) below? A) Call the Battalion and question why Matsui’s self-mutual off was cancelled, Matsui has two tours in the bank. B) Call the Battalion and question why Matsui’s self-mutual off was cancelled, Matsui’s group is working. C) Call the Battalion and question why Matsui’s self-mutual off was cancelled, Matsui has only used three self mutuals this year. D) Do not call the Battalion, call Matsui and explain to him he is due into work tomorrow.
26. D In the start of the test it says it's new's eve making tomorrow new years day.
27. You have just received a response for an open/unguarded elevator shaft in a local project. It is 3:30 A.M. when you arrive on scene at the NYCHA Pink Houses in East New York, Brooklyn. After conducting an assessment you inform the Battalion Chief that the elevator is on floor number one, however the hoist-way door on floor number 5 malfunctioned and is stuck in the open position. The Battalion Chief then decides to take the following action, please indicate if you agree or disagree with the Chief’s actions? “The Battalion Chief believes the condition is hazardous enough to require immediate action to be taken, therefore he request a DOB response. The Chief requests an ETA from DOB and orders Engine 100 to remain on scene to maintain a safety zone and ensure public safety until the arrival of a representative from DOB.” A) Agree or D) Disagree
27. D
28. Outside of that response at 3:30 A.M. your night tour was not so bad, you have just finished the day tour roll call when you receive a complaint from the dispatcher that there are workers at a private construction site working in violation of a “Stop Work Order”. You arrive on scene and determine that workers are in violation of a “Stop Work Order” At this point you would be correct to take which action from the list below? A) Request a Battalion Chief to respond in order to notify DOB for an immediate response. B) Issue a Summons for failure to comply with an FDNY violation order - ODW-1. C) Forward a High Priority Referral. D) Issue an NOV.
28. A
29. On your way back from the complaint in question 28 you receive a response ticket for an emergency response in a local hardware store. The store is closed however the owner is on premise and states he had just stopped in to check on something when he noticed a gas odor in the below grade area. After mitigating the gas leak you notice the owner stores several flammable and combustible liquids, the following items were found below grade; ♦ 5 gallons of gasoline - permit on premise. ♦ 15 gallons of WD-40 lubricant - permit on premise. ♦ 25 gallons of generic hydraulic oil - permit on premise. ♦ 20 gallons of diesel fuel - permit on premise. The owner begins to explain that the hardware store is a lawfully existing facility established prior to July 1, 2008, under Local Law 26. The owner states he was unable to comply with the new Fire Code even though he made a significant alteration in 2010 on the first floor. You notice that all of the items listed above are being stored in a room that is segregated, vertically and horizontally, from surrounding spaces by a fire separation of not less than two hours / fire resistance rating and such room is protected by a sprinkler system. It should be noted that this is the only sprinkler located in the below grade area. You would know to take which action(s) from the list below? A) Issue a forthwith VO (HM-2) to have all flammable liquids removed from the below grade area immediately. You should consider serving an immediate summons for failure to comply with the law. B) The 25 gallons of generic hydraulic oil can remain inside the segregated room, however the other combustible liquids need to be removed from the below grade area. A forthwith violation order for (HM-3) should be served for the other combustible liquids. C) Take no action because the facility is lawfully existing under the previous Local Law, and all items can be stored in a segregated room protected by a sprinkler system. D) All of the combustible liquids need to be removed from the below grade area and a forthwith violation order (HM-3) to remove the combustible liquids from below grade shall be issued, additionally a sprinkler recommendation (A-244) should be forwarded.
29. C
30. You have returned to quarters and you are completing a High Priority Referral Report, because while you were at the building in question 29 you also noticed some defective brick work on the facade found on the exposure one/two corner. The Battalion Chief that you requested to the scene instructed you to complete a High Priority Referral report, his only instruction was to leave the endorsement section blank, he will fill that in. You just finished reviewing document number 1 and would know to take which action below? A) Do not submit the High Priority Referral report, FDNY exposure terminology is not allowed. B) Submit the High Priority Referral report to the Battalion Chief and be thankful that this is the only document you have to complete. C) Submit the High Priority Referral report to the Battalion Chief and be thankful that this is the only High Priority Referral Report you have to complete. Remember you need to complete and forward a CIDS card. D) None of the above.
30. D (7) Description & Location - Describe the nature of the referral in detail and indicate the specific location. It is vital to include the exact location of the condition. FDNY exposure terminology is appropriate. 2.2 Procedures The procedures described herein should not be confused with, or be used as a substitute for, situations requiring an immediate action to be taken. Hazardous conditions relative to structural deficiencies/hazards or inadequate means of egress that are imminently perilous to firefighters or occupants shall be addressed utilizing existing procedures. Vacate procedures shall be initiated by the administrative units, or DOB, as conditions warrant. A. When a serious hazard is discovered which necessitates the forwarding of a High Priority Referral Report to DOB, the following procedures shall apply: • The administrative unit officer shall request the response of the administrative battalion for an evaluation of conditions. • If conditions justify, the administrative unit shall complete the High Priority Referral Report found on the intranet for submission to the administrative battalion. • The administrative unit will complete and forward a CIDS card.
Wow you are having some 24 so far, you cannot believe you swapped mutuals, fortunately for you it is later in the day and things are fairly quiet. You decide to sit down and write some study group questions for next week’s study group session. You will review the next seven questions (31 to 37) in order to proof-read your work. 31. When a new building under construction is more than 75 feet in height it will be transferred to the civilian CDA Unit for inspection, it will come back to the administrative fire unit’s Pre-Inspection Report as a familiarization drill. Please choose an incorrect drill procedure from the list below? A) These drills are required to be performed every 90 days until construction is deemed completed. B) Drills should occur during daily drill periods or MUD. C) A minimum of one Engine and one Ladder should attend these drills. The administrative Battalion Chief can attend, if available. D) The administrative fire unit must document this drill in the RBIS application. E) The IF-2 inspection form is not used for this drill and no other paperwork is required. F) If field units are unable to enter the site because of safety concerns, they shall still document the drill in RBIS and indicate incomplete drill conducted in the comments section.
31. F
32. DOB divides construction work into two main categories: New Buildings and Alterations (ALT). Alterations are further divided into Type ALT 1, ALT 2 or ALT 3 depending upon the scope of work. Please choose the most correct definition from the list below? A) ALT 1 alteration is considered a major alteration which requires the building to get a new certificate of occupancy. B) ALT 1 alteration may involve a change in any of the following: the use or occupancy of the building, the means of egress, the number of stories or the number of dwelling units. C) ALT 2 is an alteration in which the use or occupancy does not change, but involves multiple work types, e.g., plumbing and construction. D) ALT 3 is a minor alteration that involves only one work type. E) All of the above.
32. E
33. Company officers must notify the administrative Battalion Chief when a building undergoing an alteration is ready to be removed from the CDA database and placed into the regular inspection program. A building undergoing an alteration will be considered ready to be removed from the CDA database when: A) Buildings may be considered for removal from the CDA database after the initial inspection if no violations are issued and the safety of firefighters and the public is not compromised. B) Some minor alterations will require several inspections to evaluate and determine if further FDNY inspections are necessary based on the extent and nature of the work involved. C) More complex alterations may need to be kept active until the work is substantially completed. The administrative Battalion Chief may be consulted in determining whether an alteration needs to have continued inspections. Please choose the incorrect item from the list above?
33. B
34. Please choose an incorrect self mutual procedure for firefighters from the list below? A) No repayment of tours owed will be permitted on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. B) Self-mutual/off and self-mutual/repayment must be like tours, e.g. 9x6 for 9x6 and 6x9 for 6x9. C) Self-mutuals granted for weekend tours must be repaid with weekend tours. D) Any tours not repaid by December 31 of each year will be carried over to the next calendar year and counted as a self-mutual for that next calendar year. E) Self-Mutuals are counted in the total number of mutuals a member owes or is owed based on the new mutual policy.
34. E
35. Members placed on Military Leave to fulfill service obligations with the National Guard or Reserves may be eligible to which of the following listed below? A) A maximum of 240 hours of paid Military Leave per calendar year. B) The Military Leave cannot exceed 240 hours in one continuous period of absence, unless the leave crosses over into a new calendar year. C) There is no yearly carryover of unused Military Leave Entitlement. D) Vacation Leave may be interrupted by Military Leave only if notification of Military Leave is received before the start of Vacation Leave.
35. A, C, D
36. Resolution of disciplinary proceedings at the earliest possible time is critical to the effectiveness of command discipline. Thus, the following maximum timetable must be adhered to: A) Within ten (10) days of the alleged misconduct: interviews and investigation completed and member informed of proposed penalty. B) Within five (5) days of notification of proposed penalty: member must indicate acceptance or rejection on Complaint Report (BP-87). C) Within two (2) days of member's election: required reports submitted and penalty initiated. Please choose the incorrect item from the list above?
36. A Within seven (7) days of the alleged misconduct: interviews and investigation completed and member informed of proposed penalty. Within five (5) days of notification of proposed penalty: member must indicate acceptance or rejection on Complaint Report (BP-87). Within two (2) days of member's election: required reports submitted and penalty initiated. When it is not possible to complete the command discipline process within two weeks, the reason(s) for the delay must be noted on Form BP-87 Rev.
37. Formal judicial proceedings, rather than command discipline, are appropriate, and the charges, specifications, and other procedures required by Chapter 26 of the Regulations may culminate in a trial, in the following instances: A) When the accused member has declined to accept command discipline. B) Flagrant violation of regulations, or violations causing the reputation or discipline of the Department to suffer. C) Violation of law resulting in conviction for felony or misdemeanor. D) Absence from or refusal to perform ordered duties while responding to and/or operating at alarms only. E) Unfitness for duty by reason of use of intoxicants or drugs, or for any violations of AUC 202 or AUC 202A. Please choose the incorrect item from the list above?
37. D 5.1 Formal judicial proceedings, rather than command discipline, are appropriate, and the charges, specifications, and other procedures required by Chapter 26 of the Regulations may culminate in a trial before OATH in the following instances: 5.1.1 When the accused member has declined to accept command discipline. 5.1.2 Flagrant violation of regulations, or violations causing the reputation or discipline of the Department to suffer 5.1.3 Violation of law resulting in conviction for felony or misdemeanor
38. You finish reviewing all of your study group questions when you look up at the clock and realize it is 4 P.M. Shortly after reviewing the time you receive a phone call from Firefighter Molina who states the following; “Good afternoon Captain Jeter, just wanted to give you a heads up, I have been on jury duty leave and on this past Monday December 30th I was selected to sit on a jury. The jury selection ended on Monday the 30th and the trial date is set for this Thursday 1/2/2014. I assumed that I would remain on jury duty leave until the last day of the trial, see you then.” You would know to tell Molina the following? A) I will see you when you are done with jury duty, thanks for the notification. B) I will see you when you are done with jury duty, however you will be subject to command discipline. C) I will see you when you are done with jury duty; however you will be subject to charges.
38. C | 5. 1.6 Absence without leave for a period exceeding one tour.
39. After dealing with Molina you receive a phone alarm for a structural fire in a Private Dwelling. The CIDS information indicates that lightweight construction techniques were used thru-out the home on all floors. After your arrival first due you transmit a 10-75 for a fire in the cellar of a two and half story private dwelling. The first due truck officer reports that there is a clear shot from the interior cellar stairs or the side entrance. You are the superior officer on scene so you decide based on conditions to operate an exterior hose-line into a cellar window to allow for a quick knockdown. Do you agree or disagree with your order? (Private Dwellings, chapter 3, section 2.6) A) Agree or D) Disagree
39. A
39. After dealing with Molina you receive a phone alarm for a structural fire in a Private Dwelling. The CIDS information indicates that lightweight construction techniques were used thru-out the home on all floors. After your arrival first due you transmit a 10-75 for a fire in the cellar of a two and half story private dwelling. The first due truck officer reports that there is a clear shot from the interior cellar stairs or the side entrance. You are the superior officer on scene so you decide based on conditions to operate an exterior hose-line into a cellar window to allow for a quick knockdown. Do you agree or disagree with your order? (Private Dwellings, chapter 3, section 2.6) A) Agree or D) Disagree
40. A
Bonus Question: 41. CDA inspections shall be more frequent than the default category requires whenever violations are discovered at a site or location. The frequency of inspections shall be based on the seriousness and number of violations noted or as required in FDNY regulations. If evidence of smoking was discovered at a CDA site the frequency of inspection would be? (BISP Manual Chapter 5, 2008 CDA Guide appendix A, section 5.4) A) Daily B) Every seven days C) Every 15 days D) Every 30 days