CAPT - CLASS #5 – Week of 10/??/14: AUC's #254, 323 & 347, BISP Ch #3 – Factory Guide, Mercantile Guide, Storage Guide, Ch. #5 Ref 5.2, 5.3, 8.3, 14.5, 14.6, 14.7, 14.9, 16.1, Safety Bull. #7, 56, 61 & 70, ABC's #1-02, 1-10, 2-11 Instructor: Instructor: BC Pat Sheridan Flashcards
PART I – BISP Ch #3 – Factory Guide, Mercantile Guide, Storage Guide, Ch. #5 Ref 5.2, 5.3, 8.3, 14.5, 14.6, 14.7, 14.9, 16.1:
1. At 0800 hours on a Wednesday morning, you enter the quarters of Ladder 100 to work a day tour. You have recently been assigned to Ladder 100, a busy company in Battalion 200, after the previous Captain was promoted to Battalion Chief. Lt. James, assigned to Ladder 100, informs you that he has left a list of issues that he was unable to take care of during the previous 24 hours, due to the numerous runs and administrative matters during the tour. After entering the office and sitting down, you begin to address the unfinished business. The first form you look at is a note from Lt. James concerning a building that was inspected on BI yesterday. The note states that the building has steel plating on the roof and the side walls, a large fire load, and there was no sprinkler system present. Which of the following actions taken by Lt. James was incorrect concerning this steel plated building?
(A) An A-8 was prepared and forwarded due to the inability to determine if the alteration using steel plates was legal.
(B) An A-244 Sprinkler Recommendation was submitted.
(C) A Violation Order was issued to provide a necessary sign warning of the steel plating using red lettering on a white background near the entrance to the building.
(D) A CIDS Card specifying the location of the steel plating and the lack of sprinkler system was prepared. The CIDS card was faxed to the administrative Battalion for approval due to the imminently dangerous condition.
- C
- After reviewing Lt. James’s note, you receive a phone call from Lt. Harris, who is working overtime today at the San Gennaro Feast. Lt. Harris is performing an inspection prior to the day’s events, and she knows that due to your extensive knowledge of the BISP manual, you will be able to answer any questions she has. Which of the following conditions found by Lt. Harris is not in accordance with the rules concerning street fairs?
(A) An unobstructed fire lane 16 feet wide is provided for fire apparatus access.
(B) A solid yellow circle 12 inches in diameter in the center of the emergency access lane is provided to indicate the location of each fire hydrant.
(C) Each concessionaire has been limited to two (2) 20 pound LPG containers per LPG device.
(D) A concessionaire is found storing 10 gallons of kerosene in approved safety cans.
(E) A concessionaire is found using CNG to power cooking equipment.
- E
- After conducting roll call and making all proper journal entries, you return to the office and find an Apparatus Accident Report (CD-19) that has been returned by the Battalion with a note to make corrections to the form, and return it to the Battalion when finished. Which of the following does not require correction?
(A) The Incident box is checked, even though a member suffered a broken leg when the civilian vehicle slammed into the rear of the apparatus while it was parked in front of a hydrant while performing BI.
(B) The Civilian vehicle information is listed under the heading of Vehicle # 1, and the Ladder 100 information is listed under Vehicle #2.
(C) The notation in the top right side of the form stated Page 1 of 1 Pages. The collision between the one civilian vehicle and Ladder 100 resulted in injuries to 1 FDNY member, and the 4 occupants of the civilian vehicle.
(D) The Chauffeur, Officer and Tillerman spaces are left blank because those riding positions were unoccupied when the collision occurred.
(E) The CD-19 was forwarded to BC Davis of Battalion 300, who conducted the accident investigation, due to Battalion 200 being out of service for annual medicals at the time of the collision.
- A
- The review of the CD-19 made you remember that you had not initiated the injury report for FF Johnson, the member who suffered a broken leg during the collision 6 days earlier. Choose the incorrect point concerning the completion and processing of this injury report.
(A) You contacted the Medical Officer on duty via FDOC to report the injury.
(B) All 9’s shall be entered in the 16 digit space in place of the FDID number, and the address where the injury occurred shall be provided, due to the injury occurring at a non-response.
(C) If FF Johnson is unable to provide a narrative and enter his Reference number and date of birth on the Injury Report within 7 days from the date of the injury, you must forward a CIRS-1 report through the chain of command to the Chief of Safety.
(D) You print two copies of the Injury/Exposure Report, placing one copy in FF Johnson’s personnel folder, and the other copy in the Uniform Filing System.
- C
- You log into RBIS to prepare for afternoon BI when you receive a run for a fire on the roof of a multiple dwelling. Upon arrival at the Box, you head to the roof of the 8 story Class 1 Multiple Dwelling, and determine that the cause of the alarm was a charcoal barbecue on the roof. You notice that the barbecue is on a concrete roof, with a wood roof deck 15 feet away and a garden hose is nearby. Which is a correct action to take?
(A) You issue a Violation Order to provide a portable fire extinguisher in addition to the garden hose.
(B) After determining that the grate area is 8 square feet, and the wood roof deck is the only combustible material on the roof, you tell the occupants of the building to enjoy their lunch and head down to the street.
(C) You tell the people barbecuing that open burning is not permitted in NYC, and that they must extinguish the barbecue immediately.
- B
- After eating a quick lunch, you head out on afternoon BI. The first building you inspect is a Bulk Oil Storage Facility. When you pull up to the facility, the LCC, who is studying for Lt., begins to recite the color coding for the fire extinguishing systems. In which one should you correct him?
(A) Fire Department water connections for the Foam extinguishing systems are red with contrasting bright orange bands.
(B) Standpipes and yard hydrant systems piping, valve bodies and handles, hydrants and hydrant houses are red with contrasting white bands.
(C) Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems piping and valve bodies and handles are red with contrasting brown bands.
(D) Dry automatic sprinkler system Fire Department connections are red with green caps.
- D
- After completing the Bulk Oil Storage Facility inspection, you proceed to a strip mall constructed in 2009 that houses several commercial occupancies. You instruct members to inspect a fully sprinklered drug store that is in the middle of 3 stores. Inside the front door, members find a Certificate of Occupancy posted which states the maximum number of persons permitted is 70 people. While inspecting the drug store occupancy, members find the following conditions. Which condition would require further action?
(A) Only one means of egress is provided in the drug store.
(B) The exit doors swing outward.
(C) Stock is stored 20 inches below the sprinkler head deflectors.
(D) Small bottles of acetone are stored in the fully sprinklered cellar.
- D
- Upon completion of the drug store inspection, you instruct members to inspect a 99 cent retail store, which is also located in the strip mall. The strip mall is a 100’x50’ two story building. The 99 cent store is 35’x50’, and has an unenclosed stair connecting the first and second floors. Which choice is correct concerning sprinkler requirements?
(A) The entire building requires an automatic sprinkler system.
(B) The 99 cent store occupancy requires an automatic sprinkler system due to the square footage.
(C) The 99 cent store occupancy requires an automatic sprinkler system due to the unenclosed stair.
(D) Neither the building nor the 99 cent store occupancy requires an automatic sprinkler system.
(E) An automatic sprinkler system would only be required if the storage of merchandise is high-piled or in a rack storage display.
- C
- Members have just completed the inspection of the 99 cent store when you receive a run for a fire in a Private Dwelling. You arrive at the scene of a small rubbish fire in front of a new 20’x40’ 3 story Private Dwelling under construction. The Battalion has requested a 10-12, so you transmit a 10-22 and notify the Battalion that they do not have to continue into the Box. After transmitting the signal, your OV tells you that the rear of the building is open, and he can see that the floor joists for the 2nd floor are Wooden I Beams. The OV adds that there does not appear to be any fire stopping in this area. Which action taken should be corrected?
(A) You request to have the Battalion Chief reassigned to the Box.
(B) You forward a High Priority Referral through the chain of command.
(C) You forward a Sprinkler Recommendation (A-244), recommending the modification of the Certificate of Occupancy requiring the installation of sprinklers throughout.
(D) You prepare an E-cids for the building upon return to quarters.
- C
D was wrong
- While completing your administrative duties at the previous Box, an occupant of Exposure 2, a 6 story Multiple Dwelling, tells you that the occupant of Apartment 5C is using a kerosene space heater, even though the building has a functioning oil burner. Upon investigation, it is determined that the kerosene space heater inside Apartment 5C has kerosene in it, but appears to never have been used. Which is a correct action to take?
(A) You issue the occupant of Apartment 5C a Violation Order to remove the heater Forthwith.
(B) You issue the occupant of Apartment 5C a summons and confiscate the heater.
(C) When the occupant of Apartment 5C fails to comply with your orders, you request the Police Department to respond to assist with confiscation.
(D) You issue a receipt (BF-27) to the occupant of Apartment 5C for the confiscated space heater, and transport the space heater back the firehouse.
- B
- After checking your watch, and being shocked to see that it is only 1500 hours, you proceed to a 1 story 80’x100’ tire storage facility constructed in 2010. Which of the following would require your unit to take further action?
(A) The C of O allows a maximum of 25 people in the building. There is one exit found in the building that is less than 100 feet from all points in the building.
(B) An automatic sprinkler system is found in the entire building.
(C) Employees of the building are unable to provide a permit for high-piled storage. The tires are stored in closely packed piles 8 feet high covering an area of 600 sq. feet.
(D) Members find an egress plan in the front office that indicates the location and width of aisles, exits, exit access doors, exit signs, the height of the storage, and the location of any hazardous materials.
- C
- While inspecting the tire storage facility, members ask you about the fire protection requirements for this building. In which statement were you wrong?
(A) Buildings and structures where the area for the storage of tires exceeds 500 square feet or 7500 cubic feet shall be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system.
(B) A permit is required to store tires that are not mounted to vehicles in amounts that exceed 100 tires in buildings of combustible construction.
(C) Hot work is permitted in a tire storage yard as long as fire guards with approved extinguishers or hoses are provided for each torch operator.
(D) Outdoor storage of tires is restricted to individual piles not exceeding 5000 square feet of continuous area.
- C
- When you return to quarters on completion of BI, you head up to the office to complete all of the required paperwork. On your desk, you find that the Battalion has dropped off the bag with several items inside. The first item you find is a memo from the Battalion concerning a Supervisory Conference. The memo requests a Supervisory Conference to be held between you and Battalion Chief Murphy, who is assigned to Battalion 200, to discuss the 3 preventable accidents that Lt. James has been involved in in the last 18 months. In which thought were you correct?
(A) The accident in which Ladder 100 struck a parked vehicle while passing a double parked vehicle while responding to a water leak should not be considered preventable.
(B) Lt. James’ second preventable accident in the previous 12 months should have resulted in a Supervisory Conference between you and a Chief Officer from Battalion 200.
(C) Lt. James’ third preventable accident in the last 18 months should result in a Supervisory Conference between Lt. James and a Chief Officer from Battalion 200.
(D) A report will be forwarded to the Chief of Operations for the reassignment of Lt. James for 60 days.
- C
D is correct
Cmis between comp commander and the chief
- The second item you find in the bag is a note that a Multiple Member Injury Report is to be completed for a fire in which 3 members of Ladder 100 were injured. You review the CIRS reports and note the following injuries:
FF Blue was granted Service Connected Medical Leave for a fractured arm.
FF Red was granted Remainder of the Tour for a pulled muscle in his shoulder
FF Green’s minor contusion to his knee was classified as a Minor Injury.
Which point is incorrect concerning this report?
(A) The multiple member injury report is not required in this instance.
(B) The Officer working the tour when the injuries occurred will be responsible for the Multiple Member Injury report if it is required.
(C) If the Officer working the tour is on leave, they shall prepare the report as soon as possible upon return to work. If the leave extends more than 30 days, the Company Commander must complete the report.
(D) The Company Commander shall review the report and add meaningful comments and suggestions to help provide for the future safety of their members
(E) Company Commanders shall forward the report to the Chief of Operations via the Chain of Command.
- C
- At 1700 hours, while standing in front of the firehouse, a civilian approaches you reporting a possible overcrowding condition in a cabaret around the corner. You call the administrative BC, who tells you he is on his way over to investigate, and requests that you investigate the condition while he is traveling. Upon investigation, you determine that there is no Public Assembly Permit present, and there are 200 people present in a 30’x50’ one story cabaret. Which action taken was incorrect?
(A) You issue a summons.
(B) A forthwith VO is issued to reduce the number of occupants.
(C) You issue an NOV for the lack of the Public Assembly Permit.
(D) You determine that the cabaret is not overcrowded, due to the occupant load and space available.
- D
PART II – SAFETY BULL. #7, 56, 61 & 70:
1. Choose the incorrect point concerning injuries and exposures. (2.1, 2.1.1, 2.2.2, 3.5)
(A) Of the three injury classifications, only Service Connected Medical Leave is designated as Medical Leave.
(B) A non-biological exposure without symptoms would require Medical Officer notification.
(C) The Medical Officer must be notified via FDOC of all injuries.
(D) Illnesses not related to an exposure that prevent a member from continuing on duty do not need to be recorded in CIRS; however, the Medical Officer must be notified.
- B
- Choose the correct point about the processing of CIRS. (2.2.1, 3.3, 3.8, 4.1)
(A) Supervisors are required to access CIRS each tour.
(B) A Biological exposure without symptoms would not require Medical Officer notification.
(C) An Injury Report and an Exposure Report shall be prepared if symptoms of an injury, or illness are related to an exposure.
(D) Biological exposures must be entered into CIRS no later than 7 days from the date of the exposure.
- B
C is correct
Biological exposure always requires notification with or w/o symptoms
- TRUE or FALSE Group Reporting may be submitted for identical non-biological exposures of members who do not exhibit symptoms. To submit this report it is required that all members had the same non-biological exposure and are assigned to the same unit. (4.6)
(A) True or (D) False
- A
4. Which choice is correct concerning actions that are taken following an accident? (3.2)
(A) When a unit is involved in any accident, the driver or operator shall be tested for the presence of illegal drugs and/or alcohol.
(B) When a unit is involved in a major accident, the driver or operator shall be tested for the presence of illegal drugs and/or alcohol.
(C) When a unit is involved in a major accident, the driver or operator and Officer shall be tested for the presence of illegal drugs and/or alcohol.
(D) When a unit is involved in a major accident, all members of the unit shall be tested for the presence of illegal drugs and/or alcohol.
- B
- When a civilian alleges that the Department is responsible for an accident, or alleges that a Department vehicle caused damage to a civilian vehicle or property, several actions must be taken. Which is not correct concerning this situation? (3.1, 3.2, 4.3)
(A) The civilian should be informed that he/she may file a notice of claim by calling the Comptroller’s Office.
(B) The Officer on duty must make a Journal Entry of the allegations.
(C) This should be treated as an incident.
(D) An Apparatus Accident Report (CD-19) is not required.
- D
- There is often confusion about what constitutes an Incident, a Minor Accident, Major Accident, or a properly parked apparatus. Choose the incorrect choice about these terms. (4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6)
(A) A parked car damaged by a tower ladder outrigger should be treated as an Incident.
(B) A Minor Accident includes an accident that results in minor to moderate damage, no injuries, or minor injuries.
(C) A Major Accident includes an accident that results in significant damage, a serious injury, or death.
(D) An apparatus that is double or triple parked at MUD will always be considered properly parked.
- B
D is correct
- Engine 300 while responding 1st due to a Class 3 alarm strikes a vehicle, which then strikes a parked vehicle. After stopping and ensuring that there are no injuries, the Officer gives a preliminary report to the Dispatcher. Which choice contains correct information that should be included in this transmission? (6.1)
- The location of the accident
- An indication that Engine 300 was responding to an alarm.
- Advise the Dispatcher that there were no injuries.
- Advise whether the apparatus is remaining at the scene or proceeding
- Do not advise whether it is a major or minor accident. This will be determined by the responding BC, with the assistance of the Division Chief and a Safety Battalion Chief.
(A) 1,2,3,5 only
(B) 1,2,3,4,5
(C) 1,2,3,4 only
(D) 1,2,3 only
- D
C is correct
- Upon being involved in an accident, the primary initial obligation for members is to prevent the accident from increasing in magnitude. At a Major Accident, units should not move the vehicles unless necessary. If vehicles are moved at a Major Accident, several steps must be taken. Which is not one of these actions to be taken? (6.5.2)
(A) The location of tires of all involved vehicles shall be marked with “T” shaped marks. If the vehicle is double wheeled, then only the outside tire should be marked.
(B) The “T” shaped marks should indicate the outside edge of each tire and the center line of the axle of each wheel.
(C) If a tractor trailer or other large vehicle is involved, the four corners of the vehicle shall be marked.
(D) Marks shall be made with lumber crayon, chalk etc., and must always be renewed as necessary until the arrival of the investigating Battalion.
- D
- When would a NYS Report of Motor Vehicle Accident (MV-104) not be required to be completed? (24.1)
(A) An accident resulting in death
(B) An accident resulting in personal injury
(C) An accident resulting in cumulative damage over $1000 to all vehicles involved
(D) An accident where the dollar amount of damage cannot be estimated.
- C