Week 3- Torso Flashcards
Curvatures of Spine
- Cervical
- Thoracic
- Lumbar
- Sacral
- Coccyx
How many vertebrae in each curvature + direction of curve
- Cervical- 7 (anterior)
- Thoracic- 12 (posterior)
- Lumbar- 5 (Anterior)
-Sacral - 5 fused (posterior) - Coccyx- 2-4
Shape of Cervical Vertebrae
- Spinous process short & bifed
- Small Body
Shape of Thoracic Vertebrae
- SP point down
- Heart shaped Body
Shape of Lumbar Vertebrae
- SP short, thick and stumpy
- Body = large
Function of curvatures of spine
-allows us to move our bodies
-creates a spring
Conditions related to curvatures of spine
- Scoliosis
- Kyphosis- excessive cervical curve
- Lordosis- excessive lumbar curve
Intervertebral Disc
- in between vertebrae
- gelly like
- moves as we move
- shock obsorber
- made up of nucleus and annulus
Anterior Trunk Muscles
- Transverse abdominus
- Internal Oblique
- Rectus Abdominus
- External Oblique
-connective tissue
- muscles attach here
Rectus Abdominus - OIA
O: Pubis
I: xiphoid process & costal cartilages
A: Flex trunk; compress abd
External Oblique- OIA
O: lower 8 ribs
I: iliac crest & linia alba
A: Bilateral- flex trunk; compress abd
Unilateral- Lateral bending; rotate to opposite side
Internal Oblique- OIA
O: iliac creas; thoracolumbar fascia
I: 10/11th ribs & aponeurosis
A: Bilateral- flex trunk; compress abd
Unilateral- lateral bending; rotation to same side
Transverse Abdominis- OIA
O: iliac crest; TL fascia; last 6 ribs
I: Aponeurosis; linia albea
A: compression of abd
Motions of Trunk
- Flexion
- Extension
- Hyperextension
- Lateral Bending