Week 2- Head & Neck Flashcards
Function of bones of the skull
-Protect & House brain
- openings for sensory organs
8 Cranial Bones
-Parietal (2)
-Temporal (2)
14 Facial Bones
-Maxilla (2)
-Palatine (2)
-Nasal (2)
-Zygomatic (2)
-Lacrimal (2)
-Inferior Nasal Conchae (2)
4 Agonists of TMJ
-Lateral Pterygoid
-Medial Pterygoid
Joint Motions
-Lateral Deviation (left/right)
-Protrusion (protraction)
-Retrusion (retraction)
Neck Movements
-Lateral Bending (left/right)
-Rotation (left/right)
What vertebrae helps to rotate the head
What is the first vertebrae
Biggest Spinous Process
Atlanto-Occupital Joint
-where occipital bone meets the atlas (C1)
Function of Atlanto-Occipital Joint
-supports the weight of the head
Muscles of the Anterior Neck & Trunk
-Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
-Scalene muscles (3)
-Prevertebral Group
Muscles of the Posterior Neck & Trunk
-Erector Spinae Muscles
-Splenius Capitis
-Splenius Cervicis
-Suboccipital Group
Sternocleidomastoid -OIA
O: Sternum & Clavicle
I: Mastoid Process
A: - Flex/Hyperextend neck bilaterally
- Bend/Rotate neck to opposite side Unilaterally
Scalene Muscles- OIA
O: Transverse process of C2-C7
I: ribs 1 & 2
A: -Flex neck bilaterally
- laterally bends neck unilaterally