Week 1- Basics/Exercise Flashcards
Difference between anatomical vs fundamental position?
Anatomical- palms forward/anterior
Fundamental- palms by side
What does anatomical position provide?
universal framework and basis of reference
Medial- closer to midline
Lateral- further from midline
Anterior- towards front
Posterior- toward back
reference to limbs
Distal- further from trunk
Proximal- Closer to trunk
Superior- above
Inferior- below
Superficial- closer to external of body
deep- further away from external of body
Supine- Laying on spine
Prone- Laying on stomach
Bilateral- both sides
Contralateral- opposite sides
Ipsilateral- same side
3 Planes of Movement
- Transverse
- Saggital
- Frontal
Movement in the Transverse Plane
-Internal/external rotation
Movement in the Saggital Plane
Movement in the Frontal Plane
Why is planes of movement important?
helps to make a balanced exercise program
Motor Learning
description/explanation of changes as a result of training
Muscular Performance
reorganization of the motor control system
Isometric Contraction
Muscle is under load but is not moving
ex. holding a plank
Isotonic Contraction
Muscle is under load and is moving
Two types of isotonic contraction
- Concentric Contraction
- Eccentric Contraction
Concentric Contraction
-muscle tension while shortening
-muscle is shortening
ex. upward movement of bicep curl