Week 3 - Neuro Big Ideas Flashcards
superior rectus
moves eye upward, anular ring to superior anterior eye, elevates the eye
lateral rectus
moves eye laterally, abducts eye, anular ring to anterior lateral eye
inferior oblique
moves eye up and laterally, medial orbit (maxilla) to inferior posterolateral eye, elevates eye, extorts the eye
inferior rectus
moves eye downward, anular ring to anterior inferior eye, depresses the eye
medial rectus
moves eye medially, adducts eye, anular ring to anterior medial eye
superior oblique
moves eye down and laterally, anular ring to medial tendon (trochlea) to superior posterolateral eye, depresses eye, intorts the eye
tendinous ring of Zinn (anular ring)
origin of all but one of the extraocular muscles, surrounds optic nerve and attaches to apex of bony orbit
CT of eye orbits
medial wall of orbit are parallel to each other, lateral walls of orbits for a 90 degree angel with each other
movement in horizontal plane, movement toward midline
movement in horizontal plane, movement away from midline
movement in vertical plane, movement upward
movement in vertical plane, movement downward
conjugate eye movements
symmetrical, yoking of muscle pairs by reciprocal excitatory and inhibitory stimulation
yoking of eye muscles
in conjugate eye movement, reciprocal excitatory and inhibitory stimulation of eye muscles, ex: right eye adbucts while left eye adducts
movement of eyes clockwise
movement of eyes counterclockwise
both corneas adducted toward the midline
eyes return to primary frontal position from convergence
when eye is abducted
superior rectus elevates, inferior rectus depresses
when eye is adducted
inferior oblique elevates, superior oblique depresses
abducens nerve CN VI
supplies lateral rectus that abducts the eye, passes through superior orbital fissure
trochlear nerve CN IV
supplies superior oblique that depresses eye laterally, passes through superior orbital fissure, passes superior to tendinous ring
oculomotor nerve CN III
supplies superior rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus, inferior oblique, levator palpebrae superioris, passes through superior orbital fissure, originates from medial to midbrain, runs in lateral wall cavernous sinus
pass superior to common tendinous ring
lacrimal nerve, trochlear nerve, frontal nerve
pass through common tendinous ring
optic nerve, oculomotor nerve, nasociliary nerve, abducences nerve
levator pelpebrae muscle
elevates eyelid involuntaryily, voluntarily, in concert with superior rectus, supplied by generval visceral efferent fibers from CN III and sypmathetic fibers
inferior branch oculomotor nerve
goes laterally in the orbit, contains oculomotor motor fibers to inferior rectus, medial rectus, and inferior oblique and parasympathetic fibers to ciliary muscles and pupillae constrictor muscle (via cilliary ganglion and short ciliary nerves)
superior branch oculomotor nerve
goes medially in the orbit, contains oculomotor nerve motor fibers to superior rectus and levator palpebrae superior
oculomotor nerve motor nucleus
motor nucleus is in the posterior midbrain, superior division to superior rectus and levator palpebrae superioris muscle, part of inferior division to medial rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique
oculomotor nerve parasympathetic preganlionic nucleus
Edinger-Westphal nucleus in the midbrain, part of inferior division to ciliary muscles and pupillae constrictor muscles via ciliary ganglion and short ciliary nerves
trochlear nerve motor nucleus
general visceral efferent, nucleus in midbrain, nerves cross to contralateral when leaving the nucleus, emerge from dorsal brainstem, traverses cavernous sinus and passes through superior orbital fissure
abducens nerve motor nucleus
general somatic efferents, nucleus in pontine tegmentum, on floor of fourth ventricle, nerve runs along inferior edge of basilar pons and exits at pontine medullary junction, tranverses canvernous sinus, enters superior orbital fissure
compress adjacent nerves with deficit in eye movements
location of oculomotor nerve in relation to cerebral arteries
between posterior cerebral and superior cerebellar
location of abducens nerve in relation to cerebral arteries
surrounded by the labynthine (internal acoustic) and anterior inferior cerebellar arteries
eye movements
mostly reflexive - controlled by involuntary systems
slow eye movements
smooth pursuit
fast / jerky eye movements
saccadic movements
conjugate eye movement
eyes moving together
vergent eye movement
eyes moving in opposite directions
ocular gaze systems
part of a sensory system in which where eyes are pointing in space matters
saccadic movements
part of ocular gaze system, rapid, jerky movements that bring new objects onto fovea, allow quick scanning of points in image to capture salient features (like a new face)
smooth pursuit
ocular gaze systems, keep am moving image on centered fovea, tracking, keeps eye on the ball
vestibulo-ocular gaze
ocular gaze system, keeps image steady on fovea during head movement
ocular gaze system, keeps image on fovea when object moves nearer or farther away
medial longitudinal fasciculus MLF
distributes sensory input to motor nuclei on both sides of brain, crossed tracts with ascending and descending, from floor of fourth ventricle in medulla to midbrain, coordinates eye and head movement by yoking motor nuclei of CN III / IV / VI, integrates movements directed by frontal eye fields (gaze centers) and vestibulocochlear nerve information
saccadic gaze system
fast, voluntary, brings new image onto fovea, ex: patterns for inspecting human faces, higher centers signal gaze centers which signal inpsilateral and contralateral muscles via the medial longitudinal fasciculus, leads to conjugate movements
smooth pursuit system
lock conjugate gaze on moving object, spot object in motion and follow it, eye-hand coordination, must first see moving object -> optic nerve -> primary visual cortex -> middle temporal cortex + pontine nuclei + superior colliculus (speed and direction of pursuit) -> extraocular muscle activation via medial longitudinal fasciculus
vestibulo-ocular reflex
maintains visual fixation when head moves, compensatory eye movement is opposite head movement, vestibular apparatus -> CN VIII -> nuclei of CN III/IV/VI + gaze centers -> fibers ascend and descend in MLF to motor nuclei -> extraocular muscles
interpupilary distance decreases as object is brought closer and eyes adduct, contraction of medial recti and relaxation of lateral recti stimulated by input from visual cortex to motor nuclei
voluntary abduction of converged eyes back to primary position
sphincter pupillae
immediately around pupil, smooth muscle, constricts pupils, derived from neuroectoderm of optic cup, parasympathetic control
dilator pupillae
broader and radial outer iris, smooth muscle, dilate pupils, derived from neuroectoderm of optic cup, sympathetic control
parasympathetic control of pupils
pregaglionic cells in Edinger-Westphal nucleus -> axons in CN III -> ciliary ganglion + synapse -> postganglionic fibers in short ciliary nerve -> back of eye ball -> between choroid and sclera -> sphincter pupillae -> pupil constricts
parasympathetic control of pupils
pregaglionic cells in Edinger-Westphal nucleus -> axons in CN III -> ciliary ganglion + synapse -> postganglionic fibers in short ciliary nerve -> back of eye ball -> between choroid and sclera -> ciliary muscles constrict -> less tension on suspensory fibers -> lens rounds up (can focus on near)
pupillary constriction, ciliary muscle contraction, convergence of eyes (medial rectus muscles - all involves CN III
sympathetic control of pupils
fibers from 1st and 2nd thoracic spinal nerves -> preganglionic fibers -> sympathetic trunk -> superior cervical ganglion ->postganglionic fibers in carotid plexus -> long ciliary nerve (nasociliary nerve, V1) -> ciliary ganglion -> dilator pupillae -> pupils dilate
pupilary light reflex
controls the diameter of the pupil in response to light, direct response is ipsilateral, consensual response is contralateral, light -> retina -> optic nerve -> superior brachium -> midbrain -> pretectal olivery nucleus -> Ednger-Westphal nucleus preganglionic parasympathetic -> oculomotor nerve -> ciliary ganglion -> postganglionic -> sphincter pupillae; crossing at optic chiasma; crossing from pretectal olivary nucleus to Ednger-Westphal nucleus
unilateral lesion of oculomotor nerve
compressed oculomotor nerve by posterior communicating artery aneurysm, prevents signal from reaching sphincter pupillae
right lesion on oculomotor nerve
light shown on right eye causes consensual response in left eye but not direct response in right eye – when light is shown on left eye the left eye will have direct response and the right eye will have absent consensual response - no pupilar response on side of lesion
left lesion on oculomotor nerve
light shown on right eye causes direct but not consensual response, light shown on left eye causes consensual response but not direct response - no pupilary response on side of lesion
case - double vision when checking left blind spot, left eye fully abducts
left eye abduction and left abducens must be fine, that leaves right medial rectus lesion and oculomotor nerve
case - difficulty seeing in dim light, no sweating on right side, right droopy eyelid
Horner syndrome, sympathetic nerve deficit, affected postganglionic cell bodies are in superior cervical ganglion
case - double vision following stroke when head is turned left, right is abducted at rest but can follow your finger
lesions on right medial longitudinal fasciculus
case - left nystagmus, staggers to right when walking
lesion is in right vestibulocochlear nerve because nystagmus is to the left
case - double vision when reading, head tilted to the right, left eye deviates upward when looking medially
lesion on trochlear nerve, which exits brain on dorsal midbrain
visual pathways
30%+ of cortex, 50-60% of brain in visual processing, 1,000,000 optic nerve fibers, 90% of all information coming in to brain is visual, more people are visual learners
two focusing surfaces of eye
cornea (3/4 of focusing) and lens (1/4 of focusing, upside down image on retina
image naturally focuses on retina, good vision without correction
nearsighted, image focuses in front of retina, longer eye, steeper cornea - corrected with concave lens pushes image back
farsighted, image focuses behind retina, shorter eye, flatter cornea - convex lens brings image forward
loss of focusing power with age, 40+
distorted cornea, images focuses on several spots on retina, blurred image
power of eye
diopters, 1 diopter will focus an object at one meter, eye = 60 diopters (cornea ~ 45 diopters, lens ~ 15 diopters)
lens power
inversely related to focal point, two diopter lens focuses at 0.5 meters, 3 diopter lens focuses at 1/3 meter
eye prescriptions
+ = farsighted; - = nearsighted, ex: -4.0 diopter = near sighted, focus point 1/4 meter away (25 cm)
laser vision correction
reshapes the cornea to change the power of the eye - often get glare at edge of treatment zone because image is distorted where flat meets curved, can also change the power of the eye with intraocular lens replacement
intraocular lens replacement
for cataracts
optical Hx
age, onset, pain, vision loss, medications, systemic illness, fevers, rashes
vision check
eye individually, with glasses, distance and near, equal or unequal vision, intensity with penlight or red color, 20/20?
can see at 20 feet what should be seen at 20 feet, 20/40 see at 20 feet what should be seen at 40 feet, newspaper print is 20/50
pupil check
look into distance (pupils should get smaller), note pupil size (1mm difference normal - normal pupillary size 5-8mm), roundness, symmetric, react equally to light, swinging flashlight (marcus gunn) for relative afferent pupil defect
pupils are equal and reactive to light
RAPD - relative afferent pupil defect
lesion on afferent portion of optic nerve before optic chiasm, on effected side - missing direct and consensual reaction to light because enter afferent pathway is blocked, opposite effected side - normal direction and consensual reaction to light because parasympathetic pathway via CN III is intact, vision should be worse in affected eye
things that may cause relative afferent pupil defect / marcus gunn pupil
optic neuritis (inflammed optic nerve), ischemic optic neuropathy, retinal detachment, asymmetric glaucoma
things not associated with relative afferent pupil defect / marcus gunn pupil
amblyopia (lazy eye), cataracts, vitreous hemorrhage
aniscocoria (unequal sized pupils)
mydriatic (dilated) = parasympathetic problem, miotic (constricted) = sympathetic problem
mydriatic pupil
dilated, parasympathetic problem
miotic pupil
constricted, sympathetic problem
pupillary light reflex
parasympathetic, optic nerve (afferent) -> midbrain -> oculomotor nerve -> pupil constrictor (efferent)
sympathetic pupil control
brainstem -> cervical ganglion synapses -> iris
pupil constriction
basic reflex, light directly affects pupil size
pupil dilation
non-light stimulus, mood, concentration, flight / fight, dopamine / serotonin
protective, striated muscle with ACh on nicotinic receptors and smooth with NE on alpha1 receptors
protective, spontaneous (basal), reflexively, emotional, parasympathetic ACh on muscarinic receptors
overflow of tears, due to overproduction or blocked drainage
greater refractive power
less refractive power, but adjusted to accomodate near vision
pupillary light reflex
regulates light intensity, miosis (constriction), parasympathetic to sphincter pupillae with muscarinic receptors
dilated pupils, sympathetic via alpha1 receptors activates dilator pupillae
constricted pupils
increased intraocular pressure
loss of vision
photopic vision - blue (short), green (medium), red (long), temporal and spatial resolution, discrimination of surfaces and movement in bright light
visual acuity
ability to discriminate detail, types - spatial, temporal, spectral, primarily cone system
4 steps that use 2nd messenger cascade to amplify signal
phototransduction in rods
activation of rhodopsin -> closure of cyclic nucleotide gated Na+ channel -> hyperpolerizes photoreceptor
visual cycle
bleaching and recycling of 11-cis-retinol between photoreceptor and retinal pigment epithelium, process is key to dark adaptation and is disrupted by vit A deficiency and macular degeneration
muscles of blinking
orbicularis oculi, levator palpebrae superioris, superior tarsal muscle
orbicularis oculi
striated, ACh on nicotinic receptors, eyelid position
levator palpebrae superioris
striated, ACh on nicotinic receptors, eyelid position
superior tarsal muscle
smooth, sympathetic on alpha1 receptors
maintaining ocular opening
tonic activation of levator palpebrae superioris and superior tarsal muscle, inactivation of orbicularis oculi
gentle opening/closing, adjusts to moving eye
activation / inactivation of levator palpebrae superioris, inactivation of orbicularis oculi
blinking with firm closure
activation of orbicularis oculi, inactivation of levator palpebrae superioris
functions of blinking
corneal lubrication, eye protection, visual information processing (temporal information processing)
spontaneous blinking
conjugate, periodic, symmetric, absence of external / internal stimuli, 10-20/min, starts in premotor brainstem and affected by dopaminergic activity - decreased with Parkinson’s and increased with schizophrenia and Huntington’s
blink reflex
touch cornea to afferents to trigeminal nerve - or - bright light / rapid moving object to afferents to optic nerve; faster than spontaneous blinking
3 layers of tear film
- lipid from eyelid oil gland (blockage = sty), 2. aqueous lacrimal gland solution with lysozyme, 3. mucous from conjunctiva
composition of tears
varies with age and stimulus, emotional = more hormones (prolactin, ACTH, enkephalin), basal tears decrease with age (dry eye)
tear flow
evaporation, drainage through nasolacrimal duct into nasal cavity
overflow of tears, parasympathetic, increased tears from lacrimal gland and decreased outflow due to closure of lacrimal duct
induces epiphora
- corneal stimulation of CN V -> reflex tears, 2. emotional, parasympathetic, mediated by limbic system and hypothalamus, psychic tears, red face, convulsive breathing
image on retina
inverted and reversed by eye, brain considers normal and learned to interpret
focuses light, greatest at air/tissue junction (cornea)
= 1 / focal length, cornea +44D, lens +15-29D, +59-75D total
lens adjustment for near vision, far vision = lens flat with tight zonule fibers and relaxed ciliary muscle, near vision = lens rounded, zonule fibers relaxes and ciliary muscles contracted, brings image that would be behind eye onto retina
distance curve of lens
sympathetic action at beta2 receptors, flat lens, relaxes ciliary muscles, tight zonule fibers
near curve of lens
parasympathetic action on muscarinic receptors, constricted ciliary muscles, relaxed zonule fibers, rounder lens
Tx of system deficit
treat system deficit, do not treat by affecting opposite system with antagonist
production of aqueous humor
- sympathetic -> cAMP -> stimulation of beta2 receptor increases and alpha2 decreases, 2. carbonic anhydrase forms bicarbonate (HCO3-) increasing Cl- secretion which increases water secretion
elimination of aqueous humor
- parasympathetic constriction of sphincter pupillae increases outflow, 2. uveal scleral flow - reabsorbed by relaxed ciliary muscle (increased by prostaglandins)
flow of aqueous humor
ciliary epithelium -> over lens -> through pupil -> canal of schlemm and ciliary muscle
aqueous humor
intraocular pressure
conversion of energy into electrical graded potential
special sense
graded potential in receptor cell passes causes action potential in another cell (excludes smell)
rods / cones, receptor cell graded potential, NT synapse with bipolar cells
bipolar cells
NT synapse with ganglion cells with action potential
horizontal cells
lateral inhibition at photoreceptor / bipolar cell synapse
amacrine cells
lateral inhibition at synapse of bipolar and ganglion cells
visible light
electromagnetic, frequency (wavelength) and intensity (brightness), perceived light is reflected off objects to the eye
each photoreceptor
encodes intensity of one wavelength at one point in space
determine wavelength seen
range of wavelength overlap (black/white, red, green)
ensures that will not be missed if certain rods / cones missing
upper wavelength of green and red
does not overlap with black/white, used to preserve night vision with red light and a few activated cones
optic disc
no rods / cones
fovea centralis
peak cones, decreasing to periphery
periphery rods
peak immediately beyond fovea cone peak, decrease peripherally, but more in periphery than cones
more photopigment, rhodopsin, high sensitivity to photons (saturated in daylight, small dynamic range), low temporal resolution / slow / more integrated, poor spatial resolution (large receptive field for scattered light, large convergence onto bipolar cells)
less photopigment, 3 overlapping pigments, low sensitivity to photons (saturated in bright light with large dynamic range), high temporal resolution (fast, less integration), good spatial resolution for points of light and little convergence onto bipolar cells
spatial acuity
2 point discrimination, function of location on retina (fovea vs periphery) and brightness (brighter = more cones), test with Snellen Eye Chart
temporal acuity
distinguish two visual stimuli over time, “blinking”
critical fusion frequency
point at which flashing light is perceived at continuous, old movies called “flicks” did not reach this point
spectral acuity
distinguish between different wavelengths of light
phototransduction steps
- light activates rhodopsin, 2. rhodopsin binds to transducin g-protein that converts GTP to GDP which activates phosphodiesterase, 3. phosphdiesterase breaks cGMP down to GMP, 4. closing of cGMP depedent nonspecific ligand gated cation channel prevents Na+ from going into cell and hyperpolarizes cell
photoreceptor - receptor potential
hyperpolerization from -40mV down to -80mV due to closing of Na+ channels and continued outflow of K+, happens in rods