Week 2 - Neuro Big Ideas Flashcards
lacrimation pathway (tearing)
parasympathetic, hypothalamus to superior salivatory nucleus
ptosis pathway (drooping of eyelid)
parasympathetic, hypothalamus to superior salivatory nucleus
pupil constriction pathway
parasympathetic, hypothalamus to superior salivatory nucleus
daiphoresis pathway (sweating)
sympathetic via muscarinic ACh receptors, hypothalamus to spinal trigeminal complex
vasoconstriction pathway
sympathetic via norepinephrine/epinephrine to andrenergic receptors, hypothalamus to spinal trigeminal complex
serotonergic synapse
pre - serotonin vesicle, 5HT1D autoreceptor, reuptake transporter; post - serotonin receptor (5HT1a)
5HT1d autoreceptor
serotonin, presynaptic, if activated - blocks serotonin release
monoamine oxidase and aldehyse dehydrogenase enzymes
break serotonin down into 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, leaves the brain in the blood
5HT1a receptor
activation in brainstem (raphe nuclei) inhibits serotonergic neurons
perception, conscious process, brain modulates
sense, has receptor
sense, has receptor
sense, has receptor
sense, has receptor
perception, brain continually modulates
3 fundamental steps of information processing
transduction, transmission, and perception
brain is capable of switching priority, paying attention, conscious process, ex: pain is perception, localized by stimulus modality
not a conscious process, brain can’t switch attention, ex: nociception is sensation, mapped to key orderly respresentation - hummunculus
all sensory systems, stimulus energy converted into electrical potential that can be interpreted by nervous system
stimulus energy
electromagnetic, mechanical, chemical
essential step for transduction
confirmational change in transducer protein, ex: stretch receptors
receptor potential
graded response to stimulus, can be depolarizing or hyperpolarizing
stimulus energy -> receptor -> receptor potential (graded) -> depolarization increase with stimulus increase -> action potential at node of ravier -> intensity of stimulus translates to number of action potentials
adequate stimulus
stimulus that receptor best responds to, hummunculus map in every sensory system, receptor will respond to other stimulus but interepret incorrectly, ex: pressure on eyes makes you see stars
encode stimulus modality by responding better to one form of energy in a narrow range
coding for stimulus intensity
increase in firing of primary afferent, saturation of response of individual receptor cell, recruitment of overlapping sensory neurons, lack of response to some stimuli (if not adequate)
dynamic range
between threshold and saturation point for a receptor
range of system of receptors
sum of the ranges of all receptors within system
population coding (recruitment)
as the stimulation increases, the number of sensory cells increases with increasing stimulus intensity
receptor potential threshold
stimulus amplitude that must be reached before a response is generated
receptor potential saturation
in response to intense stimulus
frequency coding
firing rate of sensory neurons increases with increasing stimulus intensity
response of receptor to constant stimulus declines over time
tonic adaptation
receptor potential decreases slowly with constant stimulus
phasic adaptation
receptor potential decreases rapidly with constant stimulus
ability to localize stimulus, determined by receptive field size and receptor density
intensity and localizing paradox
as stimulus intensity increases, acuity decreases because more receptors respond making it harder to localize
lateral inhibition
for localizing and encoding intensity, inhibitory CNS interneurons synapse with collaterals from main sensory neuron, by inhibiting signal strength from more distant neurons - helps localize stimulus, ex: retina to help see contrast
can’t see marker on board
stimulus doesn’t reach threshold
pain from stimulus that does not normally evoke pain, ex: sharp pain when brushed lightly
increased sensitivity to pain, ex: more sensitive to pain after being stabbed by a platypus
acute nociceptive pain
fast - sharp, pricking, well localized, Adelta fibers; slow - dull, aching, poorly localized, C fibers; thermal, mechanical, chemical; visceral (smooth muscle), deep somatic (tendons, bones), superficial somatic (wounds, small burns)
inflammatory pain
damage or sensitization of peripheral nociceptors by PG, can lead to chronic pain syndromes
neuropathic pain
complex, pain state, peripheral / central neuron damage, can lead to chronic pain syndromes, burning / electrical / stabbing / needles, ex: bumping funny bone
nociceptor activation
heat, protons, and vanillinoids (capsacin) cause TRPV1 to open sending messages up C fibers
nociceptor sensitization
bradykinins, prostaglandins, protein kinases make receptor open more easily - blocking prostaglandins is key to some analgesic drugs
referred pain
two sensory receptors use same pathway, brain assumes that it is the most common sensation coming on the pathway, ex: heart and skin nociceptors share same tract and brain assumes skin pain when there is actually heart pain
key step in nociceptive stimuli transmission
activation of ligand gated channel -> 1st order neuron glutamate to 2nd order metabatropic AMPA receptor (excitatory) -> 1st order collaterals glutamate to mGluR receptor (normally closed) on interneuron, as transmission increases gate will open
Gate Theory of Pain
nociceptors -> ligand gated channel -> C fibers -> glutamate to 2nd order metabatropic AMPA receptor -> collaterals glutamate to mGluR receptors on inhibitory interneuron -> stimulus increase gate on inhibitory interneuron opens and sends message up AB fibers in mechanoreceptor
perception of pain
activation of nociceptors, modulation of nociceptors and inhibitory interneurons, inhibitory interneurons regulate transmission at 2nd order neuron level, explains phantom limb pain and TENS treatment and opioid analgesics
local anaesthetics
block pain at low concentrations
conduction velocity of fibers
diameter (thicker = faster) and degree of myelination (myelinated = faster)
Abeta fibers
fastest, largest diameter, myelinated, mechanoreceptors
Adelta fibers
fast, middle diameter, myelinated, mechanoreceptors, cold, fast pain
C fibers
slowest, narrow, unmyelinated, mechanoreceptors, thermoreception, slow pain
Adelta cold receptors open in response to…
menthol, CMR1
transduction channel
transient receptor potential ion channels
cold and warm, adapt rapidly to temp changes and chemical stimuli
respond to deformation of cell membrane
respond to heat, protons, and vanillinoids (capsacin); responses potentiated by prostaglandins - blocking PG is mechanism of some analgesic drugs
dermatomes review
area supplied by one spinal nerve / dorsal root ganlgion; C1 no DRG, C2 top and back of head, C5-8 arm / hand, T4 nipples, T10 umbilicus, L1 inginal, L4-S1 lower lef / foot, S2-5 back of legs / butt / genitals; shingles is varicella-zoster latent on DRG - L6 / 7 most common area
cutting one dorsal root
has little effect on sensory due to overlap of sensory areas
cutting several dorsal roots
has anesthetic effect on sensory where all roots overlap
dorsal column
white matter, lesion here causes reduced (not absent due to overlap) fine touch / vibration / propioception below point
dorsal column - medial lemniscal pathway (somatosensation)
touch / proprioception / vibration, entire spine to thalamus, receptor in skin -> peripheral nerve -> cell body in DRG -> enter spine via dorsal root -> ascend in gracile and cuneate fasiculus on ipsilateral side -> synapse in gracile and cuneate nucleus -> cross to contralateral at medial lemniscus in caudal medulla -> synapse in ventral posterolateral nucleus of thalamus -> postcentral sensory gyrus
first order sensory neuron
receptor in peripheral nervous system, cell body outside CNS
second order sensory neuron
nuclei, 1st synapse, crossing over, cell body inside CNS
third order sensory neuron
nuclei to cortex, 2nd synapse
dorsal columns input
mechanoreceptors - Merkle disc endings (slow afferent type I), meisner corpuscles (indentation), pacinian corpusles (vibration / proprioception)
sensory entry into spinal cord
peripheral process -> cell body in DRG -> central process -> medial dorsal root ascends in dorsal column ipsilaterally (some branches terminate in dorsal horn)
organization of dorsal column
at thoracic level - sacral (medial) / lumbar / thoracic (lateral); at cervical level - sacral (medial) / lumbar / thoracic / cervical (lateral)
injury to lateral dorsal column
deficit on same side below point
injury to medial dorsal column
deficit on both sides below that point because ipsilateral tracts travel side by side
gracile fasciculus
medial to dorsal intermediate sulcus, carries T7 and lower (lumbar / sacral)
cuneate fasciculus
lateral to intermediate sulcus, T6 - C2 (thoracic / cervical)
lesion on dorsal column midline at L2
below L2 affected fine touch / proprioception / vibration on both sides
dorsal column nuclei
medulla, 1st synapse with 2nd order neuron, in gracile and cuneate nuclei
physiological class segregation
type of sensory axons end together in dorsal column nuclei, ex: slowly adapting type I, proprioceptors, pacinians, stimulus is dissected
dorsal column nuclei
many 2nd order neurons receive input from hand (cuneate nucleus) or foot (gracile nucleus) because they have many receptors to start with
dorsal column ascending ipsilateral fibers
25% end at dorsal column nuclei in the medulla, the rest make propriospinal connections to help produce complex movements
convergence in dorsal column nuclei
same type of 1st order neurons end together on same nuclei to synapse with 2nd order nuclei, receptive field is 40-100x larger than nuclei synapse in brain stem
population response for dorsal column sensory
overlapping receptive fields allow for finer touch descrimination
medial lemniscus
part of dorsal column sensory, caudal medulla, 2nd order neurons from gracile and cuneate nuclei cross over to contralateral, organized - cervical (dorsal), sacral (ventral), “person on pyramids”
lesion in medial lemniscus
contralateral sensory deficits
ventral posterior lateral nucleus (VPL) of thalamus
2nd synapse with 3rd order neurons, organized - sacral (lateral), cervical (medial), receptor segregation maintained
lesion in ventral posterior lateral nucleus of thalamus (VPL)
contralateral sensory deficits
thalamocortical projections from ventral posterior lateral nucleus in thalamus
3rd order neuron axons of VPL through posterior limb internal capsule to postcentral gyrus (primary somatosensory cortex) on ipsilateral side, homunculus
spinothalamic tract system (somatosensation)
pain and temp, damage reduces pain and temp (not touch), nociceptors and thermoreceptors -> peripheral nerve -> cell body in DRG -> synapse with 2nr order neuron in dorsal horn -> immediately cross over to contralateral in spinal cord -> ascend in spinothalamic tract to ventral posterior lateral nucleus in thalamus -> synapse with 3rd order neurons -> postcentral gyrus and insula
convergence and segregation of sensory type
persists in spinothalamic tract system
spinothalamic tract system receptors
nociceptors, thermoreceptors, and somewhat mechanoreceptors
nociceptors in spinothalamic tract system
enter lateral dorsal tract, pass through Lissauer’s Tract, enter dorsal horn and synapse with 2nd order neurons by releasing glutamate and SP
intense noxious stimuli
cause release of both glutamate and SP neurotransmitters at synapse in dorsal horn, both AMPA and NMDA receptors activated, other peptides released, changes synapse
second messenger changes at nociceptor synapse
changes in 2nd order neuron via second messenger / cascade -> new receptors or modified receptors, causes chronic pain
spinothalamic tract
2nd order neuron axons from marginal zone and lamina V in dorsal horn project to thalalmus after crossing over at anterior white commissure and ascending in spinothalamic tract in ventral lateral funiculus of spinal cord
marginal zone
most dorsal point of dorsal horn, 2nd order neurons of spinothalamic tract system
lamina V
lateral dorsal horn, 2nd order neurons of spinothalamic tract system
anterior white commissure
immediately ventral to central canal, crossing over of 2nd order spinothalamic neurons to contralateral side of spinal cord