Week 1 - Neuro Big Ideas Flashcards
insults to developing embryonic nervous system
first 2 weeks = death, week 3-6 = neural tube defects, >6 weeks = mental retardation
from middle in both directions, notochord induces thick neural plate, neural groove becomes neural tube from lateral plate cells, neural crest cell migrate, takes ~ 22 days, somites develop concurrently, derived from ectoderm
neural plate –> neural folds –> neural groove –> neural tube and crest cells
neural tube
becomes brain and spinal cord
neural crest cells
becomes PNS, non-neuronal derivations like melanocytes and GI cells
neural canal
ventricular system in brain and canal in spinal cord
neuroepithelial cells
differentiate into neurons with cells bodies in CNS and macroglial cells, ventricular zone = neurons and ependymal cells, intermediate zone = gray matter, marginal zone = white matter
alar plate
becomes dorsal spinal cord, contains secondary sensory neurons, gives rise to afferent fibers
basal plate
becomes ventral spinal cord, contains motor neurons, nerve cell body grows neurites, axons in ventral horn synapse with skeletal muscle, neurons in lateral horn synapse with peripheral autonomic ganglia, gives rise to efferent fibers
roof and floor plates in neural tube
dorsal and ventral thin area with no neuroblasts, become regions of brain where axons cross
primary sensory neuron development
start as bipolar cells and become psuedounipolar
developing brain myelination
schwann cells in PNS, oligodendrocytes in CNS, from neural crest cells, continues throughout first year of life, schwann cell body wraps, oligodendrocyte extensions wrap
length of spinal cord
nerve roots lines up with matching vertebra at 8 wks, vertebra grow faster than spinal cord, newborn spinal cord ends at L2-3, adults spinal cord ends at L1-2, spinal tap below this level
neural tube closure
end 3rd week, creates primary vesicles of brain
primary vesicles of developing brain
forebrain (prosencephalon), midbrain (mesencephalon), hindbrain (rhombenceohalon)
forebrain vesicle (prosencephalon)
becomes telencephalon and diencephalon
midbrain vesicle (mesencephalon)
becomes mesencephalon
hindbrain vesicle (rhombencephalon)
becomes metencephalon and myelencephalon
caudal neural tube
becomes spinal cord
secondary vesicles of developing brain
telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon, myelencephalon
telencephalon vesicle
becomes cerebral cortex, corpus striatum, olfactory bulbs, c shaped growth covers insula, convolutions develop, lateral ventricles, CN I
diencephalon vesicle
becomes thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus, subthalamus, third ventricle, CN II
mesencephalon vesicle
becomes tectum, tegmentum, basis pedunculi, superior and inferior colliculus, CN III, CN IV
metencephalon vesicle
becomes pons and cerebellum and fourth ventricle, CN V to XII
myelencephalon vesicle
becomes medulla and fourth ventricle, CN V to XII
cervical flexure
superior bend in secondary vesicles at base of myelencephalon
pontine flexure
inferior bend in secondary vesicles at metencephalon
cephalic flexure
superior bend in secondary vesicle at mesencephalon
choroid plexus
formed by modified ependyma, pia, and blood vessels, floor of fourth ventricles, roof of thrid and fourth ventricles, makes CSF
neural crest cell derivatives
dorsal root ganglia, sympathetic trunk ganglia, celiac ganglia, GI plexis, renal ganglia, suprarenal gland, melanocytes, odontoblasts, bones and cartilage of face
wakeful (open eyes, motor arousal) and aware (thoughts, memories, emotions)
unresponsive to internal and external stimuli, no reflexes, unarousable, no eye opening
vegetative state
unresponsive wakefulness, sleep cycles, opens eyes, not aware of others, reflexes, smile/grimace, unresponsive to stimuli
minimally conscious state
sleep cycles, incomplete awareness, + = high level, - = low level
locked in syndrome
sleep cycles, aware, quadriplegia, unable to interact, brainstem lesion
neurological exam
H & P key, changes based on setting
mental status
assessing cortex, level of consciousness, speech, orientation (time and place), attention, calculation (world or months backwards, serial 7s), language, memory (naming, 3 words)
fundoscopic exam
blurring of disk, loss of venous pulse, color
parts of neurologic exam
mental status, cranial nerves, motor, sensory, reflexes, coordination, gait / station
mental status - level of consciousness
determine by observation
mental status - speech
determine by observation
mental status - orientation
determine with person / place / time, month / day / date, city / state / country
mental status - attention / calculation
world backwards, months of year backwards, serial 7s
mental status - language / memory
naming, 3 words (immediate, after distraction)
fundoscopic exam
look for - blurred optic disc, loss of venous pulse, color of optic nerve
testing CN I - olfactory
pass order, perceive not identify
testing CN II - optic (acuity, fields, pupils)
chart, confrontation, eye individually
testing CN III - occulomotor (pupils, eye movement)
direct, consensual, flashlight, conjugate gaze, nyastigma
CN of eye movement
CN III - occulomotor (MR, SR, IR, IO), CN IV - trochlear (SO), CN VI abducens (LR)
testinng CN V - trigeminal (facial sensation, corneal response, mastication)
cotton, pin, tuning fork, compare sides, bite down / open
testing CN VII - facial (facial muscle movements)
observe (palpebral fissures and nasolabial folds), squeeze eyes shut, smile, puff out cheeks, forehead spared = CNS lesion, forehead not spared = PNS lesion
testing CN VIII - vestibulocochlear (hearing, balance)
vestibulo - dizziness, cochlear - finger running, Weber, Rinne
Weber test
on forehead midline,conductive loss louder in affected ear, sensorineural loss louder in unaffected ear
Rinne test
mastoid, in air next to ear, air louder then bone
testing CN IX - glossopharyngeal
palate elevation, gag (coma), swallow, horseness / breathiness
testing CN X - vagus
palate elevation, gag (coma), swallow, horseness / breathiness
testing CN XI - accessory (sternoclidomastoid, trapezius)
turn head against resistance (tests opposite side), shoulder shrug
testing CN XII - hypoglossal (tongue)
listen for slurring, observe protrusion / deviation / slowness (will deviate to weak side)
testing motor
bulk (atrophy, diffuse = disuse, focal = denervated), tone (passive, decreased = flaccid, increased = spastic / rigid / paratonia), strength (grading 5-0, compare sides, compare proximal and distal, arm drift = upper motor neurons)
testing sensory
pain and temp (pin, tuning fork - spinothalamic tract), vibration and propioception (tuning fork - dorsal columns), light touch (cotton - both spinothalamic and dorsal columns)
Romberg test
sensory problems, close eyes and keep balance, positive = neuropathy in feet
testing reflexes
biceps - C5/6, brachioradialis - C6-7, triceps - C7/8, knees - L3/4, ankles - S1/2, Babinski, graded 4-0
upper motor neuron problem, hyperreflexive, flexed ankle shakes
radiculopathy (nerve root problem), neuropathy (sensory nerve problem), PNS
brain lesion, spinal cord lesion, upper motor neuron problem, CNS
testing coordination
finger - nose - finger and heel - knee - shin (cerebellum), rapid (frontal), fine finger and toe tapping (upper motor neurons)
testing gait and station
walk - regular, heels, toes, tandem gait
wide, ataxia gait
wide, slapping gait
shuffling, stooped, multistep gait
basal ganglia, parkinsons
spastic gait
upper motor neuron