Week 3 - Management, Leadership, P&P Flashcards
Leadership and management focus on the relationship between which 2 people?
manager and the employee
What is a complex, cognitive process of choosing a particular course of action; the thought process of selecting a logical choice from available options?
decision making
What is part of decision making; systematic process focusing on analyzing a difficult situation involving higher-order reasoning and evaluation?
problem solving
Decision makers have what 5 traits?
- Self-aware
- Courageous
- Sensitive
- Energetic
- Creative
What is the mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information to reach an answer or conclusion?
critical thinking
What is integrating and applying different types of knowledge to weigh evidence, critically think about arguments, and reflect upon the process used to arrive at diagnosis?
clinical reasoning
What are the traits of critical care thinking?
Energetic Observant
Risk Taker
Communicator Resourceful
Willing to take action
Empathetic Knowledgeable
What 4 parts make up Marquis-Huston Critical thinking Teaching Model?
- Didactic theory
- Personalized learning
- Group process - nursing process
- Problem solving
What is didactic theory?
is a teaching method that follows a consistent scientific approach or educational style to engage the student’s mind.
What is problem solving the same as?
the nursing process
What is the process of problem solving?
- Identify the problem
- gather data
- explore alternative solutions
- select the appropriate solution
- evaluate.
What are the 3 decision making models?
- managerial decision making model
- integrated ethical problem-solving model
- intuitive model
What model sets objectives, research and identify options, compare/contrast , make a decision, implement an action plan, evaluate results.( absenteeism in employee)?
managerial decision making model
What model uses the nursing process?
integrated ethical problem-solving model
What model is based on a gut feeling?
intuitive model
Women have 10x more what than men?
white matter
Men have 6.5x more what than women?
grey matter
The use of white matter allows women to do what?
work faster than a man
What are 4 things contribute to decision making?
- gender role based
- values
- life experience
- individual preference - certain choices involving risks or not to take risks
What is involved in the traditional problem solving process?
Identify the problem Gather data to identify the causes and consequences of the problem Explore alternative solutions Evaluate each alternative Select appropriate solution Implement solution Evaluate results
What is involved in the traditional managerial decision-making model?
Determine the decision and the desired outcome (set objectives)
Research and identify options
Compare and contrast these options and their consequences
Make a decision
Implement an action plan
Evaluate results
What are strategies for new nurses to promote EBP?
- Keep abreast of the evidence
- Use multiple sources of evidence
- Use evidence to support clinical interventions and teaching strategies
- Find established sources of evidence
- Implement and evaluate nationally sanctioned clinical practice guidelines
- Question and challenge nursing traditions
- Dispel myths and traditions not supported by evidence
- Collaborate with other nurses locally and globally
- Interact with other disciplines to bring nursing evidence to the table
What does power include in decision making?
Mission, Values the organization determines or personal values can be incorporated.
What is the key to decision making in organizations?
balance between personal values and the organization
What is a decision-making tool that is used to visually examine the alternatives and compare each against the same criteria?
What decision-making tool show cost-profit-volume relationship (quantitative information) Probabilities and use of historical data (hospital census-Iso patients)?
payoff tables
What decision-making tool help with decisions such as hiring regular staff vs cost of temporary staff (travellers)?
decision trees
What decision-making tool shows that various alternatives create different consequences?
consequence tables
What decision-making tool shows schematics or pictures are intended to operate. (resources, process, outcomes and relationships between the components?
logic models
What do Program Evaluation & Review Technique of decision-making tools do?
determine the timing of decisions. Develop a critical path and number of weeks to complete the task. (recruiting staff)
What can making a decision on the first impression be?
a confirmation bias
Managers often allow what?
allow the past to unduly influence current discussions.
To avoid pitfalls, what should you do?
include others in your decision making process.
What is a type of leadership where you must listen, keep open mind, no judgment, serving others, always thinking before reacting:
servant leadership
What is a theory where all employees (followers) are motivated to act in the best interest of the leader(manager). The employees might have expertise over there leader?
principal agent theory
What is a theory where individuals/organizations will invest in education, and professional development, that is will have future payoff. E.G. Tuition reimbursement (MS, CRNA etc.)?
human and social capital theory
What is self awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. Perceive, control and evaluate ones emotions?
emotional intelligence
What is a type of leadership where one’s own principles and their conviction to act appropriately to inspire others. Purpose, Values, Heart, Relationships and self-discipline?
authentic leadership
What is a type of leadership where one person convinces another to consider new ideas, product or a way of looking at things. Problem orientated. E.g. Blue Cross developed private health insurance in late 1920’s?
thought leadership
What is a type of leadership where transformational leadership managers must work together with their employees to have common goals, exploit opportunities, empower staff to make decisions to promote organizational productivity?
quantum leadership
Who labeled theory X and Y
Theory X managers think what?
think their employees are basically lazy, need constant supervision, direction and indifferent to organizational needs
workers of Theory Y managers think what?
enjoy their work, self-motivated, willing to work hard to meet organizational and personal goals
Who labeled theory z?
What is characteristic of theory z managers?
- consensus decision making
2, to fit employees to there jobs - security and slower promotions
What is there establishment of in theory z managers?
Establishment of strong bonds of responsibility between authority and employees.
How is theory z different from x and y?
This was a Japanese-style management to corporate America
What is a type of leadership where there is strong control, motivate others by coercion, self directed, communication flows downward, decision making does not involve others, emphasis on difference of status ( I and you), criticism is punitive?
What is a type of leadership where there is less control, economic and ego awards are used, directed through suggestions and guidance, communication flows up and down, decision making involves others, emphasis is on (we), constructive criticism
What is a type of leadership that is permissive, little or no control, motivates by support, provides little or no direction, up and downward communication by group, places emphasis on group, does not criticize, disperses decision making throughout group?
What is a type of leadership style in which leaders encourage, inspire and motivate employees to innovate and create change that will help grow and shape the future success of the company.
define authority-power gap:
The gap that sometimes exists between an position of authority and subordinate response.
What may develop out of the authority-power bag:
organizational chaos
What is an example of the authority-power gap:
physicians with nurses
What is characteristic of successful leadership?
Has authority or right to command Knowledgeable about there role as manager Creates a bridging authority-power gap Teamwork Networking Empowers others Assists staff Serves as a role model
What 4 things is power?
- It enables one to accomplish goals.
- It is one’s capacity to act to achieve a goal.
- It is the strength and potency to accomplish something.
- Having power gives one potential to change the attitudes and behaviors of individual people and groups.
reward power
Ability to grant favors or reward others with whatever they value.
coercive power
Based on fear of punishment, manager may give threats if goals not met, or ignores, belittles an employee
legitimate power
gained by title within an organization.
What kind of power involves knowledge, expertise or experience. Certification in a special nursing area/skill:
expert power
What kind of power gives other feelings of personal acceptance or approval. Association with others, perceiving them as powerful e.g. physicians- society views them as powerful (god) and even today physicians maintain this image?
referent power
What kind of power is a more personal type of power, does have some characteristics of referent power. The way a leader talks or acts or people she/he associates.
charismatic power
What kind of power occurs when information is needed first to be in power. E.g. nurses/physicians received info before taking care of patients, before making informed decisions. What you bring to the table as a student. e.g. current evidence base practices
informational power
Legitimate power is to what source?
Coercive power is to what source?
Referent power is to what source?
the need for info
Informational power is to what source?
Charismatic power is to what source?
association with others
What are some ways to bridge the authority-power gap?
- Genuine effort to care about their employees
- Consistency-same rules apply
- Provide unit goals and expectations
- Credible (future promising/under promising)
- Learning opportunities for employees
- Provide direction to nurses-skills, growth
What is empowerment?
the decentralization of power
What is the most effective empowerment strategy?
role model
What are key contributors to empowerment?
- Opportunity for advancement(RN-BSN,MSN,NP)
- Involve in activities beyond your job description-volunteer
- Access information about all facets of the organization (newsletter by the CNO/CEO.
- Access to support for one’s job responsibilities and decision making (sources for infection control/TJC readiness/Micromedex)
- Access to resources (hand hygiene supplies)
What are the 4 structural conditions identified for empowerment by Kanter?
- having opportunity for advancement or opportunity to be involved in activities beyond one’s job description
- access to information about all facets of the organization (newsletter by the CNO or the CEO sharing what is happening in the organization)
- access to support for one’s job responsibilities and decision making (not providing education on patient transfer)
- access to resources (hand hygiene supplies)
as needed by the employee
What are the 6 driving forces to increase the nursing power base?
- The timing is right for quality care
- The size of the nursing profession-3.1 million active RNs
- Nursing’s referent power- no.1 profession Gallup organizational’ s annual poll in ethical and trust
- Increase knowledge base and education for nurses-DNP/PhD students
- Nursing’s unique perspective-caring/compassion/knowledge
- Desire of consumers and providers for change-Nurse patient ratio/errors
What are 7 ways to increase the power of the nursing profession?
- Place more nurses in positions that influence public policy-writing and decision making.
- Increase level of nurses understanding regarding all health-care policy efforts.
- Build Coalitions inside and outside of the organization.
- Promote greater research to strengthen evidence-based practice.
- Support Nursing leaders.
- Pay attention to mentoring future nurse leaders and leadership succession.
- Stop nurses from acting like victims.
What are 6 ways to increase personal power base?
- Maintain personal energy-Personal life
- Powerful Image presentation; Broad vision
- Team player and hard work
- Determine mission/values/hierarchical structure of organization
- Increase skills/knowledge/education
- Flexible/develop visibility at work
What are the 4 parts to a powerful image?
- Appearance – neat, clean, appropriate
- Behavior - respectful
- Body language - posture, eye contact, confident.
- Communication- good communication skills.
What is the art of using legitimate power wisely?
What is professional politics?
Within a healthcare or professional organization
What is legislative politics?
- law and public policies
2. local, stage, federal levels
What are 4 strategies to help novice leaders?
- Expert in information and communication
- Proactive not reactive
- Increase personal power
- Networking
What are strategies to keep authority and power?
- Maintain small authority-power gap
- Empower people you work with
- Use authority in a way that staff feels being a part of the organization not just the unit
- When necessary, implement political strategies to maintain power and authority
What can you do to take an active political role?
- Be Member of professional organizations.
- Subscribing & reading professional journals.
- Attend workshops, conferences, courses.
Lobbying legislators]
-Face-to-face, telephone, letter, email, testifying, participate in a campaign.
Never do what in have an act political role?
never have a narrow vision
What does proactive political strategy include?
assuming authority to do something if it is not expressly prohibited
What are 4 organizations with power?
- National League for Nursing (NLN)
- American Nurses Association (ANA)
- American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)
- Quality & Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)
What are other organizations with power?
- Department of Health and Human Services(DHHS)
- Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- Veteran’s Administration (VA)
AACN Framework for Governance Leadership Positions consists of :
Self-leadership Visioning Global Thinking Knowing and Committing Delivering Effective Messages Consensus Building
Who are the 2 nurses in congress?
- Eddie Bernice Johnson
2. Lauren Underwood