Week 2 - Burnout/selfcare Flashcards
What are the 4 things that happen when a nurse is burnout?
o Diminished quality of healthcare
o Lower patient satisfaction
o Associated with UTI and surgical site infections
o More patient falls and med errors
What do nurse residency programs with preceptors help ease?
What do preceptors offer in nurse residency programs?
- emotional
- practical
- social support
What is an increase in shift length correlated with?
increase in nurse burnout
What is the statistic for job dissatisfaction and burnout for nurses working over 9 hours?
Job dissatisfaction and burnout up to 2.5 x higher
What are the 2 types of leadership that help to decrease burnout?
- authentic leadership
2. transformational leadership
What kind of leadership understands purpose, practice solid values, leads with the heart, establishes enduring relationship, practices self-discipline?
authentic leadership
What kind of leadership inspires others and work toward goal by transforming others’ attitudes, beliefs, values and motivation?
transformational leadership
What is bullying correlated with in the nursing world?
Bullying experiences correlated with emotional exhaustion and cynicism
What is the benefit of hardiness education?
One-hour hardiness education session on effective coping strategies and stress management decreases burnout
define hardy personality
active way of understanding person’s relation with others, goals, and problems
What are the 5 personality traits?
a. Neuroticism – emotional instability
b. Agreeableness – tendency to approach or reject others
c. Conscientious – self control and self-determination
d. Extraversion – energy and sociability
e. Openness to experience – curiosity and sensibility
Which personality trait is bad for burnout in low levels?
true or false: all other personality traits, not neuroticism, are good for burnout in high levels?
true or false: Shorter sleep duration is dose-dependently related to nurse burnout
True or false: Longer sleep duration is related to higher nurse burnout in linear manner
false; lower nurse burnout
What is the optimal sleep duration?
7 hours of sleep
define mindfulness
- The ability to observe and experience thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations
- Full immersion in the present, without judgement
Can mindfulness reduce burnout?
yes; as little as 10 min.
What is physical activity associated with?
associated with lower levels of burnout among healthcare workers
What is the recommendation for physical activity and burnout?
Partake in a regular exercise program for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.
What does yoga significantly decrease?
- emotional exhaustion
2. depersonalization
What are the psychosomatic symptoms of burnout?
- Insomnia, sleep disturbances
- Weakness
- Neck/back pain
What are the emotional symptoms of burnout?
- Depression
* Perceived memory impairment
What are the attitude symptoms of burnout?
- Distrust
- Hostility
- Cynicism
- Powerlessness
- Exhaustion
what are the behavioral symptoms of burnout?
- Irritability
- Aggressiveness
- Isolation
What are just general symptoms of burnout?
o Start to call in sick more frequently o Short-tempered o Sarcastic o Rude to colleagues and even to patients or families o Appear tired o Easily startled
What are the 4 basics of stress?
- Over engaged
- Emotions overactive
- Produces urgency
What is the biggest difference between someone that is stressed and someone that is burnout?
What is stress?
Involves too much, too many pressures on you physical/psych
What are the 3 basics of burnout?
- Tired, anxious, sick, disengaged
- Emotions blunted
- Dread going to work… Produces helpless/hopeless
What is burnout?
State of emotional, mental, physical exhaustion caused by eccessive and prolonged stress
How would Maslach describe burnout?
Burnout is a syndrome of depersonalization, mental exhaustion, low personal accomplishment that leads to decreased effectiveness at work
What does research reveal about healing environments?
that specific design changes environments can reduce our stress and alleviate the consequences of that stress.
What is 1 simple guideline to creating a healing environment?
look at ways to reduce stress in the environment.
What is an example of a healing environment in a hospital?
private room
What are the 9 ways you can create a healing environment?
o Go for comfort --> Physical comfort right temperature, and psychological comfort, where there is a mix of familiarity and stimulus o Cut the clutter o Delight your senses o Enhance the light o Bring nature in o Reduce the roar o Don’t forget the garden o Start small o Consider your inner environment
What are healing gardens?
Green spaces in hospitals and other healthcare facilities that specifically aim to improve health outcomes.
Why are healing gardens good?
- place of refuge
2. nature is engrossing and soothing