WEEK 3, Indigenous Ppls, Colonialsim and Canada Flashcards
culturally connected Indigenous peoples living around the Great Lakes in the United States and Canada. Jenni identifies more as ojibwe than anishinaabe
Loon Clan
clan system is an Anishinaabe governance and kinship structure. Clans are a way of orgnanizing community and governance
What is the Indian Act?
Federal law that governs all matters regarding:
- indian status
- bands
- indian reserves
law passed 1876 and still law in Canada today.
Implications of the Indian Act…
you are the property of government.
you are unable to handle their own affairs.
Subject to measures meant to help them even if Indians don’t agree.
Examples of Protective measures
Indig ppl prohibited from:
- Hiring legal counsel from entering a pool halls.
- From forming political organizations
- Banning potlach powwows
- Foring political organizations
- Destruction of dogs (inuit dog slaughter)
Qikiqtani Truth Commission 2005
For the Inuit, DOGS were super important. “the practical uses of qimmiit were enormous: the pulled sleds, carried shit, sniffed out seal holes, avoided ice cracks etc”
RCMP would kill dogs on reserves bc dogs were considered livestock and can kill if off.
In August 2011, the Quebec government offered an official apology for the negative effects on Inuit society of the mass slaughter of sled dogs in Nunavik (northern Quebec) but the damage has been done.
Dog slaughters on indigenous reserves
JENNI MAKAHNOUK said her grandma’s dog was shot by RCMP on the reserve. trying to visit her sister and let dog on a bathroom break. RCMP shot there.
Inuit dog slaughter as an example of…
Colonial (lasting) forces undermining traditions.
Indigenous treaties
Between diff indig groups within lands.
Various Indigenous groups had treaties for various ongoing issues such as hunting, foraging etc
Canadian Treaties
between canada and various indigenous groups who occupied the land.
Indig ppl saw treaties as an ongoing continually relationship that could change as needed
Settlers view treaty as divorce, indig see it as a marriage
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Has potential to usher in plenty of new thinking and relationship with indigenous communities.
They solve very little themselves.
The TRC is symbolic - only commences when all partie s are ready to cooperate.
1. acknowelge guilt
2. simple and heartfelt sorry but deeds need to follow words and promises must be backed by action.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission , what is it?
established as part of a longer process that grew out of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA)
- this shaped focus of report!
explicit aim of report: document and preserve the experiences of survivors from residential schools.
2008, steven harper made an apology (historic).
important note: TRC did not come out of Canada’s own initiative, rather came about as a result of us pushing gov / courts imposed
94 calls to action
these were actionable policy reccomendations that were meant to help guide process by:
- acknowledging full, horrifying history of the residential school system
- Creating systems to prevent these abuses from ever happening again in the future
Teach others about past.
create opportunities for indigenous communities.
GOAL: improve the lives of INDIG ppl, implement policy goals, dismantle systemic racism.
Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement
What initiated / shaped the focus of the report for the TRC
94 calls to action 2 categories
LEGACY (1 to 42)
- Addressing history of the schools
- Subjugated them
Within each, there are several subcategories meant to tackle specific faucets of the reconciliation process.
Canada as a Colonial State
Policies and Programs reflect attempts to colonize.
as HUGHES says, we must never lose sight of the fact that what ultimately became Canada had its origins as a colonial state. Europeans sought to force their own ways upon INDIGENOUS groups.
Rather than accepting cultural traditions, Europeans sought to force themselves on Indigenous groups.
Canada colonial bodies had the asusmption of superiority.
Nation state
Soverign state whose citizens or subjects are relatively homogeneous in factors such as language or common descent
Proclaims the ocmmonality of its ppl
Policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force
unequal human and territorial relationship
Colonization v. colonialism
Colonization: action or process of settling among and establishing control over the indigenous people of an area.
Colonoialism: policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers and exploiting it economically.