Week 3: Glands Flashcards
Sebaceous glands or Oil glands
secrete and oily substance called sebum
located in the dermis
What are the two main categories of skin glands?
Sebaceous and sweat glands
The combining form seb/o means
oily substance
tubelike passages that release sebum from the glands into hair follicles
tiny ducts
sebaceous glands are considered__________ because……
holocrine glands
the secreting glands and their secretions make up the discharge produced
Sweat glands
aggregations of cells that are found in the dermis
Sweat glands are divided onto two glands?
Eccrine glands
Apocrine glands
eccrine glands
secrete water, salt, waste (sweat), and are located in various regions of the body depending on the species
apocrine glands
produce and secrete strong smelling substances into hair follicles
high body temperature
low body temperature
sweat glands help regulate body temperatures against__________ and ___________.
hyperthermia and hypothermia
production and secretion of sweat
the combining form hidr/o means
abnormal reduction of sweating
excessive sweating
Cerumonious glands
modified sweat glands that are located in the ear canal
waxy substance secreted in the ear
commonly known as earwax