Week 3 DT Questions Flashcards
What year was the original IRR created?
What does the IRR17 stand for?
What is the purpose of IRR17?
Explain what is meant by IRR17 high risk?
What does the RPA stand for?
What is the role of the RPA?
What does the RPS stand for?
What is the role of the RPS?
Describe what is meant by the local rules
Who is not allowed to be involved with radiography?
What is meant by the controlled area?
The controlled area must have certain features list a minimum of 4
State the requirements for recording x-ray exposures?
PPE is required in each diagnostic imaging suit, list the PPE required?
How do you store radiographic PPE?
How often should it be checked and how is this achieved?
Provide two methods of monitoring radiation in the imaging suit
What does NRPB stand for and why is rhis relevant to us in practice?
Is manual restraint allowed in practice?
Provide examples as to when manual restraint may be suggested and describe what steps should be taken