Radiography Equiptment and Terminolgy Task Flashcards
Conrolled area
Scattered radiation
Tube head
Light beam diaphragm
Primary beam
Describe the x-ray tube structure and production of x-rays
What do mAs and KV stand for?
Define film speed
Define grain size
Define contrast
Define latent image
Define latitude
Define photographic density
What does collimation mean?
The control panel consists of?
What are the components of a tube head?
Quality over quantity in exposure factors?
How do we control scatter radiation?
What is meant by film focal distance? (FFD)
What does radiographic film speed refer to?
How is a latent image formed?
What is a grid?
When do we use them?
What types of grid are available?
What does grid factor refer to?
What are the disadvantages to using grids?