Week 3 Chapter 31 Flashcards
Mammary glands contain__ glands that produce milk under the influence of the hormone proclatin
In the female cycle, it is the falling levels of estrogen and __ that cause the uterine lining to break down and menses to start
The signs and symptoms of__ are usually mild or indistinct until the disease has spread to other organs, making early detection difficult
Ovarian cancer
The__ carries sperm cells from an epididymis to the urethra in the public cavity of the male
Vast deferens
Before a female child is born__ develop in her ovarian cortex which contain primary oocyte and follicular cells
Primordial follicles
What is the medical term for cramps that are severe enough to limit normal activities
The__ is a thin layer that covers the myometrium. It secrets serous fluid that coats and protects the uterus
At their anterior ends, the labia majora form the __ which is a fatty area that overlies the public symphysis
Mons pubis
The upper , doomed portion of the uterus is called the__
The __ducts deliver milk through openings in the nipples
Which of the following makes a fluid that lubricates the penis for sexual intercourse
Bulbourethral glands
Which of the following disorders may cause a discharge from the nipples?
Breast cancer
The fallopian tube is also called a__
Which of these contains the female erectile tissue and is rich in sensory nerves
The female reproductive cycle is initiated when the pituitary gland releases