week 3: brainstem, cerebellum, ventricles Flashcards
medulla, pons, and midbrain
brainstem contains several collections of cell bodies (4) :
CN nuclei, the reticular formation, the diffuse reticular formation, and the nucleus raphe
lies parallel to the motor cortex, brainstem, and SC ; little brain 3 lobes on cerebellum
hemispheres of cerebellum divided into ________, ________, _____
anterior lobe, posterior lobe and the flocculonodular lobe
the cerebellum has 3 functional regions
the vermis, the lateral and intermediate zones in each hemisphere
information from the vermis is sent out via ____________
fastigial nuclei
information from the intermediate zone goes out through the ___________
interposed nucleus
information from the lateral zone goes out through the _________
dentate nuclei
cerebellar peduncles
3 symmetrical pairs of tracts that connect the cerebellum to the brainstem ; superior, middle, inferior ; gigantic tracts that are literally hold the cerebellum to the brainstem
cerebellar cortex is arranged into ___ layers
3: molecular, purkinje and granular; contains 5 types of neurons
purkinje cells of the cerebellum
predominate neurons; output goes to deep cerebellar nuclei and some in vestibular nuclei
stellate and basket cells of the cerebellum
inhibitory interneurons in the molecular layer of the cortex
granule cells of the cerebellum
excitatory neurons that receive excitatory input from the mossy fibers and synapse on the dendrites of the purkinje fibers, found the granular layer
Golgi type II cells of the cerebellum
inhibitory neurons in the granular layer
deep cerebellar nuclei project to where?
vestibular nuclei, red nucleus, thalamus, and basal ganglia