Week 3 - Behaviour Approach Flashcards
What is the Behaviour Approach? (Northouse, 2022)
- the behavioural approach provides a framework for broadly assessing leadership, as behaviour with a task and relationship dimension
- In some situations, leaders need to be more task-oriented, whereas in others they need to be more relationship-oriented
What are the two main types of Leadership Behaviour?
- Person orientated/ consideration/ employee orientation
- Task orientated/ initiating structure/production orientation
Characteristics of Task-Orientated Leadership Behaviour (2)
- Task-oriented people are doers, and task leadership behaviours facilitate goal accomplishment.
- Task leadership considers the elements involved in task accomplishment from organising work and defining roles to determining policies and procedures
Characteristics of Person-Orientated leadership behaviour (2)
- Relationship-oriented leadership behaviours focus on the well-being of followers, how they relate to each other, and the atmosphere in which they work.
- Relationship-orientated leadership explores the human aspects of leadership from building camaraderie, respect, trust, and regard between leaders and followers to valuing followers’ uniqueness and attending to their personal needs.
What was said in the Ohio State Leadership Studies about person orientation/consideration/employee orientation?
person orientation/consideration/employee orientation is the extent to which the leader demonstrates that they trust their subordinates, respect their ideas and show consideration for their feelings.
According to the Ohio State Leadership studies, what are the characteristics of a person orientation/consideration/employee orientation leader? (5)
- Is easy to get along with
– Puts ideas generated by the group into operation
– Treats everyone the same
– Let’s followers know of upcoming changes
– Explains actions to all group members
What was said in the Ohio State Leadership Studies about Task orientated/ initiating structure/production orientation? (2)
- Task-orientated/ initiating structure/production orientation is the extent to which the leader defines and structures their role and the roles of their subordinates toward goal attainment.
- The leader actively directs group activities.
What was said in the University of Michigan’s Leadership Studies about person orientation/consideration/employee orientation?
are leadership behaviours that approach followers with a strong human relation emphasis
According to the Ohio State Leadership studies, what are the characteristics of a Task orientated/ initiating structure/production orientation leader? (5)
- Tells group members what is expected
– Promotes the use of standardised procedures
– Makes decisions about work methods
– Clarifies role relationships among group members
– Sets specific goals and monitors performance closely
According to the University of Michigan’s Leadership studies, what are the characteristics of a person orientation/consideration/employee orientation leader? (3)
- emphasise human relations
- They value workers as individuals, prioritise their needs, and create a supportive work environment.
- This is similar to the consideration behaviour identified in the Ohio State studies.
What was said in the University of Michigan’s Leadership Studies about Task orientated/ initiating structure/production orientation?
They are leadership behaviours that stress the technical and production aspects of a job
According to the University of Michigan’s Leadership studies, what are the characteristics of a task-orientated/ initiating structure/production orientation leader? (2)
- There behaviours prioritise technical and task-related aspects of work, treating workers primarily as tools to accomplish production goals.
- This parallels the initiating structure behaviours from the Ohio State studies.
Black & Mouton’s (1967) Managerial Grid
What is meant by paternalism/maternalism in Black & Mouton’s (1967) Managerial Grid? and what coordinates would this occur? (3)
- paternalistic/maternalistic style treats people as if they were dissociated from the task.
- Paternalistic/maternalistic leaders are often described as “fatherly” or “motherly” toward their followers, regard the organization as a “family,” make most of the key decisions, and reward loyalty and obedience while punishing noncompliance.
- It can be found at 9,1 or 1,9
What is meant by opportunism in relation to Black & Mouton’s managerial grid
It refers to a leader who uses any combination of the basic five styles for the purpose of personal advancement