Week 3: Attention Flashcards
Why do we have attention?
Focus on important information, suppress distracting information (selective attention), navigate through complex environments
What is attention
State of consciousness, what we focus on, processing information without being aware of it
Top-down attention
Voluntary, goal-driven, endogenous, controlled, directed.
Bottom-up attention
Involuntary, stimulus-driven, exogenous, automatic, captures.
Covert attention
Some attention that is paid to the periphery, without moving the eyes
Overt attention
Foveate attention, by moving the eyes
Posner paradigm (experiment)
Cues are given either endogenous or exogenous
Inhibition of return
Posner paradigm exogenous cues, if time delay between cue and target is >300ms, then responses are quicker for invalidly cued trials
Stroop task
Name colour of the ink, not of the word’s meaning. Top-down attention is conflicting with bottom-up attention
Feature search
Focusing on one feature is easy and happens during early visual processing
Conjunction search
Focusing on more than one feature requires more attention and later processing of the stimuli
Cocktail party effect
Selective attention
Selectively focus on one conversation, but we still process surrounding voices and their gender
Do not process content or language of voices
Dichotic listening task
Simultaneously sending different message to left and right ear
Early or late selection of attention
Depends on the perceptual load the brain is currently dealing with.
Selection of attention (process)
Perceptual processing, semantic processing, response/memory