Week 3 Flashcards
Something like roaming is not possible is one company’s technology is not compatible with another company’s technology.
Why does the move from 2G to 4G take years?
We need customers to upgrade their phones so that the technology can support the upgrade.
_______ _______ makes radio and cellphones possible.
Electromagnetic energy makes radio and cellphones possible.
Radio Spectrum
Technology that uses electromagnetic energy as a medium of communication.
Amateur use of the radio created political pressure to
better manage resources.
What did GPS and RFID make new demand for?
Access to the radio spectrum.
Negroponte Switch
Wired and wireless information will trade places as we move into the future.
Ambient Intelligence
People surrounded by intuitive interfaces that are embedded in objects/environment in unobtrusive ways.
Who owns the spectrum?
Everybody, it’s publicly owned, this is true worldwide.
Spectrum management is a _______ undertaking.
Spectrum management is a socio-technical undertaking.
1874-1937, italian inventor
Demonstrated transmission and reception of radio over 1.5 mile path
-not voice, wireless telegraph
Trans-Atlantic signal from Cornwall England to Newfoundland.
Reginald Fessenden
1900, transmitted speech over the air over a distance of 1 mile.
Responsible for first radio show
Ted Rogers Sr.
Radio officer on Great Lakes Passenger Ships
Invented first radio plug in which solved the problem of massive radio batteries.
Founded CFRB radio (Canada’s First Rogers Batteryless).
Heinrich Rudolph Hertz
Proves existence of radio waves
Built first radio transmitter and receiver
James Maxwell
Developed electromagnetic theory
Demonstrated that electrical and magnetic fields travel as waves at the speed of light.
Nicola Tesla
First to generate electromagnetic waves without wires.
Father of radio
While the Titanic did have a radio and did send out a signal when it was going down, still their signal was not received. This was due to a lack of
spectrum policy.
Post sinking of the Titanic
London Convention and Regulations signed by 43 countries and adhered to by 100, world works together.
US radio act 1912: 2 licensed wireless operators and auxiliary power. Bands of spectrum allocated to different types of use.
During a depression, under a conservative government the ___ happens.
During a depression, under a conservative government the CBC happens.
Limited number of participants in the industry
Very difficult for new entrants
Not a monopoly but close
Bell/Rogers/Telus pretty much own the business
This is why mobile phone plans are so expensive in Canada.
Until 2014 no foreign ownership was allowed in Canadian telecommunications. What is the new rule now?
If you have less than 10% of the market in Canada you can be bought by a foreign company.
This means a foreign company could come in, buy a company with less than 10% of the market, and then work its way up.