Week 3 Flashcards
Polycythemia vera is associted with that mutation?
What is the most likely aneurysm in the circle of willis?
Anterior Communicating Artery
A patient has an MI that affects that SA and AV node. What vasculature most likely supplies this area, and what type of MI is this?
PDA coming off the RCA (Inferior MI)
temporal encephalitis is most likely caused by what viral pathogen?
Herpes simplex virus 1
A lymphoid mass in a salivary gland is know as what kind of tumor?
Warthin tumor
A pediatric patient is noted to have hematuria with a concurrent URI. What is the most likely diagnosis?
IgA Nephropathy (Berger’s Disease)
According to USPSTF, patients 50-74 should get a breast cancer screening and mammogram how often?
Every 2 years
What is the mechanism of action of fluoxetine?
A patient presents with chest pain and emphysema. What potential syndrome might this patient be suffering from?
Boarhaeve syndrome.
What does the locus ceruleus produce?
A patient with sickle cell disease and experiencing lowered reticulocyte is characteristic of what disease?
Aplastic anemia caused by parvovirus B19
What is the mechanism of action of Kartagener syndrome?
Motor defects in dynein
What disease has characteristic mannose debris that is not phosphorylated on proteins?
I-cell disease
What is the location of the macula densa?
Distal Convoluted Tubule
A patient comes into clinic and you determine he has permanent airway dilation. What is the diagnosis?
A patient presents with complaints of painful joints. The patient states the pain is worsening. The patient has no increase in CRP, but there is crepitus in the right knee and nodes on the DIP and PIP joints. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A patient of yours has been infected by strep bovis. What is one diagnostic procedure that MUST be completed?
colonoscopy. Patients infected with strep bovis have significantly increased incidence of polyps and colorectal cancer
What type of sensitivity reaction is goodpasture syndrome?
Type 2 hypersensitivity reaction
What autoantibodies are associated with primary biliary cholangitis?
Anti-mitochondrial autoantibodies
What syndrome in children can be caused by aspirin administration?
Reye’s Syndrome
What structures are supplied by the inferior mesenteric artery?
Splenic flexure to upper rectum
What antibodies are associated with diffuse scleroderma
anti topoisomerase and anti scl-70
You notice a patient has acromegaly and want to confirm with a test. What do you test for?
According to the USPSTF, who should be tested for osteoporosis?
Women at or over the age of 65.
Where are mineralocorticoids produced?
In the zona glomerulosa
What is the most common salivary gland tumor?
Pleomorphic adenoma
What is the karyotype of a complete mole?
46xx or 46xy
A 22 year old male presents to clinic with recurrent respiratory infections, infertility, and bronchiectasis. What is the most likely diagnosis?
cystic fibrosis
What diabetes medications give a disulfiram-like reaction?
First generation sulfonyureas
What malignancy can arise as a result of Barrets esophagus?
What is the normal blood glucose when fasting?
A young female comes to your clinic complaining of easy bruising and heavy period. Labs show a prolonged PTT and factor 8 is reduced. What is the most likely diagnosis?
von Willebrand disease
Where is melatonin secreted from?
Pineal gland
What is the embryologic origin of chromaffin cells?
Neural crest
A 52 year old female presents to click with a complain of facial pain attacks that feel like an electric shock. She says it is triggered by something brushing across her face. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Trigeminal neuralgia
What cardiac enzyme would you use to determine if a patient has had a re-infarction in the first week post-MI?
A 20 year old male with hypertension presents to clinic. There is claudication, delayed femoral pulses, and sternal murmur. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Coarctation of aorta
What muscle is most likely injured in a rotator cuff tear?
A mutation of the RB tumor suppression gene can lead to what malignancy(s)?
Retinoblastoma or osteosarcoma
What is the mechanism of action of donepezil?
What drug is used to reverse opioid intoxication?
Naloxone (narcan)
What type of breast cancer is associated with Paget’s disease of the breast?
ductal carcinoma
What is the treatment for tardive dyskinesia?
Dopamine agonist
Dermatitis herptiform is associated with what disease?
Celiac disease
A 52 year old female with eye burning, dry mouth, swollen parotid, arthralgias, and lots of cavities presents to your clinic. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Sjogren’s syndrome
What is the upper limit of normal for WBC?
A 7 year old girl has difficulty with schoolwork, looks like she is daydreaming, and is distracted at home and school. She has an IQ of 115. What is the most likely diagnosis?
What direct cholinomimetic is used for urinary retention?
What disease state is Gower sign associated with?
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
You see a 50 year old female gardener who complains of ascending lymphangitis. What is the most likely diagnosis?
What is the primitive origin of medulloblastoma (Homer-Wright Rosettes)?
What vitamin deficiency consists of a triad of confusion, ataxia, and oculumotor dysfunction?
Th1amine (Vitamin B1)
You see a patient with compulsive hair pulling. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Would you expect hepcidin levels to be high or low in anemia of chronic disease?
What is the name for hyperbilirubinemia that is fatal in infants?
Crigler-Najjar syndrome
How is isoniazid induced peripheral neuropathy prevented?
Administration of vitamin B6
A patient starts using a PPI for GERD and presents with eosinophilia, elevated creatinine, and urinalysis shows eosinophils. hat is the most likely diagnosis?
Acute interstitial nephritis
What is the causative pathogen for Kaposi sarcoma?
What is the prophylaxis for cluster headaches?
What is presbycusis?
It is a sensory neural hearing loss of high frequency due to destruction of hair cells at the cochlear base.
What is the range of normal potassium?
You are asked to see a newborn patient. He is a small newborn with flat philtrum, thin upper lip, and small palpebral fissures. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Patients with myasthenia gravis have autoantibodies to what?
post-synaptic Ach receptors
You are asked to see a 30 year old African American male with anemia and jaundice after UTI treatment. You notice bite cells in a peripheral blood smear. What is the most likely diagnosis?
G6PD deficiency
What is the embryologic origin of melanocytes?
Neural Crest Cells
What is the translocation of follicular lymphoma?
What lung value includes all lung values except residual volume?
vital capacity
You see a patient who is prernant and has painless vaginal bleeding. What is the next best step in management?
What disease is caused by a deficiency in Hexosminidase A?
What is the tumor marker for colorectal cancer?
What major complication is feared in a patient suffering from Guillan-Barre?
Respiratory Paralysis
What is the PCP treatment for a patient with a sulfa allergy?
A patient has the following results from a pulmonary function test: FEV1:FVC 85%; TLC 65%; DLCO 44%. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Interstitial lung disease (best answer)
Fibrosis/restrictive lung disease is an acceptable answer.
A 40 year old patient with (UC?) urticaria ha itching and jaundice. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
A 32 year old female with URI 2 weeks ago has shaky low-grade fever and neck soreness with a tender thyroid. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis (De Quervain)
What anatomical features do the urogenital folds give rise to in males and in females?
Males = ventral shaft of penis Females = labia minora
What type of kidney stone cannot be seen on Xray?
Uric acid stones
A 30 year old Asian female with low-grade fever presents to your clinic. She complains of arthralgia and myalgia. On physical exam her blood pressure is 130/80 on the right arm and 180/60 on the left arm. Bruits are noted in the upper chest. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Takayasu arteritis
Where is vitamin B12 absorbed?
Terminal Ileum (Iron Fist, Bro)
What is the treatment for porcelain bladder?
Prophylactic cholecystectomy due to higher risk of cancer