Week 3-5 Flashcards
- Upright & locomotion fundamental to human condition
- Short & prescribed treatment
- Confined to bed
- Social death
Bedrest Reasons
- Major surgery
- Spinal cord injury
- Coma
Instability (1) Phase
- Mobility aid or furniture walking
Incident (2) Phase
- Event leading to hospitalization
Immobility (3) Phase
- Confined to room
- Increasingly restricted
Local Confinement (4) Phase
- Increase dependency on others to move
Bedridden (5) Phase
- In bed 24/7
Changing the Bedridden Phases
- Incident prevention
- Transfer knowledge
- Avoiding assumptions
- Strengths-based care
Mobility Predictors
- Hearing
- Eyesight
- Foot conditions
Morse Fall Scale Components
- Fall history
- Secondary diagnosis
- Mobility aid
- Lines (IV, catheter, feeding tube)
- Gait
- Cognitive status
Cardiovascular Changes with Immobility
- Increased workload
- Slower blood return
Valsalva Maneuver
- Increases intrathoracic pressure
- May cause dizziness
Orthostatic Hypotension
- Heart works harder & less efficiently
- Effects CO
- Blood vessels slack off
Blood Flow Interventions
- Anticoagulants
- Raise feet
- Compression socks
- Hydration
Respiratory Function with Immobility
- Decreased capacity
- Secretions
- Atelectasis
- Narcotics
- Pneumonia
Respiratory Interventions
- Deep breathing & coughing
- Repositioning every 2hrs
- Pursed lip breathing
Physical Restraints
- Limit movement
Environmental Restraints
- Control mobility
Chemical Restraints
- Impact mind
- Pyschoactive
- Ability to pump oxygenated blood to tissues
- Gas exchange occurring in lungs
- Molecules move from higher to lower concentration
- Occurs at alveolar capillaries
- Alveoli blocked with mucus
- Causes alveoli to collapse
- Crackles on auscultation
- Active process
- Stimulated by chemical receptors
- Passive process
- Relies on elastic recoil of lungs
- Impaired swallow
- Food, drink, foreign objects inhaled into lungs
- Weak, ineffective cough
- Inadequate tissue oxygenation at cellular level
Hypoxia Intervention
- Treatment of underlying disorder (fever, infection)
- Supplemental oxygen
Hypoxia S&S
- Cyanosis/blue (late sign)
- Anxiety (early sign)
- Restlessness
- Disoriented
- Dyspnea
- RR & pulse
Manifestations of Decreased Oxygenation
- Diaphoresis
- Feeling unwell
- Pleuritic chest pain (empyema)
- Tachypnea
- Dyspnea/SOB
- Orthopnea
- Fatigue/tire easily
- Poor appetite/anorexia
- Cough
- ‘Musical’
- Asthma/emphysema/COPD
- Chronic, progressive, airflow limitation
- Difficult/uncomfortable breathing
- Dyspnea
- Fatigue
COPD Diagnosis
- Chest x-ray
- Airflow testing (spirometry)
- Arterial blood gas (advanced/baseline)
- Inflammation of lung tissue by microorganism
- Crackles on auscultation
- Community acquired pneumonia
- Acquired outside the hospital
- Hospital acquired pneumonia
- Occurs 48+hrs after hospital admission
- Ventilator associated pneumonia
- Occurs 48+hrs after patient starts on ventilator
- Healthcare associated pneumonia
- Occurs in hospital or long-term care
Pneumonia Treatment
- Antibiotics
- Steroids, more severe cases
- Rest
- Hydrate
- Symptom management (tylenol etc)
Pneumonia Interventions
- Teaching (prevention, care, vaccination of family)
- H/H hydration & humidification
- Oxygen
- Rest
- Nutrition
- Suction
- Deep breathing/coughing
- Chest physiotherapy (resp therapist)
Chest Physiotherapy
- Mobilizations of secretions
- Chest wall percussion to stimulate cough
Pneumonia Diagnosis
- Chest x-ray (posterior, anterior, lateral)
- History
- Physical
- Blood test culture and sensitivity (C&S)
- Sputum C&S
Supplemental Oxygen
- Administer then contact physician (emergency)
- Not preclude treatment of underlying hypoxia/dyspnea
- Deep breathing & coughing FIRST
Supplemental Oxygen Side Effects
- Atelectasis
- Pulmonary edema
- Continuously monitor
ABG Test
- Arterial blood gas
- Taken from wrist
- Tests for acid base balance
- Metabolic
- Regulate HCO3 in ECF
- Slow compensation (hours-days)
- Respiratory
- Regulate CO2 & carbonic acid
- Increase RR
- Rapid compensation
Respiratory Acidosis
- Increase in H2CO3
- pH less than 7.35
Respiratory Acidosis Causes
- Opioids
- Neuro (ALS)
- Pneumonia
Respiratory Alkalosis
- Decrease in H2CO3
- pH greater than 7.45
Respiratory Alkalosis Causes
- Anxiety
- Pulmonary embolism
Metabolic Acidosis
- Gain of acid
- Loss of base
- pH less than 7.35
Metabolic Acidosis Causes
- Severe diarrhea
- Diabetes
Metabolic Alkalosis
- Loss of acid
- Gain of base
- pH greater than 7.45
Metabolic Alkalosis Causes
- Antacids
- Severe vomiting
- NGT to suction (sxn)
Normal Bacteria Flora
- Microorganisms that reside in & on the body
- Need them to survive
Impairment of Normal Flora
- Lead to infection
- Harmful micrograms when normal is out of balance
- Microorganisms present without host interference/interaction
- Host interaction with an organism
Infectious Disease
- Host displays a decline in wellness due to infection
Non-Infectious Disease
- Host interacts immunologically with an organism but remains symptom free
Incubation Period
- Entrance of microorganisms to host
- To development of symptoms
- May take time to develop symptoms
Prodromal Stage
- Development of non-specific to specific symptoms
Illness Stage
- Onset of specific signs & symptoms
- Commencement of illness
- Symptoms disappear
- Return to baseline/normal
Surgical Asepsis
- Procedures that eliminate all microorganisms including spores
Medical Asepsis
- Procedures used to reduce & prevent spread
- Elimination of all pathogens except bacterial spores
- Involves chemical, heat, ultra-violet light
- Destruction of all microorganisms
Resident Bacteria
- Found under/on skin surface
- Less likely to be associated with infection
Transient Bacteria
- Acquired through direct patient contact
- More amenable to hand hygiene removal
- Healthcare associated infection
- Acquired in hospital after admission
- Can appear after discharge
High Risk HCAIs
- Surgical site infections
- UTIs (catheters)
- Bloodstream infections (intravascular devices)
- Pneumonia (ventilators)
Iron Level Test
- Decreased with chronic infection
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
- Elevated with inflammation
C-Reactive Protein
- Detects inflammation
- Determines bacteria resistance to antibiotics
- Blood, urine, wound, sputum
- Complete blood count
- Detects infection through WBC levels