Week 10-12 Flashcards
History of Canada’s Food Guide
- Started in 1940s
- Values set to fatten up soldiers
- Develop from testing on Indigenous children
Proper Portions
- 1/2 plate fruits/veg
- 1/4 plate protein
- 1/4 plate carbs
- Make water drink of choice
Food Deserts
- Access barriers
- Connivence stores become primary option - expensive
High Fibre
- Lower LDL cholesterol
- Lower blood sugar
- Decrease cancer risk
High Protein
- Delays carb absorption & hunger
- Maintain normal fluid levels within cells
- Muscle contraction
- Normal blood pressure
- Maintain normal fluid levels outside of cells
- Hypertension risk - stroke/heart attack
- Nerve impulse conduction
- Muscle contraction/relaxation
Trans Fats
- Artificially created HDLs & LDLs
- Raise bad cholesterol
- Lower good cholesterol
- Risk of CV diseases
Saturated Fats
- Occur naturally in diary, meat
Unsaturated Fats
- Vegetable - corn oil
Polyunsaturated Fats
- Beneficial - olive oil
Sugar Considerations
- Reduced intake of free sugars throughout course of life (less than 10%)
- Limit intake of free sugars to less than 10% of total calorie intake
- 50g of free sugars consumed per day in a 2000 calorie diet
- 0 drinks per week ‘safe amount’
- Only carcinogen without warning labels
- Leading cause of preventable death
- Occurrence of malignant tumours (oral, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver)
- Drink according to thirst
- 8 glasses of day is a myth
- protein levels
- Malnutrition sign - low
- Liver/kidney disease - low
- Blood urea nitrogen test (BUN)
- Poor kidney function - high
- Dehydration - high
- Amount of iron in body
- Predictor of protein status
- Nutritional deficiencies may impact immune system
- Composed of protein & iron
- HDL, good
- LDL, bad
Oral Health
- High sugar
- Tobacco
- Alcohol
- Difficulty swallowing
- Change in voice tone/quality, altered gage, pocketing food, coughing
- Caused by stork, dementia/confusion, motor function
- Aspiration risk
Dysphagia Interventions
- Changes to diet - SLP consult
- IV - dehydration
- TPN - hard on liver/veins (NPO for multiple days)
- Enteral feeds - dehydration
- Nasal gastric tube NGT
- Gastrostomy G Tube
Enteral Feeds
- Patients at high risk of aspiration
- Provides essential nutrition
- QOL impacts
Clinically Signifiant Malnutrition
- Serum albumin below 3.5mg/100mL
- Total lymphocyte count below 1800/mm3
- Body weight decreased more than 15%
Fluid Volume Deficit
- Decrease BP
- Pulse tachycardic, weak, thready
- Slowed cap refill
- Flat neck veins
- Lethargy
- Less than 30mL output/hr - oliguria
Fluid Volume Overload
- Increase body weight
- Lower leg edema
- Increase BP
- Excess output - polyuria
- Neck vein distension
- Lung crackles
- Confusion
Fluid Volume Interventions
- Daily weigh ins
- Client education
- Secure access to safe water
Fluid Management
- Encourage oral
- Enteral (water flushes)
- IV
Antibiotic History
- Penicillin discovery in 1928
- Used for infections in WWII soldiers
Antibiotic Resistance
- Overuse
- Inappropriate prescribing
- Extensive agriculture use - injected to humans when food is consumed
- Few new antibiotics - no longer an economical investment
Lymphocyte Levels
- Elevated with inflammatory response
Monocyte Level
- Increased protozoal
- TB
- Increased parasitic
- Normal with infection
- Increased suppurative (pus) infection
- Decreased overwhelming infection
Infection Response
- Remove offending body
- Monitor vitals
- Antibiotics
- Wound care vs DB&C
- Nutrition
- Rest
Ulcer Prevention
- Sensory perception
- Moisture
- Activity
- Mobility - ability to change position
- Nutrition
- Friction & shear
Inflammatory Phase
- Reaction to injury
Proliferative Phase
- Filling wound with granulation tissue, contraction, resurfacing
Remodelling Phase
- Scar formation
- Splitting/bursting open of wound
- Decrease air pressure around wound to promote healing
Common Vaccines
- Flu
- Pneumococcal >65
- Shingles >65
- Covid
- Ebola
- Water absorption
- Decreased peristalsis
- Loss of pelvic floor strength
- Dropping of bladder into vagina due to muscle loss
- Dropping of rectum into vagina
Constipation causing Medications - CAIAO
- Calcium
- Antibiotics
- Iron - dark/black
- Aspirin/NSAIDS
- Opioids
- GI causing nausea/vomit
- Common in LTC
Clostridium Difficile (C-diff)
- Gram positive
- 65+
- 3 unformed stools in 24hrs
C-Diff Treatment
- Abx stewardship - stop causing, start treatment
- Fidaxomicin, flagyl, vancomycin - c-diff target
- Specimen collection - sample in orange container
- Fecal microbiota transplant
Bowel Routine
- Timing, amount of time
- Diet & exercise
- Stimulants/cathartics - laxatives
- Digital stimulation
Colorectal Risk Factors
- Nutrition (red meat, fibre, milk, vit D)
- Alcohol
- Smoking
- Body fat
- Medications
Non-Modifable Colorectal Risk Factors
- Family history
- Height - tall people
Stoma Care
- Stool consistency - more removed = more mushy stool
- Frequency of wearing pouch - all the time
- Surgeon attempts to position midline
- Emptied every 4-6hrs
- Pouch lasts 5-7 days
- Absence of urine production
- Scant - less than 50mL in 24hrs
- Abnormally large volume of urine
- Diabetes
- Pain/burning/stinging/itching associated with urination
- Need to get up at night to urinate - on regular basis
- High levels of WBC in urine
- Abnormally small amount of urine production
- High levels of ketone in urine
- Diabetes
Skin Assesment
- Hydration indicator
- Incontinence leads to breakdown
Kidney Assessment
- Size
- Shape, ultrasound
- Flank pain
Bladder Assessment
- Palpable when full
Transplant for Kidney Disease
- Best option
- Immunosuppressant meds
- 3x per week
- blood out, blood clean, blood home
- Fistula/graft needed
Peritoneal Dialysis
- Performed daily, overnight
Incontinence Considerations
- Timing
- Fluid intake
- Medications/caffeine
- Pelvic floor muscle exercises
- pH 4-6
- Protein
- Glucose - diabetes
- Ketones
- Blood
- Specific gravity - fluid balance/dehydration test
Catheter Types
- Indwelling/foley
- Condom
- In & out
- CBI - continuous bladder irrigation
- Suprapubic
Catheter Removal Barriers
- Data hard to find, not accurate, not available
- Not a priority
- Confusion about who has authority to remove
- Lack of agreement on standard protocol
- Communication barriers among clinicians
Urinary Diversions
- Divert flow to abdominal surface
- Ileal conduit
- Cancer, trauma, radiation, fistulas
- Temporary/permanent
- Changes to urine
- Body image/self esteem