Week 3&4: Motivation & Goal Setting Flashcards
Meaning of work: What is work centrality?
Work centrality: degree of general importance that working has in the life of an individual at any given point in time.
How do we need to consider Hofstede’s 5 dimensions when we want to motivate people from various cultures?
Example USA vs. China/Singapore
- USA: Individualist - motivated by
- autonomy
- Opportunities for personal achievement
- Work-life balance
- China/Singapore: Collectivist - motivated by
- Use of skills
- Good work conditions
- Benefits & training
What are potential methods to motivate?
- Financial
- Social status
- Job content
- Career
- Professional (e.g. training)
What is the global mindset?
- Intellectual capital
- Psychological capital
- Social capital
What are successful Leadeship styles from the global mindset perspective?
How does the cultural variable affect global leadership?
GLOBE project
- Universally effective characteristics
- Universally negative characteristics
- Culturally contingent characteristics
What are SMART goals?
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Realistic
- Timed
Why do we need goals at work?
Goals are mediators that lead to performance
- Directed attention
- Increased effort
- Persistence
- Task specific strategies
When do goals work?
Moderators of goals:
- Ability
- Commitment
- Feedback
- Complexity
- Situational constraints (resources)
How to manage complex goals?
- Parcipative goal setting
- Provide training
- Set learning goals
- Set sub-goals
What is the role of cultural values in goal-setting?
- Shared meaning system
- Similar patterns of thoughts, emotions and behaviours in reaction to external stimuli
- Wealthier vs. poorer countries
- $ = hedonism vs. provides security
- Indivulistic or collectivistic: $ increase self worth but through different mechanisms
- Respect and appreciation
- Personal aspiration
What is better: Prevention or Promotion?
- Focus on avoiding errors vs. improving
- Collectivist: Prevention
- Individualist: Promotion
- Diffcult goals ⇒ performance, but not for collectivist since they don’t want to be distinct from the group
- Clear goals are key! (SMART goals)
What are the differences of feedback in different cultures for goal-setting?
- Collectivist: Feedback on group
- Individualist: Feedback on self
- More likely to ignore negative feedback
- Learning is highly valued in some cultures
- persistence in face of failure
- may help expats to last longer