week 3&4 Flashcards
There is a dexrotation of the uterus in early pregnancy to the ____
leukorrhea in pregnancy comes from _______
increased lactobacillus production
In pregnancy there are three carb metabolim states, what are they?
mild fasting hypoglycemia, pp hyperglycemia, hyperinsulemic state
Breastfeeding helps to decreaese _____postpartum
heart rate increases by ____
where is the heart displaced in pregnancy?
left and up
tidal volume _____as pregnancy progresses
what is the most effected system in pergnancy?
what causes the increase in urination in first trimester?
increased uterine weight and softening of isthmus
what causes nocturia?
venous return of fluids
why is there increases change of gall stones in pregnancy?
progesterone causes statis
where is the appendix displaced to in prenancy?
and and lateral, may reach right flank
which gland in the brain increases dramtically in size during pregnancy?
If previous thyroid issues, how frequenty would you monitor thyroid levels during pregnancy?
every trimester unless needed more
as far as the thyroid is conderned, there is an increased circulation of ____ in pregnancy
nasal congestion in pragnancy caused from ____
edema in the nose on the capillary level.
What are Varneys 3 steps to adaptation per trimester?
1st: period of adjustment
2nd: period of radiant health
3rd: period of watchful waiting
Safe herbs
rr leaf tea
what are two phytoestrogen herbs to avoid?
isoflavone extracts and red clover
when watching kick counts, elapsed time for baby to make four movements should not exceed ___
with NST 2 15x15 in 20 minutes applies to what gestation?
> 32weeks
what are the five components of BPP?
- fetal breathing movements
- fetal movement
- fetal tone
- fluid level
criteria for fetal breathing in BPP?
one or more episodes of fetal breathing rythyms lasting 30 seconds within 30 minutes
cirteria for fetal movement for BPP
three or more discrete body or limb movements within 30 minutes
fetal tone criteria for BPP
one or more episode of extention of limb and returning to flexion, or opening and closing of hand
citeria of amniotic fluid for BPP
single pocket of 2cm or greater
what does doppler velocity measure?
blood flow through the umbilical cord
Abnormally low HCG can be indicative of ____
Abnormally high HCG could be from …
muliple fetus’, anomalies, down syndrome (trisomy 21)
HCG should ____every 48 hours
normal HCG at 6-8 weeks should be
birth rate
the number of live births per 1000 population
complete expulsion >20wks and >500g
fertility rate
number of live births per 1000 females aged 15-44
live birth
used to record a birth when fetus breaths, had any cardiac activity, or volumntary movement
still birth/fetal death
absence of signs of life at or after birth
early infant death
death during the first 7 days of life.
late infant death
death after 7 days but before 29
fetus expelled before 20 weeks or >500g
maternal mortality ratio
the number of maternal deaths resulting from reproductive causes per 100,000 live births
term pregnancy
37 completed weeks to 42 completed weeks
fetus born before 37 completed weeks
baby born after 42 completed weeks
negatives, rules out
positives, rules in
naegeles rule
minus 3 months add 7 days
fetal deaths within ____week of antenatal survallence is rare
not pregnant, never has been
never completed pregnancy > 20 weeks
when is CVS usually obtained
12 weeks
when is amniopcentesis perfomed for diagnosis of genetic anomalies?