week 3 Flashcards
managers approach to talent management
- In practice managers approach actions to talent management
o 1- what recruit test or train to produce employee to achieve goals
o 2- treat activity like recruit and train inter related
o 3- will use some profile of human skill for recruit plan
o 4- manager take steps to coordinate effort
Talent Management steps are
o Decide what job fill through job analysis and forecasting
o Build pool of applicant external or internal
o Obtain application and screen
o Use selection tools like test, interview background check to ID candidates
o Decide who make offer
o Orient, train and dev
o Appraise to see how doing
o Compensate to maintain motivation
Job analysis is the procedure for determine
for determine task duty and responsibility of each job and human attributes (KSA), start with what job need be filled
what is collceted with job analysis
o Work activities
o Job context and physical working conditions
o Human req like work experience education and KSA
o Human behaviors
job analsyis needs which 2 views
internal and external
Job analysis includes
HR plan, recruitment, job eval, perform management labour relations
job analysis cycle
orginize info, job selected, data collected, verfiy and modify, job description and specefications, communicate and update
usesof job analysis is
compensation anaysis determine how much should pay, recruit
too much internal view for job analysis causes
look in the past, external view important to see what happen outside org and how they changing
what negative outcomes/ isues in job analysis
status quo and historical bias
* Many jobs complex then difficult to do this also hard for employee to articulate what they do or need to do
org info in JA shows
chain of command, org charts
issue with org charts
o Can be misleading with communication pattern, amount power, actual supervision degree and responsibility
selecting job to be analyzed includes job design which is
The process of systematically organizing work into tasks that are required to perform a specific job
what makes it harder to do job design
- More team based work hard to determine what piece individual does
o More individual assessment in beaucratic then flat as less team based
data collection is a joint effort HR, incumbent and supervisor what methods to use
1- individual interview: hard to articultae
2- group interview- groupthink
3- questionaire
4- functional job analysis: to do task what standard and training
5- observation
6- log: keep track of what do and how much time but time intensive for analysis
best is to combine methods
verify and modify with who
employee, managers, and outside org
creating a description is
o A written statement of what the jobholder actually does,
how they do it,
and under what conditions the job is performed.
It includes the duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships, human qualifications, and working conditions of a job—one product of a job analysis and Results and outcome intended to achieve
what is job specefications
: A list of the “human requirements”—that is, the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities—needed to perform the job; another product of a job analysis
core job charecteristics
Task ID
Task significance
SV, Task ID and task sig lead to
meangingfuless of work
autonomy leads to
responsibilty for work outcomesf
feedback leads to
knowledge of results
personal and work outcomes from model
high internal motivation, high performance work uality, ow turnover
strength of relations determined by in JCM
intensity of employee growth need
how redisgn jobs
enlragement, rotation, enrich
competancy based job design
job description based on competency over duty
reasons for competancy deisgn
1- high perform workplace encourage motivation of self
2- KSA/ competency description more strategic
3- measurable competency design support perform
team based job design
o Give team meaningful work and decide among self how accomplish it best for flatter or matrix org
strength based
redesign around strengths people have
what is HR plan
reviewing the talent org has need in future and the gap
o Proactive
looks S/D
why do HRP
avoid shortages, anticipate demand (so dont need give more $ bc bad plan), succession plan for staff morale, economies of hiring
what is econ of hiring
Understand of hire x number of new grad and have recruiting time frames of hiring x number of people
enviroemntal scanning looks at
o Market trends
Will competitors try to steal our staff for getting into new market
o Econ trends
Like low unemployment in region do more aggressive recruiting tactic
Laws, tech change, demogrpahic change
HRP considerations
Org growth
projected turnover
new skills
org stage
how to do HRP within org internally
o Forecasting internally
Skills/ management inventory
Replacement charts
makarov analysis
what is skil inv/management inv
- Help anticipate shortages and facilitate workforce planning recruit and training ID internal candidates for transfer and promo skills inv
Replacement chart
- Keeps track of internal canidates for firm critical positions
Succession planning
- Good leaders groom people to take over for them ,
Makarov anysis
- Predictability in how many people and when they will leave based on historical movement and turnovers
Eternal trend difficult to determie but look at
o General econ conditions incl interest rate, wages inflation
o Labour market conditions incl demographic population age gender etc
o Occupation market condition incl forecasting availibilty of potential candiates based on occupations for which they recruiting
- Key HRP component is to forecast
number and type of people to meet objective
o May predict sales first and volume then work backwards
quant plan method types
ratio, trend, scatter, regression
qualatative compents rely on
expert judgments and need judgement to forecast as is rare that data and trends don’t change
types of qual
delphi- people seperatley make decesion not face to face anon with questionare
nominal- meet face to face, indepenadlty come up, present and anon
external consultant
employee surplus startegies
1- hire freeze
2-Buy out
3- early retire
4- reduce work hours/week/share
6-leave of abscence
what is survivor syndrome
o Range of negative emotions of remaining employees after re-structuring
o Can feel violated and guilty am I next?w
why org no finacial benefit bc survivor sydrome
o Often won’t get financial benefit from lay people off in the long term bc disengage stress leave more work a whole and instructional knowledge gone
shortage startegies
OT- burnout take while get rid of and lasting impacts
external recruit