Week 3 Flashcards
What are independent variable?
the variable which we are manipulating or that is controlled.
What are dependent variable?
the variable along which we are examining for differences. The observed variable.
What are the three types of relationships in statistics?
linear, curvilinear, and no relationship
What two components do you look for in a correlation?
strength relationship and direction of relationship
What is prospective cohort study?
It is the study where some people are exposed while other aren’t, and a follow up on the disease and the development.
limitations: costly, and takes time
What is case control study?
It is the study were there they examine relation of an exposure to a disease, and they also identify people with the disease match to people without the diseases and compare with respect to prior exposure status.
limitation: recall bias, cannot estimate disease incidence or prevalence. WHY?
What is cross sectional study?
A survey of a population where the exposure and disease status are determined at the same time
- lack of temporal or cause ordering