Week 3 Flashcards
Health Care Delivery
- For Profit organizations
-None-profit organizations
-public organizations
Public vs. Private HC spending in Canada
- 70 %- Majority public spending (taxes)
- 30% - private spending (out of pocket/insurance)
Public Sector
Hospitals, Drugs (in hospital), physicians
Private Sector
-drugs and other professionals
-ex. Denstist/Optomitrist
Distribution of Funding in Ontario
Ontario MHLTC–> HCCSS–> Hospitals, home and community care oganizations LTC homes
4 Main segments of Operating Expenses in Ontario
- Home & Community Care Support Services (HCCSS)
- Provincial Programs
- Population and Public Health
Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
-Ontarios health care plan
-Province pays for many health services
What is covered by OHIP?
-Emergency Care Services (co-pay ambulance)
-Health Services provided by urgent care centres
-Medically Necessary services
-Other services (ot/pt, etc)
Enhanced Fee-for-Service Models
-when you see a family physician under this model
-charge OHIP each fee required for the visit of each person
Capitation Based Models
-Sum of money that is paid to the physician
-amount is different depending on how many patients and how complex the patients are
What is NOT covered by OHIP?
-Prescription Drugs
-Dental Services
-Eye Glasses
-Laser Eye Surgery
-Cosmetic Surgery
Assistive Device Program (ADP)
-Fund assistive devices for individuals with physical disabilities
-ex. wheelchairs, hearing aids, mobility aids, etc.
-covers 75% of costs
Funding Rehabilitation
- Coverage is less extensive
- Only covered in home if eligible by Home and Community Care
Home and Community Care Support Services (Champlain)
Operates on a regional basis
Care Coordinators
assist individuals in determining the appropriate health professional, support and community service to meet their needs