Week 3 Flashcards
What is the idea behind preferential attachment?

What is the Barabase-Albert model?

What is the degree distribution of a BA-graph?

What is the average degree of a BA graph?
What is the notation for average degree?
What is the generalized BA model?

What is the expected degree distribution of a generalized BA graph?

What is the average shortest path length in the BA model?

What is the clustering coefficient in the BA model?

What is densification?

What is self-similar?

What is the idea behind the Community Guided Attachment model?

What does ∝mean?

How is a network produced if f(h) = c-h?

What is a signed graph? How is the sign of a walk calculated? When is a signed graph balanced?

When is a signed graph balanced (something about partitions)?

What is the center of a graph?

How is closeness measured?

What is betweenness centrality?

What is the proximity prestige?

What is ranked prestige?

How is pagerank computed? What is it?

What is the pagerank algorithm