Week 2 Flashcards
What is the definition of probability distribution of degrees of a graph?

What are three intresting characteristics of complex networks?

What is the definition of the average path length?

What is the charactereristic path length?

How to calculate the clustering coefficient?

What is the definition of a triangle?

What is network transitivity?

What is the difference between transitivity and clustering?

How do we write down an Erdos-Renyi network? How is one created?

What is the degree distribution of an ER network?

What is the average degree in an ER network? What is the expected number of links?

When can the ER distribution be approximated by a Poisson distribution?

What is the Average Path length in an ER network?

What is a phase transition? And how do ER networks display it?

What is the expected clustering coefficient of an ER network?

What is the definition of the Watts-Strogatz model?

What is the clustering coefficient for a WS network?

What is the average shortest path length?

What are scale-free networks?

What is the expected maximum degree for a network with Poisson distribution?

What is the expected maximum degree for a network with a power law-distribution?

What are moments? What is the first and second moment of a Poisson distribution?

Does the scale-free property affect the minimum shortest paths?