Week 1 Flashcards
What is the definition of a tree?
What is a theorem about the number of edges and the number of vertices of a connected graph?
When is a connected graph a tree?
When is a simple graph a tree?
When is a connected simple graph a tree?
What is a spanning tree?
What is the definition of a Minimum Spanning Tree?
What is Kruskals algorithm? What is it used for?
It is used to find the minimum spanning tree.
When does a weight departing from a subtree belong to a minimum spanning tree?
When is a MST unique?
What is the Prim(-Jarnik) algorithm?
What are the commonalities and differences between Kruskals and Prims algorithm?
What is the basic idea behind Dijkstra’s algorithm?
What are the two algorithms used to find a shortest path?
What is the notation used to find a shortest path (when using the Dijkstra’s algorithm)?