Week 23 Flashcards
What is the definition of these?
Evenness - Nestedness - Quantitative connectance - Vulnerability - Robustness -
Evenness – measure of equitability of inteactions in the community. – coffee plantations TRF example
Nestedness – e.g. specialist predator prey interactions within more general ones
Quantitative connectance – takes into account the weighting of feeding rates/fluxes in those interspecific connections rather than just regarding them as being equal.
Vulnerability – other side of coin to robustness
Robustness - how network responds to spp loss. Depending on which spp are taken out, e.g. in fragile networks – if take out one or two well connected spp., can have notable cascade effects through the community. How robust they are is what we need to know if we want to restore in the long-term. Can the community bounce back in face of adversity e.g. climate change?
Could you explain the ‘Constraints on predator design and behaviour’ again? Does it mean that if food chains were longer there wouldn’t be enough energy at the top for predators to survive on?
In addition to energy flow limitations and dynamic fragility
First, Energy Flow Hypothesis – max of 30% of E consumed at one trophic level is available as food at the next
Dynamic fragility – found that long food chains subject to severe fluctuations in pop size. So extinction of top predator is much more likely as food supply is unstable.
Constraints on predator design or behaviour – Would need a super-predator powerful enough to kill what we currently regard as top predators – none exist anymore like T-rex! Even some top predators are no longer e.g. Thylacine – marsupial top predator in Australia – ‘Tasmanian Tiger’, or top predators locally extinct e.g. wolves in UK but not on mainland Europe. Insect predators limited by anatomical/physiological limitations – oxygen supply to inner tissues.
However, they are subject to parasitism
Application - Quantitative pollination web – Trinia glauca Honewort
Example of food web approach to understanding community species interactions – food/resource acquisition is part of the interaction but so is pollination - also vital.
Trinia at the bottom where arrow points. Aliens include cotoneasters (spreading shrubs), Alexanders etc
Trinia is ant pollinated plant – very rare in UK
Pollination web colour coding - Black = native; green = alien spp.
In response to a question raised - to aid interpretation of the figure (foodweb/plant or pollinator interaction web)- the width of the bars at the bottom indicate abundances of specific plant species and the bars at the top indicate the abundances of particular pollinator species (the broader the bar, the greater the abundance). Lines linking plants to pollinators = interaction between these species. The more lines, the greater the number of interactions between a plant species and pollinators, e.g. one plant and many pollinators, one pollinator and many plant species or just many trophic level interactions. NB in some food webs, the extent of interaction may be represented by width of the lines connecting (more interaction = broader line width). OVERALL this fig indicates a great deal of interaction between plant and pollinator species what’s more, there’s much interaction between alien and native species. (plants and pollinators in both trophic levels)
Remember, restoration proposed = removal of alien plants = people climbing up or down on ropes and pulling out the alien species.
Alien species are deeply embedded in this plant pollinator network interactions. With these data, we can predict what would happen to Trinia if aliens were removed from this network.
With this information, were able to have a better-informed plan for removal, taking species out that would not lead to detriment of pollination of Trinia. For example Cotoneaster was found to be an important food plant for the ant pollinator of Trinia during Trinia’s flowering period so a staged removal was proposed to enable the effects of removal to be assessed.
What was McArthur & Wilson’s research?
plotted immigration and extinction rates for the range of replicate islands across a range of sizes – enables species richness to be explained – where lines representing rate plots cross – trace down to horizontal axis.
What is the island biogeography theory?
Distant small islands through to close large islands.
It’s referred to as the Equilibrium Theory of IBG as the number of resident species is the result of a balance between immigration and emigration/extinction rates. REMEMBER this is a dynamic equilibrium because immigration and extinction are continuous processes.
This theory is applicable to many types of islands and taxa and has a particular role to play in developing approaches in practical conservation biology.
Though the loss of habitat is greater because of the edge effect, does this mean the biodiversity is less?
Not necessarily – but will be different. May not be what is valued/desired. Ecotones – transitions – spp of two communities mix.
Couldn’t new species inhabit the ‘edge area’? Or help create ‘corridors’ between two habits and thus slow the rate of extinction?
Not really – need continuity in spp and conditions.
Are there any habitats that benefit (in terms of species diversity) by fragmentation?
Disturbance – early successional, annual spp.
Look at this schematic – where the coloured areas = habitat area.
The solid block on the left and the four squares on the right actually represent the same area of habitat. But on the right this is split into four fragments
We can study ecology at different levels of biological organisation. Which of the following presents levels of organisation in a logical sequence?
Individual, population, community, ecosystem
Which one of the following terms is used to describe a biological interaction in which an insect species pollinates a flowering plant?
Sea otters were hunted to extinction in intertidal communities along the Pacific coast of the USA. Their reintroduction led to a reduction in the sea urchin population and an increase in the kelp (seaweed) cover (upon which the urchins feed). This is an example of:
top-down control and trophic cascades.
If a community comprises 6 herbivores and 4 predators and there are 9 observed trophic interactions among these species, what is its connectance value?
6 times 4= potential interactions
9/24= 0.375
Which subject did the term “keystone” in relation to species originally come from?
According to MacArthur and Wilson’s equilibrium theory of island biogeography, which islands should support the greatest diversity of species?
Large and near to a landmass
Which one of the following ecological principles was tested by Francis Gilbert using moss islands?
That fragmentation leads to habitat loss
returning a system to a close approximation of its condition prior to disturbance, with both the structure and function of the system recreated- both structure and function so the habitat can work.
Restoration Ecology is a:
The study of how to repair anthropogenic damage to the integrity of ecological systems.
Restoration Ecology is a:
•Community level phenomena- how communities not individuals
•Requires restoration of key linkages – trophic (food webs), mutualistic (pollination or seed dispersal) etc
•Removal of introduced species is a part of this process-
•Biocontrol can be part of the solution-
•Environmental Stewardship & Conservation Ecology
•Removal of aliens: ecological footprints
EF can change soil types.
What is the living dead?
•When the last few remaining individuals of a species don’t form a viable population – e.g. just 2 males left. But the species does exist not yet extinct.
Why restore?
- Restoration of ecosystem services
- Improving water quality
- Harvestable populations of fish or game
- Aesthetic values
- Restoration decisions - economic, social and political criteria
What are the three challenges with Restoration Ecology?
(1)The fuzzy target problem:
- Communities vs populations or individuals.
- If we don’t know exactly what the community is, we cannot ever know whether we have restored it or not.
- Reference sites- to use as a target community
(2) The moving target problem:
•Communities are dynamic not static and change even in the absence of man-made disturbance.
(3) The experimental design problem
•Lack of scientific control and replication.
•What would be a replicate/control for a weed eradication programme on island of Guam?
Why use a community approach to study ecosystem services?
Ecosystem services: goods and services provided for free by the environment. Apple or carrots. Beneficial to, and in some cases critical to, human survival
- Traditional approach in ecology – species lists, abundance, diversity, indicator species.
- Networks (e.g. food webs) show the links between species in a community.
- Interactions form the basis of a sustainable agriculture, e.g. pest control & pollination
- Interactions can have a profound impact on a community’s response to species loss, stress and ecological restoration.
Do organic farms have better natural pest control than conventional farms?
Organic farming- Sustainability, enhancement of soil fertility and biological diversity.
Restoration from standard farming practices.
Restoration of ecosystem services.
organic farms have more species on them which is expected.
•Add a novel pest to each farm to test whether ecosystem service of pest control is better on organic farms
•Surrogate pest- an organism that has all the attributes of a pest but is completely harmless.
So far 50 Pyracantha have been planted on each of the twenty farms late last year with the help of several very exhausted field assistants.
•No difference in average pest control: i.e. conventional farms have equal levels of natural pest control as organic farms in SW England
•But organic farms have a significantly less variable pest control service (i.e. more reliable)
Restoration of water filtration: Catskill/Delaware Watershed.
1989 NY City told to build a filtration plant.
6-8 billion dollars
Alternative: protect the natural filter: 2000 square mile watershed
- Highly efficient and valuable machine
- Cogs = 2000 square miles of:
- Crop filled valleys
- Forested mountains
- Streams feeding 19 reservoirs
- Worked well for nearly 100yrs,
- 1.8 billion gallons a day
- No need for filtration plant
A natural Filter
- Soil, roots, micro organisms break down contaminants
- Aquatic plants absorb up to 50% nutrients
- Fertilizers, N2 from car fumes
- Wetlands continue to filter and trap sediments and heavy metals
- Reservoirs – sediment sinks to the bottom
- Small doses of chlorine and fluoride
What went wrong and What happened next?
What went wrong?
Everyone wanted carbon in the mountains - they had sewage tanks that leaked and got into the water , intensification of agriculture with more chemical spraying. All this stuff got into the water and led to a significant problem with the water quality of the drinking water .
What happened next?
•By 1989 – problems could not be ignored
•Safe Water Drinking Act
•New York City - 6-8 billion dollar bill
•Yearly maintenance 300-500 million dollars
•1.5 billion dollars to protect the watershed
•Minimal maintenance
•Environmental Protection Agency – 5 year reprieve
•Restored the watershed
- _______ can save money
- ____ worth more than timber.
- Land has a _____ value other than to build/farm
- ____ _____ _____ – can be quantified, recorded on balance sheets and considered in decision making.
- Governments around the world thinking along similar lines.
Free ecosystem services
Climate change-
- For plants an increase in mean global temperature is associated with an average advancement in phenology of life history events.
- Changes in flowering phenology & cascading impacts on other species (pollinators)
Study 1- First flowering date-
Fitter & Fitter 2002, Science
385 British plant species
Average first flowering date over last 50 yrs - 50 yr dataset
Variation in the distribution so some move forward by a lot more than 4.5 days or some flower later.
Results- First flowering date has moved forward by an average of 4.5 days during the last decade.
Study 2- Leaf flush: plant caterpillar bird interactions
- Change in leaf flush phenology have caused changes Caterpillar peak abundance.
- Peak date of caterpillar food for the bird’s offspring has advanced (narrow peak).
- But the Great Tits are not laying eggs any earlier.
Study 3: Frog- pathogen interactions
Both species now extinct in the wild.
- An estimated 67% of the c. 110 species of harlequin frogs are now extinct.
- Temperatures at many of their sites are shifting towards the growth optimum for outbreaks of a frog fungus. CC has given the fungus a real advantage.
The Dataset: Robertson 1928-
Charles Robertson, USA
456 plants
1,428 flower-visiting species
Linked into a network in 2002
Robertson- the plant data.
- Plants – first and last flowering dates over a 12 yr period (first first + last last)
- Aquilegia canadensis : 30th April – 7th May
Robertson: the pollinator data
Pollinators- first and last observations periods for each plant sp it visits.
Dicentra cucullaria : 9th Apr – 30th April
Cercis canadensis : 24th Apr – 5th May
Hepatica acutiloba : 27th Mar- 19th Apr
By combining data you can predict a maximum and minimum activity period for each pollinator. Can get quite precise data
Simulate climate change & count number of pollinator species with:
- No food
- Gaps in food supply
- Curtailment of food sources
If one group of species are affected by climate change, then this impact can cascade though a whole _____ of associated _____.
Flowering field margins-
Used Carvell data to make plant-pollinator networks-
Flowering field margins.
Carvell et al. (2006)
Asks about the best plant mixtures for bumble bees
Expt: 5 margin types on 6 farms
Informed policy
Used Carvell data to make plant-pollinator networks
Repeated the Robertson approach
Simulated shifts in plant and pollinator phenology.
Asked – can we add field margin plants at start and end of flowering season and so reduce mismatches (theoretically at least)
Future proofing margin mixes:
Mix 1- Nectar flower mix.
Mix 2- Wildflower mix
Number of curtailments per 1000 runs of the model. Three climate change predictions.
Scenario 1: Adding two future proofing species, one early flowering and one late flowering.
Scenario 2- The early flowering species flowers for longer.
In some cases we can mitigate for climate change.
This study needs to be tested though.
Sea level rises/flooding
Also need to change behaviour at individual, national and international scales.