Week 21- New Republic, Problems and Policies Flashcards
When did the deputies of the new National Convention declare France a republic?
22nd September 1792
What problems did the National Convention debate over?
What to do with Louis XVI.
Whether to have central or decentralised power.
Whether to listen to or ignore the sans-culottes.
Whether to have a militant or moderate approach to bring about change.
Why did the National Convention debate over the fate of Louis XVI?
The Girondins were were more cautious and wanted to consolidate what they had already achieved before dealing with the King. The Jacobins (Montagnards) wanted to see him put to trial and executed.
Why did the National Convention debate over central or decentralised power?
The Jacobins (Montagnards) had a strong power base in Paris so wanted to increase central control. The Girondins had a power base in the provinces so believed decentralisation was beneficial.
Why did the National Convention debate over the sans-culottes?
The Jacobins (Montagnards) were popular with the sans-culottes and ready to respond to their demands (imposing controls on food and wages). The Girondins were suspicious of the sans-culottes and believed economic controls would curb liberty.
Why did the National Convention debate over a militant or moderate approach?
The Jacobins (Montagnards) believed in a militant, radical approach to bring about change. The Girondins wanted a moderate approach to bring about change.
Which side of the Convention was the ‘plain’ more inclined towards?
The Girondin side.
How did the Girondins view the Montagnards?
They saw Robespierre, Danton and Marat as potential dictators.
Marat in particular was hated for his association with the September Massacres.
How did the Montagnards view the Girondins?
They accused the Girondins of lacking faith in the revolution and trying to block legitimate change.
What was the constitutional committee?
A committee comprising of Sieyès, Danton, Thomas Paine and others to draw up proposals for a new constitution to replace that of 1791.
However, the constant arguments between the Jacobins and Girondins made it difficult to make any agreement.
When did the French troops defeat the Austrians?
6th November 1792
They were defeated by the Girondin General Dumouriez at the Battle of Jemappes.
What was the outcome of the defeat of the Austrians?
The French were able to occupy the Austrian Netherlands.
The victory seemed to prove the Girondin’s support of the war and belief in spreading the ideas of revolution across Europe through the war.
This allowed them to gain support for a number of decrees.
What decrees did the Girondins pass after the defeat of the Austrians?
16th November- Declared the river Scheldt to be ‘free and open’. This incensed the United Provinces as the river ran through their territory.
19th November- Issued the ‘Edict of Fraternity’ promising ‘fraternity and assistance to all people who wish to recover their liberty.’
How did the Jacobins view the victory in the war?
For them, ‘victory at home’ was more important.
The repercussions of war were being felt throughout France,
(growing inflation and sporadic peasant rioting known as the Chouan rebellion in the west of France)
They used these problems to argue for their policy of greater central control.
When did the Convention begin debating the fate of the King?
A committee was set up on 1st November to consider the legal problems concerning the trial.
What was the armoire de fer?
A box found in the Tuileries on 20th November 1792 containing papers showing Louis’ correspondence with the Austrian Royal family.
It proved Louis’ ‘counter-revolutionary’ activities.
What were Robespierre’s views towards the execution of the King?
On 4th December, he argued for the immediate death of the King.
He proclaimed that ‘Louis must die because the country must live’.
How did the Girondins want to determine the King’s verdict and punnishment?
They proposed an ‘appeal to the people’ on 27th December to determine the verdict and punishment.
It was dismissed by the Jacobins and many of ‘the plain’.
What votes were taken to the convention regarding the execution of the King and when?
15th-17th January 1793.
- The guilt of the King- 693 to none voted him guilty.
- The idea of a referendum was rejected.
- What Louis’ sentence should be.
What sentence was it decided that the King should have?
361- For death without conditions.
The other 358 members voted for other sentences
When was the verdict of the King announced?
20th January 1793
When did Louis execution take place?
21st January 1793