Week 21 Flashcards
Party and Electoral Systems
What is the definition of a party system?
A party system consists of several parties that interact in relatively stable ways across one or more political arenas
Simply: things you can say about parties in a country without speaking about any party individually
How do the most frequent types of classifications count parties?
- Absolute number of parties
- Parties by relative weights
According to Mair’s (2009) degree of institutionalisation what type of party system has high or low institutionalisation?
High - Closed party system
Low - Open party system
What is a closed party system?
- Parties: stable numbers, vote shares and polarisation
- Well-known party interactions
- Reach across arenas
What is an open party system?
- Fluctuating parties
- Unpredictable interactions
- Limited and changing reach
How does Duverger (1954) classify party systems?
Two-party vs. multi-party systems
How does Blondel (1968) classify party systems?
- Two-party system
- Two-and-a-half party
system (West Germany)
_ Multi-party with dominant party
(Sweden, Denmark, Italy) - Multi-party without dominant
party (Netherlands, Switzerland)
How does Sartori (1976) add to party system classifications?
- Adds ideological polarisation, e.g. moderate or polarised multi-party system
What are the two major qualities of a two-party system?
- Transparent competition for government
- Implication: strong accountability
How does a two-party system create transparent competition for government?
- Two major parties (other parties might exist though)
- One winner (single party majority governments)
- Confrontational, no coalitions or joint policies
What are the implications that come from strong accountability in a two party system?
- Voters can punish the government
- Regular alterations to the government are common
- But there are limited choices for voters
Example of a country with a two party system?
What factors shape party systems?
- Social cleavages
- Electoral rules
Who created the idea of social cleavages?
Lipset and Rokkan (1967)
What are social cleavages?
Historical conflicts determine party systems
What proof is there for social cleavage theory?
- Parties do express social divisions
- Historical roots of Western European party systems