Week 208 - Hearing and Balance Flashcards
Where does Chorda Tympani pass and what does it supply?
Passes medial to malleus and lateral to incus
Carries taste fibres from anterior 2/3 of tongue
Name some drugs that cause Ototoxicity
Gentamycin Cisplatin Furosemide (IV) Aspirin Quinine
What changes do you expect to see in someone with Meniere’s disease?
Vertigo (lasting Hours)
Hearing Loss
What are the possible causes of Central Vertigo?
Hours- Migrane
Days to weeks - MS
Long term - Cerebro vascular disease
What does tenderness on palpation of tragus suggest?
Infection of EAM or temporomandibular joint
What is Tympanosclerosis?
White patches on the tympanic membrane - form of scarring
What is the Dix-Hallpike positional test for?
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
How is the nose divided into two?
By septal cartilage
What is the most common cause of Hyperthyroidism?
Graves disease
TSH receptor binding and stimulating antibodies
What is the treatment for Hyperthyroidism?
Carbimazole (12-18 months)
Propylthiouracil (alternative for pregnant/breast-feeding)
What is a Cholesteatoma?
A keratinizing squamous epithelium within middle ear cleft
Locally destructive
Foul-smelling otorrhoea (superior+posterior)
What are the possible treatments for Glue Ear?
Watch and wait
Grommets and adenoidectomy
Hearing aid
What is Presbyacusis?
Age associated hearing loss
Iatrogenic (aminoglycosides, loop diuretics, chemo)
High freq freq loos + background low freq = hard to hear
What is the treatment for Otitis Media?
Wait for 72hrs
If not, systemic Abx (e.g. amoxicillin)
What are complications that can follow Otitis Media?
Mastoiditis (commonest)
VII paralysis
Meningitis & Brain Abscess