Week 2 - The Self Flashcards
Ego theory
We have a soul and self ( can have self with cinsciousnsess)
Bundle theory
We dont have a soul ir self (cant have self without consciousnses)
Cartesian theatre
Humonclusu control our actions
Material selves
Strange loop (douglas hofstader): self emerges from a mind capable if self reference and can perceive and act on its own.
- self is just a symbol (form symbols of our self the same way we do with other poeple)
- douvle conscioussness: seeing urself thiugh perspective of others.
Material selves types: antonio damsio
- Protoself: passive feelings (primary conscioussness)
- Coreself: active monitering and modifying of feelings and sensations (secondary conscioussness)
- Autobiographical self:timeline of memories we have of ourselves across lifespan.
It doesn’t matter if determinism is true or false, because
either way we have the kind of free will that matters
• The mnemonic self: your autobiographical memories, organized into a coherent narrative
• The unified self: i.e. executive functioning; the process which makes
perceptions accessible to reasoning and decision-making
- The vigilant self: the self which forms goals and governs motivations
- The conceptual self: the symbol which represents ourselves conceptually
- The social self: the self which is apparent to other people, ie. our reputation
He used introspection on the nature of himself and what he seen was he cannot ever see himself, but only his experiences and thoughts.
He’s never not having perceptions and therefore there’s no evidence for it through introspection
—-> The self is a collection of these diff perceptions.
David hume (bundle theorist)
The experience of Self is just another experience which is continuously constructed and interpreted by our brain
Metzinger calls this the Ego Tunnel; Derek Parfit calls this psychological connectedness
Atta: metaphorical sould or self, source of thiughts and feelings.
Anatta: self doesnt exist
Pattica samuppada aka “conditioned arising” or “dependent origination”
Buddhism emphasizes universal cause and effect, the interdependence of all things without exception:
“The Ecological Thought”:
Timothy Morton’s term for thinking and acting while
aware of “the mesh”, ie. the interconnectedness of all beings
- actions are nonlocal
Derek parfit
Phsyical and psycological cirteon
Do I need to have the exact same personality, or can it change? Does it matter how much it changes?
How fast it changes? How it changes?
• Parfit’s answer:
you’re the same person if you have psychological continuity, and a different person if
you don’t, no matter how it’s achieved or whether it’s “real” (ie. causal)