week 2 : Seminar ( Nursing assesments ) Flashcards
alteration in digestive function
a. difficulty swallowing
b. accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity
c.loss of appetite
d. vomiting blood
e. dark, tarry stools
f. frank bleeding from the rectum
match the description with the term
The digestive system breaks down _____ prepares it for uptake by the body’s ____ absorbs _____ and eliminates _____
Subjective assessment –> general health history
what kind of questions are we asking ?
past medical history
- any current or past diagnoses ?
medications ?
- any current meds for gi system ?
-any current meds with s/e that can affect the GI system
obstetrical history ?
surgical history ? ( ex: colectomy, hemicolectomy, appendectomy, cholecystomy, gastrectomy, splenectomy )
significant fam history
Subjective assessment –> general health history
activity level/lifestyle
- active or sedentary ? nutritional status ?
toxin exposure ( occupational )
recent travel ?
Subjective Assessment→GENERAL HEALTH HISTORY
HPI ( history of presenting illness ) : OPQRSTUV
- pain
- n and v
- changes in BMS ( diarrhea or constipation )
- change in appetite
-weight loss
- flatulence
- distension
- gi bleeding
-allergies/food intolerances
-time of last food/drink
- date of last bm
health history : abdominal pain
what do you have to ask ?
abdominal pain ( don’t forget to use the OPQRSTUV questions )
desriptors : arching, cramping, burning, sharp, stabbing, constant, intermittent, waves, pulsation, surface, deep with movement, at rest, with touch, pressure ( light, deep ) with eating, between meals, time of day, lying down with meds, etc, associated symptoms
abdominal rigidity
objective –> assessment : ( Gi-system )
how to you do a comprehensive
- on admission
- health history
- initial head to toe ( vital signs, serves as baseline )
goal : establish baseline Gi functioning
objective- assessment –>physical assessment (Gi system ) focused
PT has a GI complaint
pt has a symptom related gi functioning
goal : is to obtain information to guide treatment
just assessing the GI tract : reassessing a new change/ complaint
how do we assess GI functioning in an organized way ?
assess , think about
asess :
- mouth/teeth
- esophagus/swallowing
- stomach
- small intestine/ large intestine
- rectum
think about :
-1) ingestion / related symptoms. drugs (mouth/teeth/esophagus/swallowing )
2) digestion/absorption related symptoms/drugs ( stomach, small intestine)
3) absorption/elimination
related symptoms/ drugs ( large intestine/rectum )
name what undergoes assessment of upper GI objective assessment
gag/swallow intact
look at lips, teeth, gums, inside mouth, neck
mucous membranes ( this will be dry sometimes due to dehydration )
teeth intact
visible masses
Upper GI symptoms : esophageal
objective assessment
presence of gag reflex
is the patient able to swallow?
- fluids
-solid food
any observable masses to the neck ?
common complaints :
1) dysphagia
2) wide rage o cuases
- sturctural/neuromuscular dysfuncrion?
what are the most common complaints for upper gi symptoms : esophageal
) Dysphagia
Wide rage of causes:
* Structural / neuromuscular dysfunction?
2) Dyspepsia / Pyrosis / “heartburn”
3) Odynophagia→painful swallowing
4) Belching
alternate nutrition: enteral feeding
parenteral feeding
pipe tube ( feeding tube can be surgical inserted, used for dysphagia ( a life long case )
Upper GI→Stomach & Sm. Intestines
objective assesments
Objective Assessment:
* Note abdomen size (distended?)
* Auscultate Bowel Sounds (hypo/hyperactive?)
* Palpate abdomen (soft/firm/tender/palpable
Upper GI→Stomach & Sm. Intestines
common complaints
( digestion/absorption )
1) Nausea
* Consider origin
* Describe (OPQRSTU)
* Alone or with vomiting/diarrhea/anorexia
* Related to meds/intake/activity
* Effective treatment
2) Vomiting
* Alone or with nausea?
* Emesis appearance? (bile/food/medications/blood*)?
* Dry heave or retch?
* Projectile, no warning?
* Precipitating factors? Related to intake/meds/activity?
* Effective treatments?
3) Abdominal Pain