Week 2 Review- Self/Gender Identity Flashcards
What is Self-perception Theory? (Bem, 1972)
When internal cues are weak, we look at our behaviour and consider the situation.
If the situation can’t explain our behaviour, we infer a corresponding internal state.
What is Intrinsic Modivation?
Internal- doing something out of interest, enjoyment, challenge.
What is Extrinsic Modivation?
External- Doing something for money, marks, recgonition
What is the over-justification effect?
When rewards are introduced for intrinsically motivated behaviours, the behaviour becomes over-justified.
We start to explain the behavour by the rewards rather than our own modivations.
What is the Social Comparison theory? (Fetinger, 1954)
When uncertain about our abilities or opinions, we evaluate self through comparisons with similar others.
Upward comparison- compare self to better
Downwards comparison- compare self to worse
What is the Independent view of the self?
Define oneself using own thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Typical in Western cultures
What is the interdependent view of the self?
Define oneself using one’s relationships to others and that our behaviour is determined by thoughts, feelings and behaviours of others. Typical in Eastern cultures.
What is the Sociometer Theory of self-esteem? (Leary & Baumeister, 2000)
Self-esteem driven by a need for connection and approval.
Self-esteem signals level of social inclusion.
What is the Terror Management Theory of self-esteem? (Greenberg et al., 1997)
Self-esteem driven by self-preservation but conscious and scared of death.
To cope, we construct and adhere to a cultural worldview that provides meaning and purpose
What is Self-awareness theory (Carver, 2003)
Self-focused attention leads us to compare ourselves to internal standards and values.
Not meeting internal standards leads to discomfort
If expectation for discrepancy reduction is high, behavour will be matched to standards
If expectation low, self awareness is withdrawn from.
What is Self-Enhancement?
people are motivated to feel good about themselves and this can affect their thoughts and behaviours
What is the Better-Than-Average Self-enhancement effect?
People are biased towards thinking they are better than they are.
What is the self-serving belief of Self-enhancing recollections?
Believing we did better than we actually did.
What is the self-serving belief of Self-enhancing recollections?
Believing we did better than we actually did.
What is the self-serving belief of Attributions?
take credit for success, but blame others for our failures
What is the self-serving belief of Optimism about one’s future?
thinking you will do better in life than your peers; illusion of control
What is Self-verification?
We want others to see us the way we see ourselves
What is Gender?
Cultural expectations associated with biological sex
What is gender identity?
A person’s inherent sense of being male, female, or another gender.
What is Sexual Orientation?
Enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attraction to others of the same or other gender/sex
What is gender constancy?
Gender as a stable trait