week 2 racism Flashcards
Racism – Williams et al (2000)
Conceptualizes the term ‘racism’ to refer to an “organized system that leads to the subjugation of some human population groups relative to others”
-Human population groups are categorized & ranked relative to others- ideology of inferiority
Negative Attitudes & Beliefs- Development of negative attitudes & beliefs toward racial outgroups (prejudice)
* Incorporated into societal policies and institutions
Differential Treatment-* Differential treatment of members of the outgroups by individuals and institutions
3 Primary Mechanisms: Racism affects Mental
Institutional Discrimination
* Restrict Socioeconomic Mobility
* Resulting in racial differences (SES) & Exposure to poor living conditions and limiting of opportunities and social mobility
Experiences of Discrimination
* Adversely Affect Mental Health * Psychological stress & distress
Stigma of Inferiority
* Internalized negative stereotyping & stigma
* Affect psychosocial functioning
Anti-Black Racism Historical Roots that underpin present day institutionalized racism (Williams, 2000)
-Perpetuated by Ideologies that reinforced Slave trade & colonization
-Actively translated into policies that restricted access to education, employment, social mobility, and integration of -African Americans through segregation in the USA through racist policies and laws.
-Negative Racial stereotypes pervasive in society and culture undermine and impede equitable access to opportunity, employment, and integration.
-Resultant impacts on socio-economic status and social determinants of health which are strong predictors of mental health
-Institutionalized discrimination in the administration of Justice in courts of law
Anti-Indigenous Racism: Historical Systemic Roots to the Present-day inequities
Institutionalized systemic racism in policies and practices
Systemic & Cultural Genocide
Stigma Defined – Simple Dictionary Definition
Definition of stigma
* 1a : a mark of shame or discredit : stain bore the stigma of cowardice. b plural usually stigmata : an identifying mark or characteristic specifically : a specific diagnostic sign of a disease.
Levels of Stigma in Relation to Mental Health & Substance Use: “Double Stigma”
* Society, culture, and communities endorse negative stereotypes and act in harmful/discriminatory ways
* Widespread endorsement of stereotypes (e.g., dangerousness) that influence and shape policies and institutions.
* Resulting in regressive reforms and punitive policies (Asylums, War on Drugs)
* Internalized fear/shame of social stigma (“crazy/Weak”
* Key deterrent in seeking help and adhering to treatment
Re-visiting Keyes’ (2002) “Flourishing” Dimensions Positive Mental Health Functioning
Racism – Discrimination - Stigma
Psychological Well-Being
* Self-Acceptance
* Positive Relationships
* Personal Growth
* Purpose in Life
* Environmental Mastery
* Autonomy/Self- determination
Social Well-Being
- Social Coherence
- Social Actualization * Social Integration
- Social Acceptance * Social Contribution
Emotional Well-Being
* Positive Feelings about life
* Satisfaction with life
* Perceptions and evaluations of positive and negative affec
Impacts of Racism, Discrimination, & Stigma on Mental Health and Substance Use Services
- Barriers to Timely Access to Services
- Poorer outcomes when accessing services
- Poorer experiences when receiving services
- Late entry to services (too sick or acute when first entry)
- Entry to services through criminal justice system
Trauma-Informed Approach Perspective
- Historical Trauma
- Inter-generational Trauma
- Violence and Oppression
- Trauma of Racism, Discrimination, & Stigma
- Loss & Grief
- Resilience and Hope
Moving Away from What is Wrong to What has Happened?
What is Wrong with the Person?
Trauma- Informed
What Has Happened to the Person