Week 2 - H - Pruritus (Pruritoceptive/Neuropathic/genic/Psychogenic), Dermatitis (contact, atopic, seborrhoeic, venous) Flashcards
What is the definition of pruritus?
Pruritus aka itch is defined as
A usually unpleasant, poorly localised, non-adapting sensation that provokes the desire to scratch
There are different classifications for the causes of itch * pruritoceptive * neuropathic * neurogenic * psychogenic Define these classifications of itch and give an example of a condition
* Pruritoceptive itch - something (usually inflammation or dryness) within the skin that triggers itch - eg eczema
* Neuropathic itch - damage to central or peripheral nerves causing itch eg the all over itch some people with multiple sclerosis get or the itch instead of pain some people get following herpes zoster
* Neruogenic itch - no evident damage to nerve tissue but itch caused by CNS effects - eg after opiates
* Psychogenic itch - psychological causes eg itch in delusions of infestation
There are different mediators of itch * Chemical mediators * nerve transmission * central nervous system mediators
What are examples from each of these three?
Chemical mediators eg histamine and tryptase
Nerve transmission mediatiors - unmyelinated C fibres
Central nervous system mediators - opiates
Time to identify different itchy conditions from a picture
Scalp psoriasis -pruritoceptive itch
This is lichen planus
Pruritic purple planar, poly-angular papules (itchy violaceous flat-topped papules)
Can see the horizontal line showing Koebner’s phenomenon - when lesions arise ina site of trauma
This patient has a scabies infection
To be exact has Norwegian scabies -the highly infectious chronic crusted form of scabies where thousands of mites embed
Define hypekeratosis, parakeratosis, acanthosis?
* Hyperkeratosis is the increased thickness of the keratin
* Parakeratosis- persistence of nuceli in the keratin layer
* Acanthosis is the increased thickness of the epidermis
What condition discussed in a different set of cards are both hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis seen in?
What else is seen histologically in this condition?
Hyperkeratosis and parakersotis are are seen in the stratum corneum in psoriasis - along wth munro microabscesses (small collections of leucocytes which attract complement causing inflamamtion)
Also there is a thickened stratum spinosum and large capillary vessels within the papillary dermis
What is oedema between keratincoytes known as? - this can occur in eczema
Spongiosis - oedema between keratinocytes
What is another word for dermatitis? - there are many different types
Try and define eczema (not atopic eczema - just eczema in general)
What are the clinical features?
Dermatitis is also known as eczema
Eczema is an inflammatory skin reaction characterized histologically by spongiosus (oedema) with varying degrees of acanthosis
The clinical features are mainly due to the spongiosus
* The main clinical feature is itching - a rash that is never itchy is unlikely to be dermatitis.
* Other features caused by the spongiosus include redness, scaling and papulo-vesicles
Two main classification schemes for eczema are * Time course - acute and chronic * Aetiology based There is an acute phase and a chronic phase in dermatitis
What is seen in acute dermatitis? (histology and clinically)
Acute phase
Definite spongiosus on histology- fluid separating the epidermal cells
Papulovesicular rash
Erythematous lesions
Oooze or scaling
What is seen in the chronic phase of dermatits?
Chronic dermatitis
Orthokeratotic hyperkeratotis - thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis (hyperkeratosis) with non-nucleated keratinocytes retained in this layer.
(Hyperkeratosis with parakeratosis seen in psoriasis)
Also elevated plaques and scaling
Discussed the acute and subacute symptoms that can occur in eczema There are many different types of eczema and they can be classified as endogenous or exogenous
What is the difference between endogenous and exogenous eczema and give examples?
Endogenous eczema - due to conditions within the body - eg
* atopic dermaitis or
* seborrhoeic dermatitis or
* stasis dermatitis (venous/varicose eczema)
Exogenous eczema - due to external factors * eg contact dermatitis (irritant or allergic)
The main four types of eczema we shall discuss * Contact dermatitis - exogenous * Atopic dermatitis * Seborrhoeic dermatitis * Stasis dermatitis
What is the difference in the mechanism of irritant and allergic contact dermatitis?
Allergic contact dermatitis is an immune mediated dermatitis due to a delayed (type IV) hypersensitivty reaction to a previously encountered allergen
Irritant contact dermatitis is due to the direct irritant action of a substance on the skin and is common in eg hospital works due to frequent hand washing
What is the immunopathology of allergic contact dermatitis?
In allergic contact dermatitis, the langerhans cells in epidermis process the antigen and present it to the lymph nodes in the dermis containing T-helper cells
The T-helper cells then become sensitised and Th1 mediated reaction happens upon re-exposure to the antigen - typically 24-48 hours after reaction
What are common allergens causing contact dermatitis and what are the symptoms of the condition?
Common allergens include nickel as seen in trouser buckle, jewellery, watches, chromates in cement and leather, susbtances in gloves
Symptoms usually involved a red itchy rash with papulovesicle formation and oozing/crusting (symptoms replicate acute phase of dermatitis)