Week 1 - C - Anatomy of the limbs - fascia, arteries/veins (superficial/deep), venous valves, lymph drainage Flashcards
What are the two layers of fascia deep to teh skin known as?
Superficial fascia - subcutaenous tissue Deep fascia
What is the superficial fascia made up of? What is the deep fascia made up of?
The superficial fascia is made up from loose connective tissue and fat The deep fascia is made up of dense connective tissue
What is the deep fascia that divides the limbs into compartments known as? What is the deep fascia in the thigh known as? What is the deep fascia in the leg known as?
These are known as intermuscular septum The fascia lata - deep fascia of the thigh The crural fascia - deep fascia of the leg
What is simple the arterial blood supply to the hand starting from subclavian artery?
Subclavian artery –> at lateral border of 1st rib becomes axillary –> gives off produnda brachii (deep brachial ) and brachial Brachial splits within the cubital fossa to give the radial (lateral) and ulnar arteries (medial) Ulnar continues onto the superficial palmar arch Radial continues onto the deep palmar arch
What is simple arterial blood supply to the leg starting from femoral artery?
Femoral (gives off produnda femoris -deep femoral artery) - becomes popliteal when passing through adductor hiatus Popliteal bifurcates to give anterior tibial and posterior tibial artery Dorsalis pedis - continuation of anterior tibial Medial and lateral plantar arteries - bifurcate from posterior tibial
Which artery gives off the fibular artery?
The fibular artery is a branch of the posterior tibial artery and supplies the lateral compartment of the leg
What does the cephalic vein arise from? What aspect of the limb does it run in? What does it drain into?
Cephalic vein arises from the dorsal venous network of the hand and travels in the lateral aspect of the upper limb It travels in the deltopectoral groove and drains into the axillary vein
What does the basilic vein arise from? What aspect of the limb does it run in? What does it drain into? What joins the cepalic and basilic veins at the anterior aspect of the elbow joint?
Basiclic vein arises from the dorsal venous netwrok and travels in the medial aspect of the upper limb It drains into the brachial vein which drains into the axillary vein Cephalic (lateral) and basilic (medial) joined by the median cubital vein
Which veins run accompanying the brachial artery?
This would be the venae commitantes
Were does the great saphenous vein arise? Where does it cross the ankle joint? What does it drain into?
The great saphenous vein arises from the dorsal vein of the big toe merging with the dorsal venous arch of the foot. It then passes anterior to the medial malleolus at the ankle and travels along the medial aspect of the limb (goes posterior at the knee joint) and passes through the spahenous hiatus to drain into the femoral vein
Where does the small spehnous vein arise? What does it drain into?
The small saphenous vein arises from the dorsal vein from the little toe merging with the dorsal venous arch of the foot It travels posteriorly in the midline of the leg to drain into the popiteal vein posterior to the knee
Venous blood normally flow from superficial veins into deep veins through perforating veins What do venous valves ensure and what happens when they become incompetent?
Venous valves ensure unidirectional blood flow against gravity Incompetent valves result in reverse flow into superficial veins The valves become weak and dilated and this cause varicose veins
What can cause an increased venous drainage pressure?
Heart failure - right heart failure - back pressure into veins draining into the RA DVT External compression eg a tumour
What is the pathogenesis of a venous ulceration?
Chronic venous insufficiency Venous pressure increases This causes damage to the blood vessels in the skin leading to the skin becoming dry, itchy and inflamed (haemosiderin, eczema changes, lipodermatosclerosis) Cannot heal well due to poor blood supply leading to the skin beginning to break down - Ulceration
What is the most common area for a venous ulcer to occur?
Gaiter area is the most common area - medial aspect of leg