Week 2- Gross Anatomy of the Central & Peripheral Venous System Flashcards
What are large muscular veins?
Gastrocnemius veins
Does the Gastroc have an accompanied artery?
Where does the gastroc empty into?
The popliteal vein
Where does the Popliteal vein lie?
in the popliteal fossa/ behind the knee
Where does the Popliteal vein become the femoral vein?
in the Adductor/ Hunters Canal
Where does the Femoral vein run along?
medial thigh
How often is the Femoral Vein duplicated?
50% of the time
What does the Common Fem confluence with?
Deep/ profunda Femoral Vein
What does the confluence of the deep and femoral vein form?
Common Femoral Vein
Where does the Deep femoral vein run along?
Very deep close to the femur
Why is the deep femoral vein important?
to make collateral pathways
Where does the common Fem lie?
In the groin
What does the common fem become?
the EIV (external iliac vein)
What does the EIC confluence with?
the IIV (internal iliac vein)
What does the EIC and IIC confluence to become?
The common iliac vein
What does the internal iliac veins drain blood from?
the pelvic region
What does the Left and Right CIV confluence to become?
the IVC at the level of the 5th lumbar
What passes beneath the RCIA
the LCIV
What may account for increased LCIV DVT?
the LCIV passing beneath the RCIA, causing May-Thurner syndrome
Where does the IVC continue to?
the Right atrium of the heart
What are some anatomic variations of the deep veins?
- Duplicated femoral vein
- Duplicated popliteal vein
- cranial course of one ATA (gives appearance duplicate pop in transverse.
Rare Variations of the Deep Veins
- Duplicate IVC
- Retro aortic (behind the aorta) left renal vein
- Duplicate common iliac vein
- Only 1 deep vein in thigh (CFV, FV, & PFV) are combined
Where is the great saphenous vein formed?
from the digital veins in the foot
What is the longest vein in the body?
The great Saphenous, medially coursing dorsum of foot to the groin
What is the Saphenofemoral junction?
the confluence of the great saphenous with the CFV.
The small saphenous ascends what?
the back of the leg.
What does the small saphenous vein confluence with?
the popliteal vein.
What is the Vein of Giacomini?
Where the SSV joins the GSV via the posterior thigh circumflex.
What are the Intersaphenous veins?
Veins that connect the GSV and SSV in the calf or thigh.
What are perforating veins?
veins that form connections between superficial and deep veins, have accompanying perforating arteries.
How big is a typical perforating vein?
How many valves does a perforating vein have?
1-3 valves each
Each lower extremity can contain how many perforators?
What is the most common perforators seen while scanning?
The posterior tibial perforators AKA crockett perforators
What are Communicating veins?
Vessels that connect in the same system
Venous sinuses can be found where?
in the spaces between dura mater and periosteum
Where do the venous sinuses terminate?
in the internal jugular veins
Where does the Radial vein travel?
on the lateral aspect of the hand.
Are the radial veins paired?
What does Venae comitantes mean?
corresponding veins
What vein travels down the medial aspect of the arm?
The ulnar veins
What is formed by the confluence of the radial and ulnar veins?
The brachial vein.
Where is the brachial vein usually formed?
near the elbow of antecubital fossa
What vein is formed near the axilla?
The Axillary vein
The axillary vein is the confluence of what 2 veins?
the brachial and basilic
The subclavian is formed by the confluence of what 2 veins?
the axillary and cephalic vein
The subclavian vein usually near what?
The lateral border of the first rib.
The Innominate vein is formed by the confluence of what 2 veins?
subclavian and internal jugular.
Is the innominate vein bilateral?
Yes, both left and right sides have an innominate vein.
What is formed by the confluence of the right and left innominate veins?
The SVC (superior vena ceva)
Is the cephalic vein a deep or superficial vein?
What superficial vein is located on the lateral aspect of the forearm and upper arm?
the Cephalic vein
What vein does the cephalic vein confluence with?
the axillary vein
Where does the basilic vein run?
medially up the arm.
How is the basilic vein different?
It branches at the elbow and be very hard to follow the more distal you go.
The portal system drains what?
It drains the digestive tract to the portal vein.
1. Pancreas
2. Spleen
3. gallbladder
4. mesentery
Where is the blood cleaned?
in the liver sinusoids
The portal vein provides how much blood to the liver?
The portal vein carries blood to what?
the liver sinusoids
What does Hepatopetal mean
TOWARD the liver
What carries blood from the liver to the IVC?
the hepatic veins
What is the term for “away from the liver”?
What drains the blood from the kidneys?
the Renal veins
the renal veins carry blood directly to what?
to the IVC
What are some different aspects of the LRV?
- Anterior to the aorta
- Longer than the right
What is positioned anterior to corresponding arteries?
the LRV
What is one main function of veins?/
To carry waste products of cellular activity
What is Venomotor tone
muscle layer responding to the sympathetic nervous system telling it to contract.
Why are some reasons vessels contract?
- temperature
- exercise
- stress
- trauma
What are the 3 layers of the veins?
- Inner layer ( tunica intima)
- middle layer ( tunica media)
- Outer layer (tunica adventita)
What layer contains the vasa vasorum?
Tunica Adventitia
What is the vasa vasorum?
blood vessels that feed the blood vessels.
Where are bicuspid valves located?
the intimal layer of the vessel
What is the main function of the bicuspid valve?
keep blood flowing in one direction, They snap shut during retrograde flow.