Week 2 Ethics Flashcards
What are personal beliefs and principles about right/wrong that could be culturally driven?
What is frequently occurring conflict?
ethical issue
Define ethics
Practical discipline that provides rules/guidance about how one should act in the consideration of others
By following the law you will be morally correct.
When you know the right thing to do but something is constraining that from happening.
ethical distress/moral distress
Define ethical dilemma
conflict has 2 morally correct courses of action that cannot both be followed
State 3 ethical approaches
- Descriptive ethics
- Normative ethics
- Metaethics
Ethical approach that identifies what you should do ethically; correct moral principles
Normative ethics
3 ethical theories
- Normative ethics
- virtue of ethics
- ethics of care
What is the descriptive ethical approach? (4 points)
o How people reason and act in different societies and cultures
o Moral beliefs, behaviors, etc.
o Examine society’s perception of right and wrong
o Non-judgmental if society has correct ethical principles
Define metaethics ethical approach
Identifies what is occurring, not what should occur ethically
Most recognized teleological theory
2 normative ethics theories
- teleological theory
2. deontological theory
Normative ethical theory says that the end justifies the means
teleological theory
Teleological theory that supports the decision that brings the greatest good to greatest # of people